my $page = MyHomePage->new();
$page->inc_counter; # same as $page->counter( $page->counter + 1 );
$page->dec_counter; # same as $page->counter( $page->counter - 1 );
+ my $count_by_twos = 2;
+ $page->inc_counter($count_by_twos);
This module provides a simple counter attribute, which can be
-incremented and decremented.
-If your attribute definition does not include any of I<is>, I<isa>,
-I<default> or I<handles> but does use the C<Counter> trait,
-then this module applies defaults as in the L</SYNOPSIS>
-above. This allows for a very basic counter definition:
- has 'foo' => (traits => ['Counter']);
- $obj->inc_foo;
+incremented and decremented by arbitrary amounts. The default
+amount of change is one.
Set the counter to the specified value.
-=item B<inc>
+=item B<inc($arg)>
-Increments the value stored in this slot by 1. Providing an argument will
-cause the counter to be increased by specified amount.
+Increase the attribute value by the amount of the argument.
+No argument increments the value by 1.
-=item B<dec>
+=item B<dec($arg)>
-Decrements the value stored in this slot by 1. Providing an argument will
-cause the counter to be increased by specified amount.
+Decrease the attribute value by the amount of the argument.
+No argument decrements the value by 1.
=item B<reset>