use Return::MultiLevel qw(with_return);
use DX::Op::FromCode;
+use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Moo;
has next_op => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has last_choice => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
+has id_gen => (is => 'ro', default => sub { {} });
sub scope_var {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
+sub allocate_var {
+ my ($self, $name, $var) = @_;
+ my $id = join('_', $name, ++($self->id_gen->{$name}));
+ DX::Var->new(id => $id, %$var);
+sub assign_vars {
+ my ($self, %vars) = @_;
+ my %by_id = %{$self->by_id};
+ foreach my $name (keys %vars) {
+warn "assign: ${name}";
+ unless (blessed($vars{$name})) {
+ my $var = $vars{$name} = $self->allocate_var($name, $vars{$name});
+ $by_id{$var->id} = $var;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->but(
+ by_id => \%by_id,
+ scope => { %{$self->scope}, map +($_ => $vars{$_}->id), keys %vars }
+ );
sub bind_var_then {
my ($self, $var, $value, $then) = @_;
warn "Binding ".$var->id." to $value";
my ($return) = @_;
local our $Nonlocal_Return = $return;
while (my $op = $state->next_op) {
$state = $op->run($state);
return $state;
--- /dev/null
+use strictures 1;
+use Test::More;
+use Unknown::Values;
+use List::Util qw(reduce);
+use aliased 'DX::Op::FromCode';
+use DX::Var;
+use DX::State;
+my $defs = <<'EOF';
+[ssh-key-installed [keyline]
+ [exists d
+ [directory-at d [string t/scratch/.ssh]]
+ [directory-perms d [string 0755]]]
+ [exists f
+ [file-at f [string t/scratch/.ssh/authorized_keys]]
+ [file-perms f [string 0644]]
+ [file-contains-line f keyline]]
+my %names;
+my $path_status = {};
+sub make_set_bind {
+ my ($set) = @_;
+ sub {
+ my ($self, $state, $thing, $key) = @_;
+ die "key unbound" unless $key->is_bound;
+ die "thing bound" if $thing->is_bound;
+ if (my $value = $set->{$key->bound_value}) {
+ return $state->bind_var_then($thing, $value, $self->next);
+ }
+ return $state->backtrack;
+ }
+sub make_test {
+ my ($test) = @_;
+ sub {
+ my ($self, $state, @args) = @_;
+ if ($test->(@args)) {
+ return $state->then($self->next);
+ }
+ return $state->backtrack;
+ }
+my $pop_ret = FromCode->new(code => sub { $_[1]->pop_return_stack });
+sub link_ops {
+ my @to_link = @_;
+ reduce { FromCode->new(next => $a, code => $b) } $pop_ret, reverse @to_link;
+sub make_exists {
+ my ($var_names, @body) = @_;
+ my %vars = map +($_ => {}), @$var_names;
+ my $inner_op = link_ops(@body);
+ sub {
+ my ($self, $state) = @_;
+ my $scope = $state->scope;
+ my $ret_op = FromCode->new(
+ code => sub { $_[1]->but(scope => $scope, next_op => $_[0]->next) },
+ next => $self->next,
+ );
+ $state->but(
+ scope => { %$scope },
+ return_stack => [ @{$state->return_stack}, $ret_op ],
+ next_op => $inner_op
+ )->assign_vars(%vars);
+ };
+sub make_call {
+ my ($predicate, @arg_spec) = @_;
+ die "didn't invent or yet" unless @$predicate == 1;
+ my ($option) = @$predicate;
+ sub {
+ my ($self, $state) = @_;
+ my $scope = $state->scope;
+ my $ret_op = FromCode->new(
+ code => sub { $_[1]->but(scope => $scope, next_op => $_[0]->next) },
+ next => $self->next,
+ );
+ my @args = map {
+ my ($type, $val) = @$_;
+ if ($type eq 'var') {
+ $state->scope_var($val);
+ } elsif ($type eq 'value') {
+ $state->allocate_var('v', { bound_value => $val });
+ } else {
+ die "WTH";
+ }
+ } @arg_spec;
+ $state->but(
+ scope => {},
+ return_stack => [ @{$state->return_stack}, $ret_op ],
+ next_op => FromCode->new(
+ code => sub { $option->(@_, @args) },
+ next => $pop_ret,
+ ),
+ );
+ };
+sub make_state {
+ my ($vars, $op) = @_;
+ DX::State->new(
+ next_op => $op,
+ return_stack => [],
+ by_id => {},
+ scope => {},
+ last_choice => []
+ )->assign_vars(map +($_ => {}), @$vars);
+$names{path_status} = [
+ make_set_bind($path_status)
+$names{path_exists} = [ make_test(
+ sub { $_[0]->{is_directory} || $_[0]->{is_file} }
+) ];
+$names{is_directory} = [
+ make_test(sub { $_[0]->bound_value->{is_directory} }),
+# make_rule(
+# [ 'D' ],
+# make_not(make_call($names{path_exists}, [ var => 'D' ])),
+# make_action(
+# sub { +{ action => 'mkdir', path => $_[0]->{path}, is_directory => 1, perms => unknown() } },
+# [ var => 'D' ]
+# ),
+# ),
+$names{dot_ssh} = [ make_exists(
+ [ 'D' ],
+ make_call($names{path_status}, [ var => 'D' ], [ value => 't/scratch/.ssh' ]),
+ make_call($names{is_directory}, [ var => 'D' ])
+) ];
+my $state = make_state([], FromCode->new(code => $names{dot_ssh}[0]));
+is($state->run, undef, 'Failure with no path status');
+$path_status->{'t/scratch/.ssh'} = { is_directory => 0 };
+is($state->run, undef, 'Failure with non-directory');
+$path_status->{'t/scratch/.ssh'} = { is_directory => 1 };
+isa_ok($state->run, 'DX::State', 'Success with directory');