if ( reftype($delegation) eq "CODE" ) {
return $delegation->( $self, $delegator_meta );
} elsif ( blessed($delegation) eq "Regexp" ) {
+ confess "For regular expression support the delegator class/role must use a Class::MOP::Class metaclass"
+ unless $delegator_meta->isa( "Class::MOP::Class" );
return grep { $_->{name} =~ /$delegation/ } $delegator_meta->compute_all_applicable_methods();
} else {
confess "The 'handles' specification '$delegation' is not supported";
confess "Generative delegations must explicitly specify a class or a role for the attribute's type"
unless $isa || $does;
- # if it's a class/role name make it into a meta object
- for (grep { defined && !ref($_) } $isa, $does) {
- confess "Generative delegations must refer to Moose class/role types"
- unless $_->can("meta");
- $_ = $_->meta;
- }
for (grep { blessed($_) } $isa, $does) {
confess "You must use classes/roles, not type constraints to use delegation"
unless $_->isa( "Moose::Meta::Class" );
confess "Cannot have an isa option and a does option if the isa does not do the does"
- if $isa && $does and !confess->does( $does );
+ if $isa and $does and $isa->can("does") and !$isa->does( $does );
+ # if it's a class/role name make it into a meta object
+ for ($isa, $does) {
+ $_ = $_->meta if defined and !ref and $_->can("meta");
+ }
return $isa || $does;
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 34;
+use Test::More tests => 36;
use Test::Exception;
isa => "ChildF",
is => "ro",
default => sub { ChildF->new },
- handles => sub { },
+ handles => qr/.*/,
- } "but not generative one";
+ } "can't use regexes on foreign classes";
+ my $delegate_class;
+ ::lives_ok {
+ has child_f => (
+ isa => "ChildF",
+ is => "ro",
+ default => sub { ChildF->new },
+ handles => sub {
+ $delegate_class = $_[1];
+ },
+ );
+ } "subrefs on non moose class give no meta";
+ ::is( $delegate_class, "ChildF", "plain classes are handed down to subs" );
sub parent_method { "p" }
isa_ok( my $p = Parent->new, "Parent" );
isa_ok( $p->child_a, "ChildA" );
-#isa_ok( $p->child_b, "ChildB" ); # no accessor
+ok( !$p->can("child_b"), "no child b accessor" );
isa_ok( $p->child_c, "ChildC" );
isa_ok( $p->child_d, "ChildD" );
isa_ok( $p->child_e, "ChildE" );
+isa_ok( $p->child_f, "ChildF" );
-ok( !$p->can("child_b"), "no child b accessor" );
-ok( !$p->can("child_f"), "no child f" );
is( $p->parent_method, "p", "parent method" );
is( $p->child_a->child_a_super_method, "as", "child supermethod" );