--- /dev/null
+Revision history for Perl extension MooseX-Singleton
+0.03 2007-12-16
+ - reimplementation as a metaclass (Sartak)
+ - initial CPAN release
+0.02 2007-12-16
+ - instance and new are really the same, cleanup (Sartak)
+0.01 2007-04-20
+ - initial implementation as a role (Debolaz)
--- /dev/null
+ MooseX::Singleton - turn your Moose class into a singleton
+ Version 0.03, released 16 Dec 07
+ package MyApp;
+ use MooseX::Singleton;
+ has env => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'HashRef[Str]',
+ default => sub { \%ENV },
+ );
+ package main;
+ delete MyApp->env->{PATH};
+ my $instance = MyApp->instance;
+ my $same = MyApp->instance;
+ A singleton is a class that has only one instance in an application.
+ "MooseX::Singleton" lets you easily upgrade (or downgrade, as it were)
+ your Moose class to a singleton.
+ All you should need to do to transform your class is to change "use
+ Moose" to "use MooseX::Singleton". This module uses a new class
+ metaclass and instance metaclass, so if you're doing metamagic you may
+ not be able to use this.
+ "MooseX::Singleton" gives your class an "instance" method that can be
+ used to get a handle on the singleton. It's actually just an alias for
+ "new".
+ Alternatively, "YourPackage->method" should just work. This includes
+ accessors.
+ Always more tests and doc
+ Fix speed boost
+ "instance" invokes "new" every time "Package->method" is called,
+ which incurs a nontrivial runtime cost. I've implemented a
+ short-circuit for this case, which does eliminate nearly all of the
+ runtime cost. However, it's ugly and should be fixed in a more
+ elegant way.
+ All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no
+ exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug to
+ cpan-RT.
+ Shawn M Moore <sartak@gmail.com>
+ Anders Nor Berle <debolaz@gmail.com>
+ Copyright 2007 Shawn M Moore.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the same terms as Perl itself.
use MooseX::Singleton::Object;
use MooseX::Singleton::Meta::Class;
-our $VERSION = 0.02;
+our $VERSION = 0.03;
sub import {
my $caller = caller;
Moose->import({into => $caller});
+=head1 NAME
+MooseX::Singleton - turn your Moose class into a singleton
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 0.03, released 16 Dec 07
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package MyApp;
+ use MooseX::Singleton;
+ has env => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'HashRef[Str]',
+ default => sub { \%ENV },
+ );
+ package main;
+ delete MyApp->env->{PATH};
+ my $instance = MyApp->instance;
+ my $same = MyApp->instance;
+A singleton is a class that has only one instance in an application.
+C<MooseX::Singleton> lets you easily upgrade (or downgrade, as it were) your
+L<Moose> class to a singleton.
+All you should need to do to transform your class is to change C<use Moose> to
+C<use MooseX::Singleton>. This module uses a new class metaclass and instance
+metaclass, so if you're doing metamagic you may not be able to use this.
+C<MooseX::Singleton> gives your class an C<instance> method that can be used to get a handle on the singleton. It's actually just an alias for C<new>.
+Alternatively, C<< YourPackage->method >> should just work. This includes
+=head1 TODO
+=item Always more tests and doc
+=item Fix speed boost
+C<instance> invokes C<new> every time C<< Package->method >> is called, which
+incurs a nontrivial runtime cost. I've implemented a short-circuit for this
+case, which does eliminate nearly all of the runtime cost. However, it's ugly
+and should be fixed in a more elegant way.
+=head1 BUGS
+All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no
+exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug
+to cpan-RT.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Shawn M Moore E<lt>sartak@gmail.comE<gt>
+Anders Nor Berle E<lt>debolaz@gmail.comE<gt>
+Copyright 2007 Shawn M Moore.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 NAME
+This metaclass is where the forcing of one instance occurs. The first call to
+C<construct_instance> is run normally (and then cached). Subsequent calls will
+return the cached version.
+=head1 NAME
+This instance metaclass manages attribute access and storage. When accessing an
+attribute, it will convert a bare package to its cached singleton instance
+(creating it if necessary).
extends 'Moose::Object';
-no strict 'refs';
sub instance { shift->new }
+=head1 NAME
+MooseX::Singleton::Object - base class for MooseX::Singleton
+This just adds C<instance> as a shortcut for C<new>.