Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- - exclude 'size' column_info for postgres when unnecessary, correct
- datetime_precision in 'size' for time|timestamp|interval types
+ - exclude 'size' column_info for postgres when unnecessary, and
+ use the correct precision for varying types (except NUMERIC)
- 'naming' attribute and backward compatibility with 0.04006
(in progress)
- added relationship_attrs option for setting attributes in
# Make sure data_type's that don't need it don't have a 'size' column_info, and
-# set the correct precision for datetime types.
+# set the correct precision for datetime and varbit types.
sub _columns_info_for {
my $self = shift;
my ($table) = @_;
/^(?:bigint|int8|bigserial|serial8|bit|boolean|bool|box|bytea|cidr|circle|date|double precision|float8|inet|integer|int|int4|line|lseg|macaddr|money|path|point|polygon|real|float4|smallint|int2|serial|serial4|text)\z/i) {
delete $result->{$col}{size};
- # for datetime types, check if it has a precision or not
- if ($data_type =~ /^(?:interval|time|timestamp)\b/) {
+# for datetime types, check if it has a precision or not
+ elsif ($data_type =~ /^(?:interval|time|timestamp)\b/) {
my ($precision) = $self->schema->storage->dbh
->selectrow_array(<<EOF, {}, $table, $col);
SELECT datetime_precision
$result->{$col}{size} = $precision;
+ elsif ($data_type =~ /^(?:bit varying|varbit)\z/i) {
+ my ($precision) = $self->schema->storage->dbh
+ ->selectrow_array(<<EOF, {}, $table, $col);
+SELECT character_maximum_length
+FROM information_schema.columns
+WHERE table_name = ? and column_name = ?
+ $result->{$col}{size} = $precision;
+ }
return $result;
a_bigserial BIGSERIAL,
a_serial8 SERIAL8,
a_bit BIT,
- a_bit_varying_with_precision BIT VARYING(8),
a_boolean BOOLEAN,
a_bool BOOL,
a_box BOX,
a_timestamp_without_time_zone TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE,
a_timestamp_without_time_zone_with_precision TIMESTAMP(2) WITHOUT TIME ZONE,
a_timestamp_with_time_zone TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
- a_timestamp_with_time_zone_with_precision TIMESTAMP(2) WITH TIME ZONE
+ a_timestamp_with_time_zone_with_precision TIMESTAMP(2) WITH TIME ZONE,
+ a_bit_varying_with_precision BIT VARYING(2),
+ a_varbit_with_precision VARBIT(2),
+ a_character_varying_with_precision CHARACTER VARYING(2),
+ a_varchar_with_precision VARCHAR(2),
+ a_character_with_precision CHARACTER(2),
+ a_char_with_precision CHAR(2)
+# XXX figure out what to do with DECIMAL(precision, scale) aka
+# NUMERIC(precision, scale)
drop => [ qw/ pg_loader_test1 pg_loader_test2 / ],
- count => 49,
+ count => 54,
run => sub {
my ($schema, $monikers, $classes) = @_;
'column comment and attrs';
my $rsrc = $schema->resultset('PgLoaderTest2')->result_source;
- my @type_columns = grep !/^id\z/, $rsrc->columns;
+ my @type_columns = grep $_ ne 'id', $rsrc->columns;
my @without_precision = grep !/_with_precision\z/, @type_columns;
my @with_precision = grep /_with_precision\z/, @type_columns;
my %with_precision;
for my $col (@with_precision) {
my ($data_type) = $col =~ /^an?_(.*)_with_precision\z/;
($data_type = uc $data_type) =~ s/_/ /g;
+ my $size = $rsrc->column_info($col)->{size};
- ok($rsrc->column_info($col)->{size},
- "$data_type with precision has a 'size' column_info");
+ is $size, 2,
+ "$data_type with precision has a correct 'size' column_info";