p4raw-id: //depot/perl@12049
use XSLoader ();
# Underscore to allow older Perls to access older version from CPAN
-$Devel::DProf::VERSION = '20000000.00_00'; # this version not authorized by
+$Devel::DProf::VERSION = '20000000.00_01'; # this version not authorized by
# Dean Roehrich. See "Changes" file.
XSLoader::load 'Devel::DProf', $Devel::DProf::VERSION;
@ISA = qw(IO::Handle IO::Seekable Exporter);
-$VERSION = "1.08";
+$VERSION = "1.09";
@EXPORT = @IO::Seekable::EXPORT;
use Carp;
use Symbol;
-$VERSION = "1.121";
+$VERSION = "1.122";
sub new {
my $type = shift;
use strict;
our($AUTOLOAD, $Debug, $VERSION);
-$VERSION = 1.02;
+$VERSION = 1.03;
$Debug = 0 unless defined $Debug;
- $VERSION = 1.01;
+ $VERSION = 1.02;
use vars @EXPORT_OK;
- $VERSION = 1.01;
+ $VERSION = 1.02;
use vars @EXPORT_OK;