package Role::Tiny;
-use strictures 1;
-use Class::Tiny::_Utils;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
our %INFO;
+sub _getglob { no strict 'refs'; \*{$_[0]} }
sub import {
my $target = caller;
+ my $me = $_[0];
# get symbol table reference
my $stash = do { no strict 'refs'; \%{"${target}::"} };
# install before/after/around subs
foreach my $type (qw(before after around)) {
*{_getglob "${target}::${type}"} = sub {
+ require Class::Method::Modifiers;
push @{$INFO{$target}{modifiers}||=[]}, [ $type => @_ ];
*{_getglob "${target}::with"} = sub {
die "Only one role supported at a time by with" if @_ > 1;
- Role::Tiny->apply_role_to_package($_[0], $target);
- };
- *{_getglob "${target}::has"} = sub {
- my ($name, %spec) = @_;
- ($INFO{$target}{accessor_maker} ||= do {
- require Method::Generate::Accessor;
- Method::Generate::Accessor->new
- })->generate_method($target, $name, \%spec);
- $INFO{$target}{attributes}{$name} = \%spec;
+ $me->apply_role_to_package($_[0], $target);
# grab all *non-constant* (ref eq 'SCALAR') subs present
# in the symbol table and store their refaddrs (no need to forcibly
*{_getglob "${to}::does"} = \&does_role;
- $me->_handle_constructor($to, $info->{attributes});
# copy our role list into the target's
@{$APPLIED_TO{$to}||={}}{keys %{$APPLIED_TO{$role}}} = ();
die "${role} is not a Role::Tiny" unless my $info = $INFO{$role};
- require Class::Tiny::_mro;
- require Sub::Quote;
+ if ($] > 5.010) {
+ require mro;
+ } else {
+ require MRO::Compat;
+ }
my @composable = map $me->_composable_package_for($_), reverse @roles;
$new_name, $compose_name,
do { my %h; @h{map @{$_->{requires}||[]}, @info} = (); keys %h }
- $me->_handle_constructor(
- $new_name, { map %{$_->{attr_info}||{}}, @info }
- );
*{_getglob "${new_name}::does"} = \&does_role unless $new_name->can('does');
my $base_name = $composed_name.'::_BASE';
*{_getglob("${composed_name}::ISA")} = [ $base_name ];
my $modifiers = $INFO{$role}{modifiers}||[];
+ my @mod_base;
foreach my $modified (
do { my %h; @h{map $_->[1], @$modifiers} = (); keys %h }
) {
- Sub::Quote::quote_sub(
- "${base_name}::${modified}" => q{ shift->next::method(@_) }
- );
+ push @mod_base, "sub ${modified} { shift->next::method(\@_) }";
+ eval(my $code = join "\n", "package ${base_name};", @mod_base);
+ die "Evaling failed: $@\nTrying to eval:\n${code}" if $@;
$me->_install_modifiers($composed_name, $modifiers);
$COMPOSED{role}{$composed_name} = 1;
return $composed_name;
sub _install_modifiers {
my ($me, $to, $modifiers) = @_;
foreach my $modifier (@{$modifiers||[]}) {
- _install_modifier($to, @{$modifier});
- }
-sub _handle_constructor {
- my ($me, $to, $attr_info) = @_;
- return unless $attr_info && keys %$attr_info;
- if ($INFO{$to}) {
- @{$INFO{$to}{attributes}||={}}{keys %$attr_info} = values %$attr_info;
- } else {
- # only fiddle with the constructor if the target is a Class::Tiny class
- if ($INC{"Class/"}
- and my $con = Class::Tiny->_constructor_maker_for($to)) {
- $con->register_attribute_specs(%$attr_info);
- }
+ Class::Method::Modifiers::install_modifier($to, @{$modifier});
my @ran;
- package Foo; use Class::Tiny; sub BUILD { push @ran, 'Foo' }
- package Bar; use Class::Tiny; extends 'Foo'; sub BUILD { push @ran, 'Bar' }
- package Baz; use Class::Tiny; extends 'Bar';
- package Quux; use Class::Tiny; extends 'Baz'; sub BUILD { push @ran, 'Quux' }
+ package Foo; use Moo; sub BUILD { push @ran, 'Foo' }
+ package Bar; use Moo; extends 'Foo'; sub BUILD { push @ran, 'Bar' }
+ package Baz; use Moo; extends 'Bar';
+ package Quux; use Moo; extends 'Baz'; sub BUILD { push @ran, 'Quux' }
package Fleem;
- use Class::Tiny;
+ use Moo;
extends 'Quux';
has 'foo' => (is => 'ro');
sub BUILD { push @ran, $_[0]->foo, $_[1]->{bar} }