<p>Application is visible</p>
<pre> warn 'Application Visible' if $app_state & SDL_APPACTIVE
+ </dd>
<h2 id="joystick_event_state">joystick_event_state </h2>
<div id="joystick_event_state_CONTENT">
- <p>Enable/disable joystick event polling</p>
+<p>Enable/disable joystick event polling</p>
<pre> my $status = SDL::Events::joystick_event_state( $state );
- <p>This function is used to enable or disable joystick event processing. With joystick event processing disabled you will have to update joystick states with SDL_JoystickUpdate and read the joystick information manually. $state can be:</p>
- </dd>
+<p>This function is used to enable or disable joystick event processing. With joystick event processing disabled you will have to update joystick states with SDL_JoystickUpdate and read the joystick information manually. $state can be:</p>
<dt>SDL_ENABLE </dt>
<h4 id="font_faces">font_faces</h4>
<div id="font_faces_CONTENT">
-<p>my $font_faces = SDL::TTF::font_faces($font);
-ok( $font_faces, "[font_faces] font has $font_faces faces" );</p>
+<pre> my $font_faces = SDL::TTF::font_faces($font);
+<p>Get the number of faces ("sub-fonts") available in the loaded font. This is a count of the number of specific fonts (based on size and style
+and other typographical features perhaps) contained in the font itself.</p>
<h4 id="font_face_is_fixed_width">font_face_is_fixed_width</h4>
<div id="font_face_is_fixed_width_CONTENT">
-<p>my $font_face_is_fixed_width = SDL::TTF::font_face_is_fixed_width($font);
-like( $font_face_is_fixed_width, '/^[01]$/', "[font_face_is_fixed_width] is $font_face_is_fixed_width" );</p>
+<pre> my $font_face_is_fixed_width = SDL::TTF::font_face_is_fixed_width($font);
+<p>Test if the current font face of the loaded font is a fixed width font. Fixed width fonts are monospace, meaning every character that exists
+in the font is the same width, thus you can assume that a rendered string's width is going to be the result of <code>glyph_width * string_length</code>.</p>
+<p>Returns: <code>>0</code> if font is a fixed width font. <code>0</code> if not a fixed width font. </p>
<h4 id="font_face_family_name">font_face_family_name</h4>
<div id="font_face_family_name_CONTENT">
-<p>my $font_face_family_name = SDL::TTF::font_face_family_name($font);
-ok( $font_face_family_name, "[font_face_family_name] is $font_face_family_name" );</p>
+<pre> my $font_face_family_name = SDL::TTF::font_face_family_name($font);
+<p>Get the current font face family name from the loaded font. This information is not for every font available.</p>
+<pre> my $font = SDL::TTF::open_font('arialuni.ttf', 8);
+ printf("%s\n", SDL::TTF::font_face_family_name($font)); # will print "Arial Unicode MS"
<h4 id="font_face_style_name">font_face_style_name</h4>
<div id="font_face_style_name_CONTENT">
-<p>my $font_face_style_name = SDL::TTF::font_face_style_name($font);
-ok( $font_face_style_name, "[font_face_style_name] is $font_face_style_name" );</p>
+<pre> my $font_face_style_name = SDL::TTF::font_face_style_name($font);
+<p>Get the current font face style name from the loaded font. This information is not for every font available. </p>
+<pre> my $font = SDL::TTF::open_font('arialuni.ttf', 8);
+ printf("%s\n", SDL::TTF::font_face_style_name($font)); # will print "Regular"
<h3 id="Glyphs">Glyphs</h3>
<h4 id="glyph_metrics">glyph_metrics</h4>
<div id="glyph_metrics_CONTENT">
<pre> my @glyph_metrics = @{ SDL::TTF::glyph_metrics($font, 'M') };
-is( scalar @glyph_metrics, 5, "[glyph_metrics] (minx, maxx, miny, maxy, advance) = (" . join(', ', @glyph_metrics) . ")" );