# add example for Log::Dispatchouli
-# make basic warn logger
package Log::Contextual;
use Log::Contextual::SimpleLogger;
use Log::Contextual qw( :log ),
-default_logger => Log::Contextual::WarnLogger->new({
- env_var => 'MY_PACKAGE'
+ env_prefix => 'MY_PACKAGE'
If you are interested in using this package for a module you are putting on
--- /dev/null
+package Log::Contextual::WarnLogger;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ for my $name (qw( trace debug info warn error fatal )) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $is_name = "is_$name";
+ *{$name} = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_log( $name, @_ )
+ if $self->$is_name;
+ };
+ *{$is_name} = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $ENV{$self->{env_prefix} . '_' . uc $name};
+ };
+ }
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $args) = @_;
+ my $self = bless {}, $class;
+ $self->{env_prefix} = $args->{env_prefix} or
+ die 'no env_prefix passed to Log::Contextual::WarnLogger->new';
+ return $self;
+sub _log {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $level = shift;
+ my $message = join( "\n", @_ );
+ $message .= "\n" unless $message =~ /\n$/;
+ warn "[$level] $message";
+=head1 NAME
+Log::Contextual::WarnLogger - Simple logger for libraries using Log::Contextual
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package My::Package;
+ use Log::Contextual::WarnLogger;
+ use Log::Contextual qw( :log ),
+ -default_logger => Log::Contextual::WarnLogger->new({
+ env_prefix => 'MY_PACKAGE'
+ });
+ # warns '[info] program started' if $ENV{MY_PACKAGE_TRACE} is set
+ log_info { 'program started' }; # no-op because info is not in levels
+ sub foo {
+ # warns '[debug] entered foo' if $ENV{MY_PACKAGE_DEBUG} is set
+ log_debug { 'entered foo' };
+ ...
+ }
+This module is a simple logger made for libraries using L<Log::Contextual>. We
+recommend the use of this logger as your default logger as it is simple and
+useful for most users, yet users can use L<Log::Contextual/set_logger> to override
+your choice of logger in their own code thanks to the way L<Log::Contextual>
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+Arguments: C<< Dict[ env_prefix => Str ] $conf >>
+ my $l = Log::Contextual::WarnLogger->new({
+ env_prefix
+ });
+Creates a new logger object where C<env_prefix> defines what the prefix is for
+the environment variables that will be checked for the six log levels. For
+example, if C<env_prefix> is set to C<FREWS_PACKAGE> the following environment
+variables will be used:
+=head2 $level
+Arguments: C<@anything>
+All of the following six methods work the same. The basic pattern is:
+ sub $level {
+ my $self = shift;
+ warn "[$level] " . join qq{\n}, @_;
+ if $self->is_$level;
+ }
+=head3 trace
+ $l->trace( 'entered method foo with args ' join q{,}, @args );
+=head3 debug
+ $l->debug( 'entered method foo' );
+=head3 info
+ $l->info( 'started process foo' );
+=head3 warn
+ $l->warn( 'possible misconfiguration at line 10' );
+=head3 error
+ $l->error( 'non-numeric user input!' );
+=head3 fatal
+ $l->fatal( '1 is never equal to 0!' );
+=head2 is_$level
+All of the following six functions just return true if their respective
+environment variable is enabled.
+=head3 is_trace
+ say 'tracing' if $l->is_trace;
+=head3 is_debug
+ say 'debuging' if $l->is_debug;
+=head3 is_info
+ say q{info'ing} if $l->is_info;
+=head3 is_warn
+ say 'warning' if $l->is_warn;
+=head3 is_error
+ say 'erroring' if $l->is_error;
+=head3 is_fatal
+ say q{fatal'ing} if $l->is_fatal;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+See L<Log::Contextual/"AUTHOR">
+See L<Log::Contextual/"COPYRIGHT">
+=head1 LICENSE
+See L<Log::Contextual/"LICENSE">
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Log::Contextual::WarnLogger;
+use Log::Contextual qw{:log set_logger} => -logger =>
+ Log::Contextual::WarnLogger->new({ env_prefix => 'FOO' });
+use Test::More qw(no_plan);
+my $l = Log::Contextual::WarnLogger->new({ env_prefix => 'BAR' });
+ local $ENV{BAR_TRACE} = 0;
+ local $ENV{BAR_DEBUG} = 1;
+ local $ENV{BAR_INFO} = 0;
+ local $ENV{BAR_WARN} = 0;
+ local $ENV{BAR_ERROR} = 0;
+ local $ENV{BAR_FATAL} = 0;
+ ok(!$l->is_trace, 'is_trace is false on WarnLogger');
+ ok($l->is_debug, 'is_debug is true on WarnLogger');
+ ok(!$l->is_info, 'is_info is false on WarnLogger');
+ ok(!$l->is_warn, 'is_warn is false on WarnLogger');
+ ok(!$l->is_error, 'is_error is false on WarnLogger');
+ ok(!$l->is_fatal, 'is_fatal is false on WarnLogger');
+ local $ENV{FOO_TRACE} = 0;
+ local $ENV{FOO_DEBUG} = 1;
+ local $ENV{FOO_INFO} = 0;
+ local $ENV{FOO_WARN} = 0;
+ local $ENV{FOO_ERROR} = 0;
+ local $ENV{FOO_FATAL} = 0;
+ ok(eval { log_trace { die 'this should live' }; 1}, 'trace does not get called');
+ ok(!eval { log_debug { die 'this should die' }; 1}, 'debug gets called');
+ ok(eval { log_info { die 'this should live' }; 1}, 'info does not get called');
+ ok(eval { log_warn { die 'this should live' }; 1}, 'warn does not get called');
+ ok(eval { log_error { die 'this should live' }; 1}, 'error does not get called');
+ ok(eval { log_fatal { die 'this should live' }; 1}, 'fatal does not get called');
+ local $ENV{FOO_TRACE} = 1;
+ local $ENV{FOO_DEBUG} = 1;
+ local $ENV{FOO_INFO} = 1;
+ local $ENV{FOO_WARN} = 1;
+ local $ENV{FOO_ERROR} = 1;
+ local $ENV{FOO_FATAL} = 1;
+ my $cap;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $cap = shift };
+ log_debug { 'frew' };
+ is($cap, "[debug] frew\n", 'WarnLogger outputs to STDERR correctly');
+ log_trace { 'trace' };
+ is($cap, "[trace] trace\n", 'trace renders correctly');
+ log_debug { 'debug' };
+ is($cap, "[debug] debug\n", 'debug renders correctly');
+ log_info { 'info' };
+ is($cap, "[info] info\n", 'info renders correctly');
+ log_warn { 'warn' };
+ is($cap, "[warn] warn\n", 'warn renders correctly');
+ log_error { 'error' };
+ is($cap, "[error] error\n", 'error renders correctly');
+ log_fatal { 'fatal' };
+ is($cap, "[fatal] fatal\n", 'fatal renders correctly');