print qualify(\*x), "\n"; # returns \*x
print qualify(\*x, "FOO"), "\n"; # returns \*x
+ use strict refs;
+ print { qualify_to_ref $fh } "foo!\n";
+ $ref = qualify_to_ref $name, $pkg;
C<Symbol::gensym> creates an anonymous glob and returns a reference
left unchanged under the assumption that they are glob references,
which are qualified by their nature.
+C<Symbol::qualify_to_ref> is just like C<Symbol::qualify> except that it
+returns a glob ref rather than a symbol name, so you can use the result
+even if C<use strict 'refs'> is in effect.
BEGIN { require 5.002; }
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(gensym ungensym qualify qualify_to_ref);
-@EXPORT = qw(gensym ungensym qualify);
+$VERSION = 1.02;
my $genpkg = "Symbol::";
my $genseq = 0;
+sub qualify_to_ref ($;$) {
+ return \*{ qualify $_[0], @_ > 1 ? $_[1] : caller };