--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use Test;
+use DBM::Deep;
+use t::common qw( new_fh );
+my ($fh, $filename) = new_fh();
+my $db = DBM::Deep->new( file => $filename, fh => $fh, );
+my $todo = 1000;
+$db->{randkey()} = 1 for 1 .. 1000;
+plan tests => $todo*2;
+my $error_count = 0;
+my @mem = (mem(0), mem(1));
+for my $i (1 .. $todo) {
+ $db->{randkey()} = [@mem];
+ print STDERR " @mem \r";
+ my @tm = (mem(0), mem(1));
+ skip( not($mem[0]), $tm[0] <= $mem[0] );
+ skip( not($mem[1]), $tm[1] <= $mem[1] );
+ $error_count ++ if $tm[0] > $mem[0] or $tm[1] > $mem[1];
+ die " ERROR: that's enough failures to prove the point ... " if $error_count > 20;
+ @mem = @tm;
+sub randkey {
+ our $i ++;
+ my @k = map { int rand 100 } 1 .. 10;
+ local $" = "-";
+ return "$i-@k";
+sub mem {
+ open my $in, "/proc/$$/statm" or return 0;
+ my $line = [ split m/\s+/, <$in> ];
+ close $in;
+ return $line->[shift];
+ Provides information about memory status in pages. The columns are:
+ size total program size
+ resident resident set size
+ share shared pages
+ text text (code)
+ lib library
+ data data/stack
+ dt dirty pages (unused in Linux 2.6)