--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 44;
+use Devel::Size ':all';
+use Config;
+my $warn_count;
+$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ return if $_[0] eq "Devel::Size: Can't size up perlio layers yet\n";
+ ++$warn_count;
+ warn @_;
+ my @array = (\undef, \undef, \undef);
+ my $array_overhead = total_size(\@array);
+ cmp_ok($array_overhead, '>', 0, 'Array has a positive size');
+ my $real_gv_size = total_size(*PFLAP);
+ cmp_ok($real_gv_size, '>', 0, 'GVs have a positive size');
+ # Eventually DonMartin gives up enough same-length names:
+ $array[0] = \*PFLAP;
+ my $with_one = total_size(\@array);
+ is($with_one, $array_overhead + $real_gv_size,
+ 'agregate size is overhead plus GV');
+ $array[1] = \*CHOMP;
+ my $with_two = total_size(\@array);
+ cmp_ok($with_two, '>', $with_one, 'agregate size for 2 GVs is larger');
+ # GvFILE may well be shared:
+ cmp_ok($with_two, '<=', $with_one + $real_gv_size,
+ 'agregate size for 2 GVs is not larger than overhead plus 2 GVs');
+ my $incremental_gv_size = $with_two - $with_one;
+ my $gv_shared = $real_gv_size - $incremental_gv_size;
+ $array[2] = \*KSSSH;
+ is(total_size(\@array), $with_one + 2 * $incremental_gv_size,
+ "linear growth for 1, 2 and 3 GVs - $gv_shared bytes are shared");
+ $array[2] = \undef;
+ my $two_aliased = total_size(\@array);
+ cmp_ok($two_aliased, '<', $with_two, 'Aliased typeglobs are smaller');
+ my $gp_size = $with_two - $two_aliased;
+ $array[2] = \*KSSSH;
+ is(total_size(\@array), $with_one + 2 * $incremental_gv_size - 2 * $gp_size,
+ "3 aliased typeglobs are smaller, shared GP size is $gp_size");
+ my $copy = *PFLAP;
+ my $copy_gv_size = total_size($copy);
+ # GV copies point back to the real GV through GvEGV. They share the same GP
+ # and GvFILE
+ local $TODO = 'EGV is double counted. GV - GP == '
+ . ($incremental_gv_size - $gp_size);
+ is($copy_gv_size, $real_gv_size + $incremental_gv_size - $gp_size,
+ 'GV copies point back to the real GV');
+sub gv_grew {
+ my ($sub, $glob, $code, $type) = @_;
+ # unthreaded, this gives us a way of getting to sv_size() from one of the
+ # other *_size() functions, with a GV that has nothing allocated from its
+ # GP:
+ eval "sub $sub { *$glob }; 1" or die $@;
+ # Assigning to IoFMT_GV() also provides this, threaded and unthreaded:
+ $~ = $glob;
+ is(do {no strict 'refs'; *{$glob}{$type}}, undef, "No reference for $type")
+ unless $type eq 'SCALAR';
+ my $cv_was_size = size(do {no strict 'refs'; \&$sub});
+ my $gv_was_size = size(do {no strict 'refs'; *$glob});
+ my $gv_was_total_size = total_size(do {no strict 'refs'; *$glob});
+ my $io_was_size = size(*STDOUT{IO});
+ eval $code or die "For $type, can't execute q{$code}: $@";
+ my $new_thing = do {no strict 'refs'; *{$glob}{$type}};
+ my $new_thing_size = size($new_thing);
+ my $cv_now_size = size(do {no strict 'refs'; \&$sub});
+ my $gv_now_size = size(do {no strict 'refs'; *$glob});
+ my $gv_now_total_size = total_size(do {no strict 'refs'; *$glob});
+ my $io_now_size = size(*STDOUT{IO});
+ # These run string evals with the source file synthesised based on caller
+ # source name, which means that %:: changes, which then peturbs sizes of
+ # anything that can reach them. So calculate and record the sizes before
+ # testing anything.
+ isnt($new_thing, undef, "Created a reference for $type");
+ cmp_ok($new_thing_size, '>', 0, "For $type, new item has a size");
+ is($cv_now_size, $cv_was_size,
+ "Under multiplicity, the optree doesn't directly close onto a GV, so CVs won't change size")
+ if $Config{usemultiplicity};
+ if ($] < 5.010 && $type eq 'SCALAR') {
+ is($cv_now_size, $cv_was_size, "CV doesn't grow as GV has SCALAR")
+ unless $Config{usemultiplicity};
+ is($io_now_size, $io_was_size, "IO doesn't grow as GV has SCALAR");
+ is($gv_now_size, $gv_was_size, 'GV size unchanged as GV has SCALAR');
+ local $TODO = 'total_size double counts GP entries';
+ is($gv_now_total_size, $gv_was_total_size,
+ 'GV total size unchanged as GV has SCALAR');
+ } elsif ($type eq 'CODE' || $type eq 'FORMAT') {
+ # CV like things (effectively) close back over their typeglob, so its
+ # hard to just get the size of the CV.
+ cmp_ok($cv_now_size, '>', $cv_was_size, "CV grew for $type")
+ unless $Config{usemultiplicity};
+ cmp_ok($io_now_size, '>', $io_was_size, "IO grew for $type");
+ # Assigning CVs and FORMATs to typeglobs causes the typeglob to get
+ # weak reference magic
+ cmp_ok($gv_now_size, '>', $gv_was_size, "GV size grew for $type");
+ cmp_ok($gv_now_total_size, '>', $gv_was_total_size,
+ "GV total size grew for $type");
+ } else {
+ is($cv_now_size, $cv_was_size + $new_thing_size,
+ "CV grew by expected amount for $type")
+ unless $Config{usemultiplicity};
+ is($io_now_size, $io_was_size + $new_thing_size,
+ "IO total_size grew by expected amount for $type");
+ is($gv_now_size, $gv_was_size + $new_thing_size,
+ "GV size grew by expected amount for $type");
+ local $TODO = 'total_size double counts GP entries';
+ is($gv_now_total_size, $gv_was_total_size + $new_thing_size,
+ "GV total_size grew by expected amount for $type");
+ }
+gv_grew('glipp', 'zok', 'no strict "vars"; $zok = undef; 1', 'SCALAR');
+gv_grew('bang', 'boff', 'no strict "vars"; @boff = (); 1', 'ARRAY');
+gv_grew('clange', 'sock', 'no strict "vars"; %sock = (); 1', 'HASH');
+ local $Devel::Size::warn = 0;
+ gv_grew('biff', 'zapeth', "format zapeth =\n.\n1", 'FORMAT');
+gv_grew('crunch_eth', 'awkkkkkk', 'sub awkkkkkk {}; 1', 'CODE');
+# Devel::Size isn't even tracking PVIOs from GVs (yet)
+# gv_grew('kapow', 'thwape', 'opendir *thwape, "."', 'IO');
+is($warn_count, undef, 'No warnings emitted');