Meta->{values}{x_authority} = 'cpan:JROBINSON';
all_from 'lib/SQL/';
-readme_from 'lib/SQL/';
for my $type (qw/requires recommends test_requires/) {
no strict qw/refs/;
tests_recursive ();
-# temporary(?) until I get around to fix M::I wrt xt/
-# needs Module::Install::AuthorTests
-eval {
- # this should not be necessary since the autoloader is supposed
- # to work, but there were reports of it failing
- require Module::Install::AuthorTests;
- recursive_author_tests (qw/xt/);
- 1;
-} || do {
- if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) {
- my $err = $@;
- # better error message in case of missing dep
- eval { require Module::Install::AuthorTests }
- || die "\nYou need Module::Install::AuthorTests installed to run this Makefile.PL in author mode:\n\n$@\n";
- die $err;
- }
+if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) {
+ my @missing_plugins;
+ for my $plugin (qw(AuthorTests ReadmeFromPod)) {
+ unless (eval "require Module::Install::$plugin; 1") {
+ push @missing_plugins, "Module::Install::$plugin";
+ chomp(my $err = $@);
+ $missing_plugins[-1] .= " ($err)"
+ unless $err =~ m{^Can't locate Module/Install/$plugin\.pm in \@INC};
+ }
+ }
+ die "\nYou need to install the following modules to run this Makefile.PL in author mode:\n\n", join("\n", @missing_plugins), "\n\n"
+ if @missing_plugins;
+ recursive_author_tests (qw/xt/);
+ readme_from('lib/SQL/');