my %skip = map { $_ => 1 } (
'App-CPAN2Pkg', # tk tests are graphical
'App-USBKeyCopyCon', # gtk tests are graphical
+ 'Bot-Backbone', # poe-loop-ev prompts
'CatalystX-Restarter-GTK', # gtk tests are graphical
'CM-Permutation', # OpenGL uses graphics in Makefile.PL
'Dackup', # depends on running ssh
Foorum # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
Graphics-Primitive-Driver-CairoPango # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
Grimlock # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
+IM-Engine-Plugin-Dispatcher # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
IMS-CP-Manifest # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
Locale-Handle-Pluggable # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
marc-moose # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
App-PgCryobit # requires postgres installation
Archive-RPM # requires cpio
Catalyst-Engine-Stomp # depends on alien::activemq
+Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Memcached # requires memcached
Cave-Wrapper # requires cave to be installed
CHI-Driver-Redis # requires redis server
Crypt-Random-Source-Strong-Win32 # windows only
HTML-TreeBuilderX-ASP_NET # broken
HTTP-Engine-Middleware # missing dep on yaml
Image-Robohash # Graphics::Magick doesn't exist
-IM-Engine-Plugin-Dispatcher # p::d::declarative changed dists
JavaScript-Framework-jQuery # coerce with no coercion
Jifty # Test::WWW::Selenium needs devel::repl
JSORB # broken
Jungle # broken
Kamaitachi # pod::coverage fail
KiokuDB-Backend-Files # broken
+LaTeX-TikZ # broken (with moose)
Mail-Summary-Tools # DT::Format::DateManip is broken
MediaWiki-USERINFO # broken
Mildew # depends on mxms
MooseX-Method-Signatures # broken
MooseX-Struct # ancient moose apis
MooseX-Types-Parameterizable # broken
+MouseX-Types # broken (with moose)
MySQL-Util # pod-coverage fail
Nagios-Passive # broken
+Net-APNS # broken (with moose)
Net-FluidDB # broken
Net-Fluidinfo # broken
Net-Google-Blogger # broken
Tapper-Reports-API # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
Tapper-Testplan # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
Telephone-Mnemonic-US # rpm-build-perl is broken
+Template-Plugin-Heritable # weird dep issues (not test::dm related)
Test-A8N # broken
Test-BDD-Cucumber # clone::fast is broken
Test-Daily # configure errors