See L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> and L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base> for
usage information.
+Most MSSQL databases use C<CI> (case-insensitive) collation, for this reason
+generated column names are lower-cased as this makes them easier to work with
+in L<DBIx::Class>.
+We attempt to detect the database collation at startup, and set the column
+lowercasing behavior accordingly, as lower-cased column names do not work on
+case-sensitive databases.
+If you are using FreeTDS with C<tds version> set to C<8.0> the collation
+detection may fail, and Loader will default to case-insensitive mode. C<tds
+version> C<7.0> will work fine.
+If this happens set:
+ case_sensitive_collation => 1
+in your Loader options to override it.
sub _is_case_sensitive {
+ return if defined $self->case_sensitive_collation;
my $dbh = $self->schema->storage->dbh;
# We use the sys.databases query for the general case, and fallback to
|| eval { $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT databasepropertyex(DB_NAME(), 'Collation')") };
if (not $collation_name) {
- $self->case_sensitive_collation(0); # most likely not
+ warn <<'EOF';
+WARNING: MSSQL Collation detection failed. Defaulting to case-insensitive mode.
+Override the 'case_sensitive_collation' attribute in your Loader options if
+ $self->case_sensitive_collation(0);