use Test::SQL::Translator qw(maybe_plan);
- maybe_plan(122, 'SQL::Translator::Parser::PostgreSQL');
+ maybe_plan(129, 'SQL::Translator::Parser::PostgreSQL');
my $f11 = shift @t1_fields;
is( $f11->name, 'f_timestamp', 'Eleventh field is "f_timestamp"' );
-is( $f11->data_type, 'timestamp', 'Field is a timestamp' );
+is( $f11->data_type, 'timestamp with time zone', 'Field is a timestamp with time zone' );
is( $f11->is_nullable, 1, 'Field can be null' );
is( $f11->size, 0, 'Size is "0"' );
is( $f11->default_value, undef, 'Default value is "undef"' );
is( $f11->is_primary_key, 0, 'Field is not PK' );
is( $f11->is_foreign_key, 0, 'Field is not FK' );
+my $f12 = shift @t1_fields;
+is( $f12->name, 'f_timestamp2', '12th field is "f_timestamp2"' );
+is( $f12->data_type, 'timestamp without time zone', 'Field is a timestamp without time zone' );
+is( $f12->is_nullable, 1, 'Field can be null' );
+is( $f12->size, 0, 'Size is "0"' );
+is( $f12->default_value, undef, 'Default value is "undef"' );
+is( $f12->is_primary_key, 0, 'Field is not PK' );
+is( $f12->is_foreign_key, 0, 'Field is not FK' );
# my $fk_ref2 = $f11->foreign_key_reference;
# isa_ok( $fk_ref2, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint', 'FK' );
# is( $fk_ref2->reference_table, 't_test2', 'FK is to "t_test2" table' );