sub catch_warning {
- my $warn;
+ my $warn = '';
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn .= $_[0] };
return join('', $_[0]->() ), $warn;
ok( add_file('foo'), 'add a temporary file' );
# there shouldn't be a MANIFEST there
-my ($res, $warn) = catch_warning( \&mkmanifest );
+my ($res, $warn) = catch_warning( \&mkmanifest );
# Canonize the order.
$warn = join("", map { "$_|" }
sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } split /\r?\n/, $warn);
is( $res, 'bar', 'bar reported as new' );
# now quiet the warning that bar was added and test again
-($res, $warn) = do { local $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet = 1;
- catch_warning( \&skipcheck )
+($res, $warn) = do { local $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet = 1;
+ catch_warning( \&skipcheck )
-cmp_ok( $warn, 'eq', '', 'disabled warnings' );
+is( $warn, '', 'disabled warnings' );
# add a skip file with a rule to skip itself (and the nonexistent glob '*baz*')
add_file( 'MANIFEST.SKIP', "baz\n.SKIP" );
ok( mkdir( 'copy', 0777 ), 'made copy directory' );
$files = maniread();
eval { (undef, $warn) = catch_warning( sub {
- manicopy( $files, 'copy', 'cp' ) })
+ manicopy( $files, 'copy', 'cp' ) })
like( $@, qr/^Can't read none: /, 'croaked about none' );
local $ExtUtils::Manifest::MANIFEST = 'albatross';
($res, $warn) = catch_warning( \&mkmanifest );
like( $warn, qr/Added to albatross: /, 'using a new manifest file' );
# add the new file to the list of files to be deleted
add_file( 'foobar' => '123' );
($res, $warn) = catch_warning( \&manicheck );
is( $res, '', 'MANIFEST overrides MANIFEST.SKIP' );
-is( $warn, undef, 'MANIFEST overrides MANIFEST.SKIP, no warnings' );
+is( $warn, '', 'MANIFEST overrides MANIFEST.SKIP, no warnings' );
$files = maniread;
ok( !$files->{wibble}, 'MANIFEST in good state' );