[ qw(pending faculty) ],
+($sql, @bind) = $sqlac->delete({
+ with => [
+ instructors => {
+ -select => {
+ _ => [qw/p.person_id email default_license_id/],
+ from => [
+ person => -as => 'p',
+ -join => {
+ to => 'license_person',
+ as => 'lp',
+ on => { 'lp.person_id' => 'p.person_id' },
+ },
+ -join => {
+ to => 'license',
+ as => 'l',
+ on => { 'l.license_id' => 'lp.license_id' },
+ },
+ ],
+ where => {
+ 'p.person_type' => 'faculty',
+ 'p.person_status' => { '!=' => 'pending' },
+ 'l.kind' => 'pending',
+ },
+ group_by => [qw/ p.person_id /],
+ having => { '>' => [ { -count => 'l.license_id' }, 1 ] }
+ },
+ },
+ deletable_licenses => {
+ -select => {
+ _ => [qw/lp.ctid lp.person_id lp.license_id/],
+ from => [
+ instructors => -as => 'i',
+ -join => {
+ to => 'license_person',
+ as => 'lp',
+ on => { 'lp.person_id' => 'i.person_id' },
+ },
+ -join => {
+ to => 'license',
+ as => 'l',
+ on => { 'l.license_id' => 'lp.license_id' },
+ },
+ ],
+ where => {
+ 'lp.license_id' => {
+ '<>' => {-ident => 'i.default_license_id'}
+ },
+ 'l.kind' => 'pending',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ from => 'license_person',
+ where => {
+ ctid => { -in =>
+ {
+ -select => {
+ _ => ['ctid'],
+ from => 'deletable_licenses',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $sql, \@bind,
+ q{
+ with instructors as (
+ select p.person_id, email, default_license_id
+ from person as p
+ join license_person as lp on lp.person_id = p.person_id
+ join license as l on l.license_id = lp.license_id
+ where l.kind = ?
+ AND p.person_status != ?
+ AND p.person_type = ?
+ group by p.person_id
+ having COUNT(l.license_id) > ?),
+ deletable_licenses as (
+ select lp.ctid, lp.person_id, lp.license_id
+ from instructors as i
+ join license_person as lp on lp.person_id = i.person_id
+ join license as l on l.license_id = lp.license_id
+ where l.kind = ?
+ and lp.license_id <> i.default_license_id
+ )
+ delete from license_person
+ where ctid IN (
+ (select ctid from deletable_licenses)
+ )
+ },
+ [qw(
+ pending pending faculty 1 pending
+ )]