diag( 'Test run performed at: '
. DateTime->now
. ' with Moose '
- . Moose->VERSION );
+ . (Moose->VERSION || 'git repo') );
$ENV{PERL_TEST_DM_LOG_DIR} = abs_path('.');
-my %todo_reasons = map {
- chomp;
- /^(\S*)\s*(?:#\s*(.*)\s*)?$/;
- defined($1) && length($1) ? ($1 => $2) : ()
-} <DATA>;
-my %todo = map { $_ => 1 } keys %todo_reasons;
my @skip_prefix = qw(Acme Task Bundle);
-my %skip = map { $_ => 1 } (
- 'App-CPAN2Pkg', # tk tests are graphical
- 'App-USBKeyCopyCon', # gtk tests are graphical
- 'Bot-Backbone', # poe-loop-ev prompts
- 'Cache-Ehcache', # hangs if server exists on port 8080
- 'CatalystX-Imports', # assumes it can write to /tmp/testapp
- 'CatalystX-Restarter-GTK', # gtk tests are graphical
- 'CM-Permutation', # OpenGL uses graphics in Makefile.PL
- 'CPAN-Source', # assumes it can write to /tmp/.cache
- 'Dackup', # depends on running ssh
- 'Data-Collector', # depends on running ssh
- 'Date-Biorhythm', # Date::Business prompts in Makefile.PL
- 'DBIx-PgLink', # prompts for a postgres password
- 'Fedora-App-MaintainerTools', # requires rpm
- 'Forest-Tree-Viewer-Gtk2', # gtk tests are graphical
- 'Games-Pandemic', # tk tests are graphical
- 'Games-RailRoad', # tk tests are graphical
- 'Games-Risk', # tk tests are graphical
- 'Gearman-Driver', # spews tar errors
- 'helm', # depends on running ssh
- 'iTransact-Lite', # tests rely on internet site
- 'Log-Dispatch-Gtk2-Notify', # gtk tests are graphical
- 'LPDS', # gtk tests are graphical
- 'Net-SSH-Mechanize', # the mock-ssh script it runs seems to spin endlessly
- 'Net-SFTP-Foreign-Exceptional', # depends on running ssh
- 'Periscope', # gtk tests are graphical
- 'POE-Component-OpenSSH', # depends on running ssh
- 'POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP-PreFork', # ipc::shareable tests hang
- 'RDF-TrineX-RuleEngine-Jena', # prompts in Makefile.PL
- 'Test-SFTP', # Term::ReadPassword prompts in tests
- 'Tk-Role-Dialog', # tk tests are graphical
- 'Unicode-Emoji-E4U', # tests rely on internet site
- 'Weaving-Tablet', # tk tests are graphical
- 'WWW-eNom', # tests rely on internet site
- 'WWW-Finances-Bovespa', # tests rely on internet site
- 'WWW-Hashdb', # test hangs, pegging cpu
- 'WWW-Vimeo-Download', # tests rely on internet site
- 'WWW-YouTube-Download-Channel', # tests rely on internet site
- 'Zucchini', # File::Rsync prompts in Makefile.PL
+my %skip;
+my %todo;
+my $hash;
+for my $line (<DATA>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next unless $line =~ /\S/;
+ if ( $line =~ /^# (\w+)/ ) {
+ die "Invalid action in DATA section ($1)"
+ unless $1 eq 'SKIP' || $1 eq 'TODO';
+ $hash = $1 eq 'SKIP' ? \%skip : \%todo;
+ }
+ my ( $dist, $reason ) = $line =~ /^(\S*)\s*(?:#\s*(.*)\s*)?$/;
+ next unless defined $dist && length $dist;
+ $hash->{$dist} = $reason;
my %name_fix = (
'App-passmanager' => 'App::PassManager',
my $module = $dist;
$module = $name_fix{$module} if exists $name_fix{$module};
if ($todo{$dist}) {
- my $reason = $todo_reasons{$dist};
+ my $reason = $todo{$dist};
$reason = '???' unless defined $reason;
local $TODO = $reason;
eval { test_module($module); 1 }
-# indexing issues (test::dm bugs?)
+# SKIP: indexing issues (test::dm bugs?)
Alice # couldn't find on cpan
Hopkins # couldn't find on cpan
PostScript-Barcode # couldn't find on cpan
WWW-Mechanize-Query # couldn't find on cpan
-# doesn't install deps properly (test::dm bugs?)
+# SKIP: doesn't install deps properly (test::dm bugs?)
App-Benchmark-Accessors # Mojo::Base isn't installed
Bot-BasicBot-Pluggable # Crypt::SaltedHash isn't installed
Code-Statistics # MooseX::HasDefaults::RO isn't installed
Text-Tradition # Bio::Phylo::IO isn't installed
WebService-Strava # Any::URI::Escape isn't installed
-# no tests
+# SKIP: no tests
AI-ExpertSystem-Advanced # no tests
API-Assembla # no tests
App-mkfeyorm # no tests
WWW-MenuGrinder # no tests
WWW-WuFoo # no tests
-# external dependencies
+# SKIP: external dependencies
AnyEvent-MSN # requires Net::SSLeay (which requires libssl)
AnyEvent-Multilog # requires multilog
AnyEvent-Net-Curl-Queued # requires libcurl
MSWord-ToHTML # requires abiword to be installed
Net-DBus-Skype # requires dbus
Net-Route # requires route
+Net-SFTP-Foreign-Exceptional # depends on running ssh
Net-UpYun # requires curl
Net-ZooTool # requires curl
Nginx-Control # requires nginx to be installed
ZeroMQ-PubSub # requires zmq
ZMQ-Declare # requires zmq
-# flaky internet tests
+# SKIP: flaky internet tests
iTransact-Lite # tests rely on internet site
Unicode-Emoji-E4U # tests rely on internet site
WWW-eNom # tests rely on internet site
WWW-Vimeo-Download # tests rely on internet site
WWW-YouTube-Download-Channel # tests rely on internet site
-# graphical
+# SKIP: graphical
App-CPAN2Pkg # tk tests are graphical
App-USBKeyCopyCon # gtk tests are graphical
CatalystX-Restarter-GTK # gtk tests are graphical
Tk-Role-Dialog # tk tests are graphical
Weaving-Tablet # tk tests are graphical
-# failing for a reason
+# SKIP: prompts (or a dep prompts) or does something else dumb
+Bot-Backbone # poe-loop-ev prompts
+Cache-Ehcache # hangs if server exists on port 8080
+CM-Permutation # OpenGL uses graphics in Makefile.PL
+Date-Biorhythm # Date::Business prompts in Makefile.PL
+Gearman-Driver # spews tar errors
+Net-SSH-Mechanize # the mock-ssh script it runs seems to spin endlessly
+WWW-Hashdb # test hangs, pegging cpu
+Zucchini # File::Rsync prompts in Makefile.PL
+# TODO: failing for a reason
Algorithm-KernelKMeans # mx-types-common changes broke it
AnyEvent-BitTorrent # broken
AnyEvent-Cron # intermittent failures
App-Validation-Automation # dep on Switch
App-Wubot # broken
Beagle # depends on term::readline::perl
-Bot-Backbone # poe-loop-ev prompts
-Cache-Ehcache # hangs if server exists on port 8080
Cache-Profile # broken
Catalyst-Authentication-Store-LDAP-AD-Class # pod coverage fail
Catalyst-Controller-Resources # broken
CatalystX-Usul # proc::processtable doesn't load
Cheater # parse::randgen is broken
Class-OWL # uses CMOP::Class without loading cmop
-CM-Permutation # OpenGL uses graphics in Makefile.PL
Cogwheel # uses ancient moose apis
Config-Model # broken
Config-Model-Backend-Augeas # deps on Config::Model
Data-PackageName # broken
Data-Pipeline # uses ancient moose apis
Data-SCORM # pod coverage fail
-Date-Biorhythm # Date::Business prompts in Makefile.PL
DayDayUp # MojoX-Fixup-XHTML doesn't exist
DBICx-Modeler-Generator # broken (weirdly)
DBIx-SchemaChecksum # broken
WWW-DataWiki # broken
WWW-Fandango # bad dist
WWW-FMyLife # broken
-WWW-Hashdb # test hangs, pegging cpu
WWW-Mechanize-Cached # tries to read from wrong build dir?
WWW-Metalgate # Cache is broken
WWW-Scramble # pod::coverage fail
XML-SRS # deps on prang
XML-Writer-Compiler # broken tests
Yukki # git::repository is broken
-Zucchini # File::Rsync prompts in Makefile.PL