package Class;
use Moose;
use ExportsFoo 'foo';
+ # The grossness near the end of the regex works around a bug with \Q not
+ # escaping \& properly with perl 5.8.x
::exception { with 'Foo' },
- qr/^\Q'Foo' requires the method 'foo' to be implemented by 'Class'. If you imported functions intending to use them as methods, you need to explicitly mark them as such, via Class->meta->add_method(foo => \&foo)/,
+ qr/^\Q'Foo' requires the method 'foo' to be implemented by 'Class'. If you imported functions intending to use them as methods, you need to explicitly mark them as such, via Class->meta->add_method(foo => \E\\\&foo\)/,
"imported 'method' isn't seen"
Class->meta->add_method(foo => \&foo);