# Add the data keys for edges, i.e. witnesses
- my %wit_hash;
my $wit_ctr = 0;
- foreach my $wit ( @{$self->tradition->witnesses} ) {
- my $wit_key = 'w' . $wit_ctr++;
- $wit_hash{$wit->sigil} = $wit_key;
+ foreach my $wit_key( qw/ main ante_corr / ) {
my $key = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'key' );
- $key->setAttribute( 'attr.name', _make_xml_attr( $wit->sigil ) );
+ $key->setAttribute( 'attr.name', "witness_$wit_key" );
$key->setAttribute( 'attr.type', 'string' );
$key->setAttribute( 'for', 'edge' );
- $key->setAttribute( 'id', $wit_key );
- my $ackey = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'key' );
- $ackey->setAttribute( 'attr.name', _make_xml_attr( $wit->sigil ) . "_ante_corr" );
- $ackey->setAttribute( 'attr.type', 'string' );
- $ackey->setAttribute( 'for', 'edge' );
- $ackey->setAttribute( 'id', $wit_key . "a" );
+ $key->setAttribute( 'id', 'w'.$wit_ctr++ );
# Add the graph, its nodes, and its edges
my $node_ctr = 0;
my %node_hash;
- foreach my $n ( $self->readings ) {
+ foreach my $n ( sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } $self->readings ) {
my %this_node_data = ();
foreach my $ndi ( 0 .. $#node_data ) {
my $key = $node_data[$ndi];
my $edge_ctr = 0;
- foreach my $e ( $self->paths() ) {
+ foreach my $e ( sort { $a->from->name cmp $b->from->name } $self->paths() ) {
my( $name, $from, $to ) = ( 'e'.$edge_ctr++,
- $node_hash{ $e->from()->name() },
- $node_hash{ $e->to()->name() } );
+ $node_hash{ $e->from->name() },
+ $node_hash{ $e->to->name() } );
my $edge_el = $graph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'edge' );
$edge_el->setAttribute( 'source', $from );
$edge_el->setAttribute( 'target', $to );
$edge_el->setAttribute( 'id', $name );
# Add the witness
my $base = $e->label;
- my $ante_corr;
+ my $key = 'w0';
+ # TODO kind of hacky
if( $e->label =~ /^(.*?)\s+(\(a\.c\.\))$/ ) {
- ( $base, $ante_corr ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ $base = $1;
+ $key = 'w1';
- my $key = $wit_hash{$base};
- $key .= "a" if $ante_corr;
my $wit_el = $edge_el->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'data' );
$wit_el->setAttribute( 'key', $key );
- $wit_el->appendText( $e->label );
+ $wit_el->appendText( $base );
# Return the thing
-use vars qw/ $xpc %nodedata /;
+use vars qw/ $xpc $nodedata /;
+map { $nodedata->{'CollateX'}->{$_} = undef } qw/ number token identical ranking /;
+map { $nodedata->{'Text::Tradition'}->{$_} = undef } qw/ name reading identical position /;
sub parse {
- my( $tradition, $graphml_str ) = @_;
+ my( $tradition, $graphml_str, $generator ) = @_;
+ $generator = 'CollateX' unless $generator;
my $collation = $tradition->collation;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
foreach my $k ( $xpc->findnodes( '//g:key' ) ) {
# Each key has a 'for' attribute; the edge keys are witnesses, and
# the node keys contain an ID and string for each node.
+ my $keyid = $k->getAttribute( 'id' );
+ my $keyname = $k->getAttribute( 'attr.name' );
if( $k->getAttribute( 'for' ) eq 'node' ) {
# The node data keys we expect are:
# 'identical' -> the node of which this node is
# a transposed version
# 'position' -> a calculated position for the node
- $nodedata{ $k->getAttribute( 'attr.name' ) } = $k->getAttribute( 'id' );
+ warn( "No data key $keyname defined for $generator GraphML" )
+ unless exists( $nodedata->{$generator}->{$keyname} );
+ $nodedata->{$generator}->{$keyname} = $keyid;
} else {
- $witnesses{ $k->getAttribute( 'id' ) } = $k->getAttribute( 'attr.name' );
+ $witnesses{ $keyid } = $keyname;
- my $has_explicit_positions = defined $nodedata{'position'};
+ my $has_explicit_positions = defined $nodedata->{$generator}->{'position'};
# Add the witnesses that we have found
foreach my $wit ( values %witnesses ) {
my $extra_data = {};
my @nodes = $xpc->findnodes( '//g:node' );
foreach my $n ( @nodes ) {
- my $id = _lookup_node_data( $n, 'number' );
- $id = _lookup_node_data( $n, 'name' ) unless $id;
- my $token = _lookup_node_data( $n, 'token' );
- $token = _lookup_node_data( $n, 'reading' ) unless $token;
+ # Could use a better way of registering these
+ my $nodeid_key = $generator eq 'CollateX' ? 'number' : 'name';
+ my $reading_key = $generator eq 'CollateX' ? 'token' : 'reading';
+ my $id = _lookup_node_data( $n, $nodeid_key, $generator );
+ my $token = _lookup_node_data( $n, $reading_key, $generator );
my $gnode = $collation->add_reading( $id );
$node_name{ $n->getAttribute('id') } = $id;
$gnode->text( $token );
# Now get the rest of the data, i.e. not the ID or label
my $extra = {};
- foreach my $k ( keys %nodedata ) {
- next if $k =~ /^(number|token)$/;
- $extra->{ $k } = _lookup_node_data( $n, $k );
+ foreach my $k ( keys %{$nodedata->{$generator}} ) {
+ next if $k eq $nodeid_key || $k eq $reading_key;
+ next unless $nodedata->{$generator}->{$k};
+ $extra->{ $k } = _lookup_node_data( $n, $k, $generator );
$extra_data->{ $id } = $extra;
my %node_id = reverse %node_name;
## Record the nodes that are marked as transposed.
- my $tr_xpath = '//g:node[g:data[@key="' . $nodedata{'identical'} . '"]]';
+ my $tr_xpath = '//g:node[g:data[@key="' . $nodedata->{$generator}->{'identical'} . '"]]';
my $transposition_nodes = $xpc->find( $tr_xpath );
foreach my $tn ( @$transposition_nodes ) {
my $id_xpath = sprintf( './g:data[@key="%s"]/text()',
- $nodedata{'identical'} );
+ $nodedata->{$generator}->{'identical'} );
my $tn_reading = $collation->reading( $node_id{ $tn->getAttribute( 'id' ) } );
my $main_reading = $collation->reading( $node_name{ $xpc->findvalue( $id_xpath, $tn ) } );
if( $collation->linear ) {
sub _lookup_node_data {
- my( $xmlnode, $key ) = @_;
- return undef unless exists $nodedata{$key};
+ my( $xmlnode, $key, $generator ) = @_;
+ return undef unless exists $nodedata->{$generator}->{$key};
my $lookup_xpath = './g:data[@key="%s"]/child::text()';
- my $data = $xpc->findvalue( sprintf( $lookup_xpath, $nodedata{$key} ),
+ my $data = $xpc->findvalue( sprintf( $lookup_xpath, $nodedata->{$generator}->{$key} ),
$xmlnode );
return $data;