use Carp;
use Moose::Role;
use Class::MOP;
+use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Module::Pluggable::Object;
-our $VERSION = '0.0009';
+our $VERSION = '0.00010';
=head1 NAME
take presedence upon namespace collitions. This allows you to subclass a pluggable
class and still use it's plugins while using yours first if they are available.
=head2 _plugin_locator
An automatically built instance of L<Module::Pluggable::Object> used to locate
available plugins.
+=head2 _original_class_name
+Because of the way roles apply C<$self-E<gt>blessed> and C<ref $self> will
+no longer return what you expect. Instead, upon instantiation, the name of the
+class instantiated will be stored in this attribute if you need to access the
+name the class held before any runtime roles were applied.
-has _plugin_ns =>
- (
- is => 'rw',
- required => 1,
- isa => 'Str',
- default => sub{ 'Plugin' },
- );
-has _plugin_loaded =>
- (
- is => 'rw',
- required => 1,
- isa => 'HashRef',
- default => sub{ {} }
- );
-has _plugin_app_ns =>
- (
- is => 'rw',
- required => 1,
- isa => 'ArrayRef',
- lazy => 1,
- auto_deref => 1,
- builder => '_build_plugin_app_ns',
- trigger => sub{ $_[0]->_clear_plugin_locator if $_[0]->_has_plugin_locator; },
- );
-has _plugin_locator =>
- (
- is => 'rw',
- required => 1,
- lazy => 1,
- isa => 'Module::Pluggable::Object',
- clearer => '_clear_plugin_locator',
- predicate => '_has_plugin_locator',
- builder => '_build_plugin_locator'
- );
+has _plugin_ns => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ required => 1,
+ isa => 'Str',
+ default => sub{ 'Plugin' },
+has _original_class_name => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ required => 1,
+ isa => 'Str',
+ default => sub{ blessed($_[0]) },
+has _plugin_loaded => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ required => 1,
+ isa => 'HashRef',
+ default => sub{ {} }
+has _plugin_app_ns => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ required => 1,
+ isa => 'ArrayRef',
+ lazy => 1,
+ auto_deref => 1,
+ builder => '_build_plugin_app_ns',
+ trigger => sub{ $_[0]->_clear_plugin_locator if $_[0]->_has_plugin_locator; },
+has _plugin_locator => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ required => 1,
+ lazy => 1,
+ isa => 'Module::Pluggable::Object',
+ clearer => '_clear_plugin_locator',
+ predicate => '_has_plugin_locator',
+ builder => '_build_plugin_locator'
-=head2 _original_class_name
-Because of the way roles apply C<$self-E<gt>blessed> and C<ref $self> will
-no longer return what you expect. Instead use this class to get your original
-class name.
-sub _original_class_name{
- my $self = shift;
- return (grep {$_ !~ /^Moose::/} $self->meta->class_precedence_list)[0];
=head1 Private Methods
There's nothing stopping you from using these, but if you are using them
use Test::More;
use lib 't/lib';
-plan tests => 15;
+plan tests => 16;
is($app->_role_from_plugin($_), 'TestApp::Plugin::'.$_)
is( $app->foo, "original foo", 'original foo value');
is( $app->bar, "original bar", 'original bar value');
is( $app->bor, "original bor", 'original bor value');
ok($app->load_plugin('Bar'), "Loaded Bar");
is( $app->bar, "override bar", 'overridden bar via plugin');
+is( $app->_original_class_name, 'TestApp', '_original_class_name works');
ok($app->load_plugin('Baz'), "Loaded Baz");
is( $app->baz, "plugin baz", 'added baz via plugin');
is( $app->bor, "plugin bor", 'override bor via plugin');
#print $app->meta->dump(3);