if (cx->sb_once || !CALLREGEXEC(rx, s, cx->sb_strend, orig,
s == m, cx->sb_targ, NULL,
((cx->sb_rflags & REXEC_COPY_STR)
- ? 0 : REXEC_COPY_STR)))
SV *targ = cx->sb_targ;
sv_catpvn(dstr, s, cx->sb_strend - s);
if (rx->minlen > len) goto failure;
truebase = t = s;
+ /* XXXX What part of this is needed with true \G-support? */
if (global = pm->op_pmflags & PMf_GLOBAL) {
rx->startp[0] = 0;
if (rx->startp[0] && rx->startp[0] == rx->endp[0])
PUTBACK; /* EVAL blocks may use stack */
+ r_flags |= REXEC_IGNOREPOS;
goto play_it_again;
else if (!iters)
+ r_flags |= REXEC_IGNOREPOS;
do {
if (iters++ > maxiters)
DIE("Substitution loop");
sv_catpvn(dstr, c, clen);
if (once)
- } while (CALLREGEXEC(rx, s, strend, orig, s == m, Nullsv, NULL, r_flags));
+ } while (CALLREGEXEC(rx, s, strend, orig, s == m, TARG, NULL, r_flags));
sv_catpvn(dstr, s, strend - s);
if (prog->reganch & ROPT_GPOS_SEEN) {
MAGIC *mg;
- int pos = 0;
- if (SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_PVMG && SvMAGIC(sv)
- && (mg = mg_find(sv, 'g')) && mg->mg_len >= 0)
- pos = mg->mg_len;
- PL_reg_ganch = startpos + pos;
+ if (!(flags & REXEC_IGNOREPOS) && sv && SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_PVMG
+ && SvMAGIC(sv) && (mg = mg_find(sv, 'g')) && mg->mg_len >= 0)
+ PL_reg_ganch = strbeg + mg->mg_len;
+ else
+ PL_reg_ganch = startpos;
/* Simplest case: anchored match need be tried only once. */
#define REXEC_COPY_STR 1 /* Need to copy the string. */
#define REXEC_CHECKED 2 /* check_substr already checked. */
#define REXEC_SCREAM 4 /* use scream table. */
+#define REXEC_IGNOREPOS 8 /* \G matches at start. */
#define ReREFCNT_inc(re) ((re && re->refcnt++), re)
#define ReREFCNT_dec(re) pregfree(re)
# the format supported by op/regexp.t. If you want to add a test
# that does fit that format, add it to op/re_tests, not here.
-print "1..177\n";
+print "1..178\n";
chdir 't' if -d 't';
print "ok $test\n";
+$_ = 'aaa';
+pos = 1;
+@a = /\Ga/g;
+print "not " unless "@a" eq "a a";
+print "ok $test\n";
$str = 'abcde';
pos $str = 2;
require Config; import Config;
-print "1..71\n";
+print "1..91\n";
$x = 'foo';
$_ = "x";
$foo = '<>' . ('<x><>' x 20) ;
print ($_ eq $foo ? "ok 71\n" : "not ok 71\n#'$_'\n#'$foo'\n");
+$t = 'aaaaaaaaa';
+$_ = $t;
+pos = 6;
+print "not " unless $_ eq 'aaaaaaxxxxxx';
+print "ok 72\n";
+$_ = $t;
+pos = 6;
+print "not " unless $_ eq 'aaaaaaxxx';
+print "ok 73\n";
+$_ = $t;
+pos = 6;
+print "not " unless $_ eq 'aaaaaaxxaa';
+print "ok 74\n";
+$_ = $t;
+pos = 6;
+print "not " unless $_ eq 'aaaaaaxaa';
+print "ok 75\n";
+$_ = $t;
+print "not " unless $_ eq 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
+print "ok 76\n";
+$_ = $t;
+print "not " unless $_ eq 'xxxxxxxxx';
+print "ok 77\n";
+$_ = $t;
+print "not " unless $_ eq 'xxaaaaaaaa';
+print "ok 78\n";
+$_ = $t;
+print "not " unless $_ eq 'xaaaaaaaa';
+print "ok 79\n";
+$t = 'aaa';
+$_ = $t;
+@res = ();
+pos = 1;
+s/\Ga(?{push @res, $_, $`})/xx/g;
+print "not " unless "$_ @res" eq 'axxxx aaa a aaa aa';
+print "ok 80\n";
+$_ = $t;
+@res = ();
+pos = 1;
+s/\Ga(?{push @res, $_, $`})/x/g;
+print "not " unless "$_ @res" eq 'axx aaa a aaa aa';
+print "ok 81\n";
+$_ = $t;
+@res = ();
+pos = 1;
+s/\Ga(?{push @res, $_, $`})/xx/;
+print "not " unless "$_ @res" eq 'axxa aaa a';
+print "ok 82\n";
+$_ = $t;
+@res = ();
+pos = 1;
+s/\Ga(?{push @res, $_, $`})/x/;
+print "not " unless "$_ @res" eq 'axa aaa a';
+print "ok 83\n";
+$a = $t;
+@res = ();
+pos ($a) = 1;
+$a =~ s/\Ga(?{push @res, $_, $`})/xx/g;
+print "#'$a' '@res'\nnot " unless "$a @res" eq 'axxxx aaa a aaa aa';
+print "ok 84\n";
+$a = $t;
+@res = ();
+pos ($a) = 1;
+$a =~ s/\Ga(?{push @res, $_, $`})/x/g;
+print "#'$a' '@res'\nnot " unless "$a @res" eq 'axx aaa a aaa aa';
+print "ok 85\n";
+$a = $t;
+@res = ();
+pos ($a) = 1;
+$a =~ s/\Ga(?{push @res, $_, $`})/xx/;
+print "#'$a' '@res'\nnot " unless "$a @res" eq 'axxa aaa a';
+print "ok 86\n";
+$a = $t;
+@res = ();
+pos ($a) = 1;
+$a =~ s/\Ga(?{push @res, $_, $`})/x/;
+print "#'$a' '@res'\nnot " unless "$a @res" eq 'axa aaa a';
+print "ok 87\n";
+sub x2 {'xx'}
+sub x1 {'x'}
+$a = $t;
+@res = ();
+pos ($a) = 1;
+$a =~ s/\Ga(?{push @res, $_, $`})/x2/ge;
+print "#'$a' '@res'\nnot " unless "$a @res" eq 'axxxx aaa a aaa aa';
+print "ok 88\n";
+$a = $t;
+@res = ();
+pos ($a) = 1;
+$a =~ s/\Ga(?{push @res, $_, $`})/x1/ge;
+print "#'$a' '@res'\nnot " unless "$a @res" eq 'axx aaa a aaa aa';
+print "ok 89\n";
+$a = $t;
+@res = ();
+pos ($a) = 1;
+$a =~ s/\Ga(?{push @res, $_, $`})/x2/e;
+print "#'$a' '@res'\nnot " unless "$a @res" eq 'axxa aaa a';
+print "ok 90\n";
+$a = $t;
+@res = ();
+pos ($a) = 1;
+$a =~ s/\Ga(?{push @res, $_, $`})/x1/e;
+print "#'$a' '@res'\nnot " unless "$a @res" eq 'axa aaa a';
+print "ok 91\n";