\&{ $package . '::' . $name };
+ if ( !defined(&$sub) ) {
+ Carp::cluck
+ "Trying to export undefined sub ${package}::${name}";
+ next;
+ }
my $fq_name = $package . '::' . $name;
- $exports{$name} = $class->_make_wrapped_sub(
+ $exports{$name} = $class->_make_wrapped_sub_with_meta(
\&{ $package . '::' . $name };
+ if ( !defined(&$sub) ) {
+ Carp::cluck
+ "Trying to export undefined sub ${package}::${name}";
+ next;
+ }
my $fq_name = $package . '::' . $name;
- $exports{$name} = $class->_make_wrapped_sub_with_meta(
+ $exports{$name} = $class->_make_wrapped_sub(
$export_recorder->{$sub} = 1;
- $exports{$name} = sub {$sub};
+ $exports{$coderef_name} = sub {$sub};
- for my $name ( keys %{ $args->{groups} } ) {
- my $group = $args->{groups}{$name};
- if (ref $group eq 'CODE') {
- $groups{$name} = $class->_make_wrapped_group(
- $package,
- $group,
- $export_recorder,
- \%exports,
- \%is_removable
- );
- }
- elsif (ref $group eq 'ARRAY') {
- $groups{$name} = $group;
- }
- }
- return ( \%exports, \%is_removable, \%groups );
+ return ( \%exports, \%is_removable );
our $CALLER;
also => ['ExGroups1'],
as_is => ['exgroups2_as_is'],
with_caller => ['exgroups2_with_caller'],
- groups => { default => ['exgroups2_as_is'],
- code_group => \&generate_group,
- parent1 => [qw(:ExGroups1 :code_group)],
- parent2 => [qw(:all)] }
+ groups => {
+ default => ['exgroups2_as_is'],
+ code_group => \&generate_group,
+ parent1 => [qw(:ExGroups1 :code_group)],
+ parent2 => [qw(:all)]
+ }
- sub exgroups2_as_is { 3 }
+ sub exgroups2_as_is {3}
+ sub exgroups2_with_caller { 4 }
sub generate_group {
- my ($caller, $group_name, $args, $context) = @_;
+ my ( $caller, $group_name, $args, $context ) = @_;
- ::is($group_name, 'code_group', 'original name is passed to group code');
- ::is($args->{install_as}, $caller . '_code', 'group code arguments match caller');
- ::is($context->{from}, __PACKAGE__, 'defined package name is passed to group code');
+ ::is( $group_name, 'code_group',
+ 'original name is passed to group code' );
+ ::is( $args->{install_as}, $caller . '_code',
+ 'group code arguments match caller' );
+ ::is( $context->{from}, __PACKAGE__,
+ 'defined package name is passed to group code' );
return { $args->{install_as} => \&exported_by_group };
eval "use Test::Output;";
plan skip_all => "Test::Output is required for this test" if $@;
- plan tests => 49;
- plan tests => 63;
++ plan tests => 65;
+ package NonExistentExport;
+ use Moose ();
+ ::stderr_like {
+ Moose::Exporter->setup_import_methods(
+ also => ['Moose'],
+ with_caller => ['does_not_exist'],
+ );
+ } qr/^Trying to export undefined sub NonExistentExport::does_not_exist/,
+ "warns when a non-existent method is requested to be exported";
+ package WantsNonExistentExport;
+ NonExistentExport->import;
+ ::ok(!__PACKAGE__->can('does_not_exist'),
+ "undefined subs do not get exported");
+ package AllOptions;
+ use Moose ();
+ use Moose::Exporter;
+ Moose::Exporter->setup_import_methods(
+ also => ['Moose'],
+ with_meta => [ 'with_meta1', 'with_meta2' ],
+ with_caller => [ 'with_caller1', 'with_caller2' ],
+ as_is => ['as_is1'],
+ );
+ sub with_caller1 {
+ return @_;
+ }
+ sub with_caller2 (&) {
+ return @_;
+ }
+ sub as_is1 {2}
+ sub with_meta1 {
+ return @_;
+ }
+ sub with_meta2 (&) {
+ return @_;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ package UseAllOptions;
+ AllOptions->import();
+ }
+ {
+ can_ok( 'UseAllOptions', $_ )
+ for qw( with_meta1 with_meta2 with_caller1 with_caller2 as_is1 );
+ {
+ my ( $caller, $arg1 ) = UseAllOptions::with_caller1(42);
+ is( $caller, 'UseAllOptions', 'with_caller wrapped sub gets the right caller' );
+ is( $arg1, 42, 'with_caller wrapped sub returns argument it was passed' );
+ }
+ {
+ my ( $meta, $arg1 ) = UseAllOptions::with_meta1(42);
+ isa_ok( $meta, 'Moose::Meta::Class', 'with_meta first argument' );
+ is( $arg1, 42, 'with_meta1 returns argument it was passed' );
+ }
+ is(
+ prototype( UseAllOptions->can('with_caller2') ),
+ prototype( AllOptions->can('with_caller2') ),
+ 'using correct prototype on with_meta function'
+ );
+ is(
+ prototype( UseAllOptions->can('with_meta2') ),
+ prototype( AllOptions->can('with_meta2') ),
+ 'using correct prototype on with_meta function'
+ );
+ {
+ package UseAllOptions;
+ AllOptions->unimport();
+ }
+ ok( ! UseAllOptions->can($_), "UseAllOptions::$_ has been unimported" )
+ for qw( with_meta1 with_meta2 with_caller1 with_caller2 as_is1 );