Under AIX 4.1.4, with LOCALE set en_GB (British english) glob test one
fails because <op/*> sorts op/re_* before op/rea*, while
$otherway = `echo op/*` sorts op/re_* after op/re[a-z]*.t
This version doesn't rely on the sorting order.
print "1..4\n";
@ops = <op/*>;
-$list = join(' ',@ops);
-chop($otherway = `echo op/*`);
-print $list eq $otherway ? "ok 1\n" : "not ok 1\n$list\n$otherway\n";
+map { $files{$_}++ } <op/*>;
+map { delete $files{$_} } split /[\s\n]/, `echo op/*`;
+if (keys %files) {
+ print "not ok 1\t(",join(' ', sort keys %files),"\n";
+} else { print "ok 1\n"; }
print $/ eq "\n" ? "ok 2\n" : "not ok 2\n";