+ get_all_init_args
+ get_all_attribute_values
+# instance deconstruction ...
+sub get_all_attribute_values {
+ my ($class, $instance) = @_;
+ return +{
+ map { $_->name => $_->get_value($instance) }
+ grep { $_->has_value($instance) }
+ $class->compute_all_applicable_attributes
+ };
+sub get_all_init_args {
+ my ($class, $instance) = @_;
+ return +{
+ map { $_->init_arg => $_->get_value($instance) }
+ grep { $_->has_value($instance) }
+ grep { defined($_->init_arg) }
+ $class->compute_all_applicable_attributes
+ };
C<@roles> will be pre-processed through L<Data::OptList::mkopt>
to allow for the additional arguments to be passed.
+=item B<get_all_attribute_values($meta, $instance)>
+Returns the values of the C<$instance>'s fields keyed by the attribute names.
+=item B<get_all_init_args($meta, $instance)>
+Returns a hash reference where the keys are all the attributes' C<init_arg>s
+and the values are the instance's fields. Attributes without an C<init_arg>
+will be skipped.
=head1 TODO
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 55;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Test::Deep;
+ use_ok('Moose');
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
+ use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+ use Scalar::Util ();
+ type Number
+ => where { defined($_) && !ref($_) && Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) };
+ type String
+ => where { defined($_) && !ref($_) && !Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) };
+ has vUndef => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Undef' );
+ has vDefined => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Defined' );
+ has vInt => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+ has vNumber => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Number' );
+ has vStr => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' );
+ has vString => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'String' );
+ has v_lazy_Undef => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { undef }, isa => 'Undef' );
+ has v_lazy_Defined => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { undef }, isa => 'Defined' );
+ has v_lazy_Int => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { undef }, isa => 'Int' );
+ has v_lazy_Number => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { undef }, isa => 'Number' );
+ has v_lazy_Str => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { undef }, isa => 'Str' );
+ has v_lazy_String => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { undef }, isa => 'String' );
+ok( Undef(undef), '... undef is a Undef');
+ok(!Defined(undef), '... undef is NOT a Defined');
+ok(!Int(undef), '... undef is NOT a Int');
+ok(!Number(undef), '... undef is NOT a Number');
+ok(!Str(undef), '... undef is NOT a Str');
+ok(!String(undef), '... undef is NOT a String');
+ok(!Undef(5), '... 5 is a NOT a Undef');
+ok(Defined(5), '... 5 is a Defined');
+ok(Int(5), '... 5 is a Int');
+ok(Number(5), '... 5 is a Number');
+ok(Str(5), '... 5 is a Str');
+ok(!String(5), '... 5 is NOT a String');
+ok(!Undef(0.5), '... 0.5 is a NOT a Undef');
+ok(Defined(0.5), '... 0.5 is a Defined');
+ok(!Int(0.5), '... 0.5 is NOT a Int');
+ok(Number(0.5), '... 0.5 is a Number');
+ok(Str(0.5), '... 0.5 is a Str');
+ok(!String(0.5), '... 0.5 is NOT a String');
+ok(!Undef('Foo'), '... "Foo" is NOT a Undef');
+ok(Defined('Foo'), '... "Foo" is a Defined');
+ok(!Int('Foo'), '... "Foo" is NOT a Int');
+ok(!Number('Foo'), '... "Foo" is NOT a Number');
+ok(Str('Foo'), '... "Foo" is a Str');
+ok(String('Foo'), '... "Foo" is a String');
+my $foo = Foo->new;
+lives_ok { $foo->vUndef(undef) } '... undef is a Foo->Undef';
+dies_ok { $foo->vDefined(undef) } '... undef is NOT a Foo->Defined';
+dies_ok { $foo->vInt(undef) } '... undef is NOT a Foo->Int';
+dies_ok { $foo->vNumber(undef) } '... undef is NOT a Foo->Number';
+dies_ok { $foo->vStr(undef) } '... undef is NOT a Foo->Str';
+dies_ok { $foo->vString(undef) } '... undef is NOT a Foo->String';
+dies_ok { $foo->vUndef(5) } '... 5 is NOT a Foo->Undef';
+lives_ok { $foo->vDefined(5) } '... 5 is a Foo->Defined';
+lives_ok { $foo->vInt(5) } '... 5 is a Foo->Int';
+lives_ok { $foo->vNumber(5) } '... 5 is a Foo->Number';
+lives_ok { $foo->vStr(5) } '... 5 is a Foo->Str';
+dies_ok { $foo->vString(5) } '... 5 is NOT a Foo->String';
+dies_ok { $foo->vUndef(0.5) } '... 0.5 is NOT a Foo->Undef';
+lives_ok { $foo->vDefined(0.5) } '... 0.5 is a Foo->Defined';
+dies_ok { $foo->vInt(0.5) } '... 0.5 is NOT a Foo->Int';
+lives_ok { $foo->vNumber(0.5) } '... 0.5 is a Foo->Number';
+lives_ok { $foo->vStr(0.5) } '... 0.5 is a Foo->Str';
+dies_ok { $foo->vString(0.5) } '... 0.5 is NOT a Foo->String';
+dies_ok { $foo->vUndef('Foo') } '... "Foo" is NOT a Foo->Undef';
+lives_ok { $foo->vDefined('Foo') } '... "Foo" is a Foo->Defined';
+dies_ok { $foo->vInt('Foo') } '... "Foo" is NOT a Foo->Int';
+dies_ok { $foo->vNumber('Foo') } '... "Foo" is NOT a Foo->Number';
+lives_ok { $foo->vStr('Foo') } '... "Foo" is a Foo->Str';
+lives_ok { $foo->vString('Foo') } '... "Foo" is a Foo->String';
+# the lazy tests
+lives_ok { $foo->v_lazy_Undef() } '... undef is a Foo->Undef';
+dies_ok { $foo->v_lazy_Defined() } '... undef is NOT a Foo->Defined';
+dies_ok { $foo->v_lazy_Int() } '... undef is NOT a Foo->Int';
+dies_ok { $foo->v_lazy_Number() } '... undef is NOT a Foo->Number';
+dies_ok { $foo->v_lazy_Str() } '... undef is NOT a Foo->Str';
+dies_ok { $foo->v_lazy_String() } '... undef is NOT a Foo->String';