- if (PL_utf8cache < 0) {
+ if (PL_utf8cache < 0 && SvPOKp(sv)) {
+ /* SvPOKp() because it's possible that sv has string overloading, and
+ therefore is a reference, hence SvPVX() is actually a pointer.
+ This cures the (very real) symptoms of RT 69422, but I'm not actually
+ sure whether we should even be caching the results of UTF-8
+ operations on overloading, given that nothing stops overloading
+ returning a different value every time it's called. */
const U8 *start = (const U8 *) SvPVX_const(sv);
const STRLEN realutf8 = utf8_length(start, start + byte);
-use Test::More tests => 208;
+use Test::More tests => 215;
package UTF8Toggle;
use strict;
is (pack ("A/A", $value), pack ("A/A", "\243"));
+foreach my $value ("\243", UTF8Toggle->new("\243")) {
+ my $v;
+ $v = substr $value, 0, 1;
+ is ($v, "\243");
+ $v = substr $value, 0, 1;
+ is ($v, "\243");
+ $v = substr $value, 0, 1;
+ is ($v, "\243");
+ package RT69422;
+ use overload '""' => sub { $_[0]->{data} }
+ my $text = bless { data => "\x{3075}" }, 'RT69422';
+ my $p = substr $text, 0, 1;
+ is ($p, "\x{3075}");
1 while -f $tmpfile and unlink $tmpfile || die "unlink '$tmpfile': $!";