+=head2 equivalence_graph( \%readingmap, $startrank, $endrank )
+Returns an equivalence graph of the collation, in which all readings
+related via a 'colocated' relationship are transformed into a single
+vertex. Can be used to determine the validity of a new relationship. The
+mapping between equivalence vertices and reading IDs will be stored in the
+hash whose reference is passed as readingmap. For a subset of the graph,
+pass in a start and/or an ending rank (this only works if L<calculate_ranks>
+has been called at least once.)
+sub equivalence_graph {
+ my( $self, $map, $start, $end ) = @_;
+ $start = undef unless $self->end->has_rank;
+ $end = undef unless $self->end->has_rank;
+ my $eqgraph = Graph->new();
+ my $rel_ctr = 0;
+ # Add the nodes
+ foreach my $r ( $self->readings ) {
+ unless( $r eq $self->start || $r eq $self->end ) {
+ next if $start && $r->rank < $start;
+ next if $end && $r->rank > $end;
+ }
+ next if exists $map->{$r->id};
+ my @rels = $r->related_readings( 'colocated' );
+ if( @rels ) {
+ # Make an equivalence vertex
+ my $rn = 'equivalence_' . $rel_ctr++;
+ $eqgraph->add_vertex( $rn );
+ # Note which readings belong to this vertex.
+ push( @rels, $r );
+ foreach( @rels ) {
+ $map->{$_->id} = $rn;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Add a new node to mirror the old node.
+ $map->{$r->id} = $r->id;
+ $eqgraph->add_vertex( $r->id );
+ }
+ }
+ # Add the edges.
+ foreach my $p ( $self->paths ) {
+ my $efrom = exists $map->{$p->[0]} ? $map->{$p->[0]}
+ : $map->{$self->start->id};
+ my $eto = exists $map->{$p->[1]} ? $map->{$p->[1]}
+ : $map->{$self->end->id};
+ $eqgraph->add_edge( $efrom, $eto );
+ }
+ return $eqgraph;
=head2 calculate_ranks
Calculate the reading ranks (that is, their aligned positions relative
my $self = shift;
# Save the existing ranks, in case we need to invalidate the cached SVG.
my %existing_ranks;
+ map { $existing_ranks{$_} = $_->rank } $self->readings;
# Walk a version of the graph where every node linked by a relationship
# edge is fundamentally the same node, and do a topological ranking on
# the nodes in this graph.
- my $topo_graph = Graph->new();
my %rel_containers;
- my $rel_ctr = 0;
- # Add the nodes
- foreach my $r ( $self->readings ) {
- next if exists $rel_containers{$r->id};
- my @rels = $r->related_readings( 'colocated' );
- if( @rels ) {
- # Make a relationship container.
- push( @rels, $r );
- my $rn = 'rel_container_' . $rel_ctr++;
- $topo_graph->add_vertex( $rn );
- foreach( @rels ) {
- $rel_containers{$_->id} = $rn;
- }
- } else {
- # Add a new node to mirror the old node.
- $rel_containers{$r->id} = $r->id;
- $topo_graph->add_vertex( $r->id );
- }
- }
- # Add the edges.
- foreach my $r ( $self->readings ) {
- $existing_ranks{$r} = $r->rank;
- foreach my $n ( $self->sequence->successors( $r->id ) ) {
- my( $tfrom, $tto ) = ( $rel_containers{$r->id},
- $rel_containers{$n} );
- # $DB::single = 1 unless $tfrom && $tto;
- $topo_graph->add_edge( $tfrom, $tto );
- }
- }
+ my $topo_graph = $self->equivalence_graph( \%rel_containers );
# Now do the rankings, starting with the start node.
my $topo_start = $rel_containers{$self->start->id};