$self->clause_expander('select.with_recursive' => sub {
my ($self, $with) = @_;
my $exp = $self->$with_expander($with);
- return +{
+ return +(with => +{
type => 'recursive'
- };
+ });
$self->clause_renderer('select.with' => sub {
my ($self, $with) = @_;
+sub _expand_update_clause_target {
+ my ($self, $target) = @_;
+ +(target => $self->_expand_from_list(undef, $target));
q{WITH (foo AS (SELECT 1)) SELECT * FROM foo},
+$sql = $sqlac->update({
+ _ => [ 'tree_table', -join => {
+ to => { -select => {
+ with_recursive => [
+ [ tree_with_path => qw(id parent_id path) ],
+ { -select => {
+ _ => [
+ qw(id parent_id),
+ { -as => [
+ { -cast => { -as => [ id => char => 255 ] } },
+ 'path'
+ ] },
+ ],
+ from => 'tree_table',
+ where => { parent_id => undef },
+ union_all => {
+ -select => {
+ _ => [ qw(t.id t.parent_id),
+ { -as => [
+ { -concat => [ 'r.path', \q{'/'}, 't.id' ] },
+ 'path',
+ ] },
+ ],
+ from => [
+ tree_table => -as => t =>
+ -join => {
+ to => 'tree_with_path',
+ as => 'r',
+ on => { 't.parent_id' => 'r.id' },
+ },
+ ],
+ } },
+ } },
+ ],
+ select => '*',
+ from => 'tree_with_path'
+ } },
+ as => 'tree',
+ on => { 'tree.id' => 'tree_with_path.id' },
+ } ],
+ set => { path => { -ident => [ qw(tree path) ] } },
+ $sql,
+ q{
+ UPDATE tree_table JOIN (
+ WITH RECURSIVE (tree_with_path(id, parent_id, path) AS (
+ (
+ SELECT id, parent_id, CAST(id AS char(255)) AS path
+ FROM tree_table
+ WHERE parent_id IS NULL
+ )
+ (
+ SELECT t.id, t.parent_id, CONCAT(r.path, '/', t.id) AS path
+ FROM tree_table AS t
+ JOIN tree_with_path AS r ON t.parent_id = r.id
+ )
+ ))
+ SELECT * FROM tree_with_path
+ ) AS tree
+ ON tree.id = tree_with_path.id
+ SET path = tree.path
+ },