Revision history for DBIx::Class
+ * New Features / Changes
+ - Add quote_names connection option. When set to true automatically
+ sets quote_char and name_sep appropriate for your RDBMS
+ - Support for MS Access databases via DBD::ODBC and DBD::ADO (only
+ Win32 support currently tested)
+ - IC::DateTime support for MSSQL over DBD::ADO
+ - Both the ::ODBC and ::ADO dispatchers now warn if a rdbms-specific
+ driver is not found for this connection before falling back to
+ plain ::Storage::DBI
+ - ::Storage::DBI::sth was mistakenly marked/documented as public,
+ privatize and warn on deprecated use
+ - Massive overhaul of bind values/attributes handling - slightly
+ changes the output of as_query (should not cause compat issues)
+ - Support ancient DB2 versions (5.4 and older), with proper limit
+ dialect
+ * Fixes
+ - Fix ::Storage::DBI::* MRO problems on 5.8.x perls
+ - Disable mysql_auto_reconnect for MySQL - depending on the ENV
+ it sometimes defaults to on and causes major borkage on older
+ DBD::mysql versions
+ - Fix dropped bind values in select/group_by on Oracle (omission
+ from 0542ec57 and 4c2b30d6)
+ - Fix remaining errors with Oracle and identifiers longer than the
+ Oracle-imposed maximum of 30 characters (RT#66390)
+ - Fix older oracle-specific "WhereJoins" to work properly with
+ name quoting
+ - Fix problems with M.A.D. under CGI::SpeedyCGI (RT#65131)
+ - Better error handling when prepare() fails silently
+ - Fixes skipped lines when a comment is followed by a statement
+ when deploying a schema via sql file
+ - Fix reverse_relationship_info on prototypical result sources
+ (sources not yet registered with a schema)
+ - Warn and skip relationships missing from a partial schema during
+ dbic cascade_delete
+ - Automatically require the requested cursor class before use
+ (RT#64795)
+ - Work around a Firebird ODBC driver bug exposed by DBD::ODBC 1.29
+ - Fix exiting via next warnings in ResultSource::sequence()
+ - Fix stripping of table qualifiers in update/delete in arrayref
+ condition elements
+ - Change SQLMaker carp-monkeypatch to be compatible with versions
+ of SQL::Abstract >= 1.73
+ - Fix using \[] literals in the from resultset attribute
+ - Fix populate() with \[], arrays (datatype) and other exotic values
+ * Misc
+ - Rewire all warnings to a new Carp-like implementation internal
+ to DBIx::Class, and remove the Carp::Clan dependency
+ - Only load Class::C3 and friends if necessary ($] < 5.010)
+ - Greatly reduced loading of non-essential modules to aid startup
+ time (mainly benefiting CGI users)
+ - Make sure all namespaces are clean of rogue imports
+ 0.08190-TRIAL 2011-01-24 15:35 (UTC)
+ * New Features / Changes
+ - Support for completely arbitrary SQL::Abstract-based conditions
+ in all types of relationships
0.08127 2011-01-19 16:40 (UTC)
* New Features / Changes
- Schema/resultsource instances are now crossreferenced via a new
--- /dev/null
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More;
+ use Test::Exception;
+ use lib qw(t/lib);
+ use DBICTest;
+ use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
+ my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+ $schema->resultset('Artist')->delete;
+ $schema->resultset('CD')->delete;
+ my $artist = $schema->resultset("Artist")->create({ artistid => 21, name => 'Michael Jackson', rank => 20 });
+ my $artist2 = $schema->resultset("Artist")->create({ artistid => 22, name => 'Chico Buarque', rank => 1 }) ;
+ my $artist3 = $schema->resultset("Artist")->create({ artistid => 23, name => 'Ziraldo', rank => 1 });
+ my $artist4 = $schema->resultset("Artist")->create({ artistid => 24, name => 'Paulo Caruso', rank => 20 });
+ my @artworks;
+ foreach my $year (1975..1985) {
+ my $cd = $artist->create_related('cds', { year => $year, title => 'Compilation from ' . $year });
+ push @artworks, $cd->create_related('artwork', {});
+ }
+ foreach my $year (1975..1995) {
+ my $cd = $artist2->create_related('cds', { year => $year, title => 'Compilation from ' . $year });
+ push @artworks, $cd->create_related('artwork', {});
+ }
+ foreach my $artwork (@artworks) {
+ $artwork->create_related('artwork_to_artist', { artist => $_ }) for ($artist3, $artist4);
+ }
+ my $cds_80s_rs = $artist->cds_80s;
+ is_same_sql_bind(
+ $cds_80s_rs->as_query,
+ '(
+ SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track
+ FROM cd me
+ WHERE ( ( me.artist = ? AND ( me.year < ? AND me.year > ? ) ) )
+ )',
+ [
- [ 'me.artist' => 21 ],
- [ 'me.year' => 1990 ],
- [ 'me.year' => 1979 ],
- ]
++ [
++ { sqlt_datatype => 'integer', dbic_colname => 'me.artist' }
++ => 21
++ ],
++ [
++ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100, dbic_colname => 'me.year' }
++ => 1990
++ ],
++ [
++ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100, dbic_colname => 'me.year' }
++ => 1979
++ ],
++ ],
+ );
+ my @cds_80s = $cds_80s_rs->all;
+ is(@cds_80s, 6, '6 80s cds found (1980 - 1985)');
+ map { ok($_->year < 1990 && $_->year > 1979) } @cds_80s;
+ my $cds_90s_rs = $artist2->cds_90s;
+ is_same_sql_bind(
+ $cds_90s_rs->as_query,
+ '(
+ SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track
+ FROM artist artist__row
+ JOIN cd me
+ ON ( me.artist = artist__row.artistid AND ( me.year < ? AND me.year > ? ) )
+ WHERE ( artist__row.artistid = ? )
+ )',
+ [
- [ 'me.year' => 2000 ],
- [ 'me.year' => 1989 ],
- [ 'artist__row.artistid' => 22 ],
++ [
++ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100, dbic_colname => 'me.year' }
++ => 2000
++ ],
++ [
++ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100, dbic_colname => 'me.year' }
++ => 1989
++ ],
++ [ { sqlt_datatype => 'integer', dbic_colname => 'artist__row.artistid' }
++ => 22
++ ],
+ ]
+ );
+ my @cds_90s = $cds_90s_rs->all;
+ is(@cds_90s, 6, '6 90s cds found (1990 - 1995) even with non-optimized search');
+ map { ok($_->year < 2000 && $_->year > 1989) } @cds_90s;
+ lives_ok {
+ my @cds_90s_95 = $artist2->cds_90s->search({ 'me.year' => 1995 });
+ is(@cds_90s_95, 1, '1 90s (95) cds found even with non-optimized search');
+ map { ok($_->year == 1995) } @cds_90s_95;
+ } 'should preserve chain-head "me" alias (API-consistency)';
+ # search for all artists prefetching published cds in the 80s...
+ my @all_artists_with_80_cds = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search
+ ({ 'cds_80s.cdid' => { '!=' => undef } }, { join => 'cds_80s', distinct => 1 });
+ is_deeply(
+ [ sort ( map { $_->year } map { $_->cds_80s->all } @all_artists_with_80_cds ) ],
+ [ sort (1980..1989, 1980..1985) ],
+ '16 correct cds found'
+ );
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = 'Prefetch on custom rels can not work until the collapse rewrite is finished '
+ . '(currently collapser requires a right-side (which is indeterministic) order-by)';
+ lives_ok {
+ my @all_artists_with_80_cds_pref = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search
+ ({ 'cds_80s.cdid' => { '!=' => undef } }, { prefetch => 'cds_80s' });
+ is_deeply(
+ [ sort ( map { $_->year } map { $_->cds_80s->all } @all_artists_with_80_cds_pref ) ],
+ [ sort (1980..1989, 1980..1985) ],
+ '16 correct cds found'
+ );
+ } 'prefetchy-fetchy-fetch';
+ } # end of TODO
+ # try to create_related a 80s cd
+ throws_ok {
+ $artist->create_related('cds_80s', { title => 'related creation 1' });
+ } qr/\QCustom relationship 'cds_80s' not definitive - returns conditions instead of values for column(s): 'year'/,
+ 'Create failed - complex cond';
+ # now supply an explicit arg overwriting the ambiguous cond
+ my $id_2020 = $artist->create_related('cds_80s', { title => 'related creation 2', year => '2020' })->id;
+ is(
+ $schema->resultset('CD')->find($id_2020)->title,
+ 'related creation 2',
+ '2020 CD created correctly'
+ );
+ # try a default year from a specific rel
+ my $id_1984 = $artist->create_related('cds_84', { title => 'related creation 3' })->id;
+ is(
+ $schema->resultset('CD')->find($id_1984)->title,
+ 'related creation 3',
+ '1984 CD created correctly'
+ );
+ # try a specific everything via a non-simplified rel
+ throws_ok {
+ $artist->create_related('cds_90s', { title => 'related_creation 4', year => '2038' });
+ } qr/\QCustom relationship 'cds_90s' does not resolve to a join-free condition fragment/,
+ 'Create failed - non-simplified rel';
+ # Do a self-join last-entry search
+ my @last_tracks;
+ for my $cd ($schema->resultset('CD')->search ({}, { order_by => 'cdid'})->all) {
+ push @last_tracks, $cd->tracks
+ ->search ({}, { order_by => { -desc => 'position'} })
+ ->next || ();
+ }
+ my $last_tracks_rs = $schema->resultset('Track')->search (
+ {'next_track.trackid' => undef},
+ { join => 'next_track', order_by => '' },
+ );
+ is_deeply (
+ [$last_tracks_rs->get_column ('trackid')->all],
+ [ map { $_->trackid } @last_tracks ],
+ 'last group-entry via self-join works',
+ );
+ my $artwork = $schema->resultset('Artwork')->search({},{ order_by => 'cd_id' })->first;
+ my @artists = $artwork->artists->all;
+ is(scalar @artists, 2, 'the two artists are associated');
+ my @artwork_artists = $artwork->artwork_to_artist->all;
+ foreach (@artwork_artists) {
+ lives_ok {
+ my $artista = $_->artist;
+ my $artistb = $_->artist_test_m2m;
+ ok($artista->rank < 10 ? $artistb : 1, 'belongs_to with custom rel works.');
+ my $artistc = $_->artist_test_m2m_noopt;
+ ok($artista->rank < 10 ? $artistc : 1, 'belongs_to with custom rel works even in non-simplified.');
+ } 'belongs_to works with custom rels';
+ }
+ @artists = ();
+ lives_ok {
+ @artists = $artwork->artists_test_m2m2->all;
+ } 'manytomany with extended rels in the has many works';
+ is(scalar @artists, 2, 'two artists');
+ @artists = ();
+ lives_ok {
+ @artists = $artwork->artists_test_m2m->all;
+ } 'can fetch many to many with optimized version';
+ is(scalar @artists, 1, 'only one artist is associated');
+ @artists = ();
+ lives_ok {
+ @artists = $artwork->artists_test_m2m_noopt->all;
+ } 'can fetch many to many with non-optimized version';
+ is(scalar @artists, 1, 'only one artist is associated');
+ # Make a single for each last_track
+ my @singles = map {
+ $_->create_related('cd_single', {
+ title => $_->title . ' (the single)',
+ artist => $artist,
+ year => 1999,
+ }) } @last_tracks
+ ;
+ # See if chaining works
+ is_deeply (
+ [ map { $_->title } $last_tracks_rs->search_related('cd_single')->all ],
+ [ map { $_->title } @singles ],
+ 'Retrieved singles in proper order'
+ );
+ # See if prefetch works
+ is_deeply (
+ [ map { $_->cd_single->title } $last_tracks_rs->search({}, { prefetch => 'cd_single' })->all ],
+ [ map { $_->title } @singles ],
+ 'Prefetched singles in proper order'
+ );
+ done_testing;