my @args = @_;
no warnings 'redefine';
if ($Moose::SUPER_SLOT{$_super_package}) {
- local *{$Moose::SUPER_SLOT{$_super_package}} = sub { $super->(@args) };
+ local *{$Moose::SUPER_SLOT{$_super_package}} = sub { $super->body->(@args) };
return $method->(@args);
} else {
confess "Trying to call override modifier'd method without super()";
local *{$Moose::INNER_SLOT{$_super_package}} = sub {};
- return $super->(@args);
+ return $super->body->(@args);
else {
- return $super->(@args);
+ return $super->body->(@args);
ok(!defined(Number('Foo')), '... this is not a Num');
my $number_tc = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint('Number');
- is($number_tc->name, 'Number', '... type constraint stringifies to name');
+ is("$number_tc", 'Number', '... type constraint stringifies to name');
ok(String('Foo'), '... this is a Str');