for ($arg->{cwd}) { /\A(.*)\Z/; $_ = $1 } # untaint
for my $p (@$paths) {
- # need to fixup case and map \ to / on Windows
- my $ortho_root = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? _slash_lc($p) : $p;
- my $ortho_cwd = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? _slash_lc($arg->{cwd}) : $arg->{cwd};
- my $ortho_root_length = length($ortho_root);
- $ortho_root_length-- if $^O eq 'VMS'; # don't compare '.' with ']'
- if ($ortho_root_length
- && (substr($ortho_root, 0, $ortho_root_length)
- eq substr($ortho_cwd, 0, $ortho_root_length))) {
- local $! = 0;
- _error($arg, "cannot remove path when cwd is $arg->{cwd}", $p);
- next;
- }
if ($Is_MacOS) {
$p = ":$p" unless $p =~ /:/;
$p .= ":" unless $p =~ /:\z/;
to restore its permissions to the original state but failed. The
directory may wind up being left behind.
-=item cannot remove [dir] when cwd is [dir]
-The current working directory of the program is F</some/path/to/here>
-and you are attempting to remove an ancestor, such as F</some/path>.
-The directory tree is left untouched.
-The solution is to C<chdir> out of the child directory to a place
-outside the directory tree to be removed.
=item cannot chdir to [parent-dir] from [child-dir]: [errmsg], aborting. (FATAL)
C<remove_tree>, after having deleted everything and restored the permissions
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 114;
+use Test::More tests => 108;
use Config;
rmtree 'solo';
-SKIP: {
- # tests for rmtree() of ancestor directory
- my $nr_tests = 6;
- my $cwd = getcwd() or skip "failed to getcwd: $!", $nr_tests;
- my $dir = catdir($cwd, 'remove');
- my $dir2 = catdir($cwd, 'remove', 'this', 'dir');
- skip "failed to mkpath '$dir2': $!", $nr_tests
- unless mkpath($dir2, {verbose => 0});
- skip "failed to chdir dir '$dir2': $!", $nr_tests
- unless chdir($dir2);
- rmtree($dir, {error => \$error});
- my $nr_err = @$error;
- is($nr_err, 1, "ancestor error");
- if ($nr_err) {
- my ($file, $message) = each %{$error->[0]};
- is($file, $dir, "ancestor named");
- my $ortho_dir = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? File::Path::_slash_lc($dir2) : $dir2;
- $^O eq 'MSWin32' and $message
- =~ s/\A(cannot remove path when cwd is )(.*)\Z/$1 . File::Path::_slash_lc($2)/e;
- is($message, "cannot remove path when cwd is $ortho_dir", "ancestor reason");
- ok(-d $dir2, "child not removed");
- ok(-d $dir, "ancestor not removed");
- }
- else {
- fail( "ancestor 1");
- fail( "ancestor 2");
- fail( "ancestor 3");
- fail( "ancestor 4");
- }
- chdir $cwd;
- rmtree($dir);
- ok(!(-d $dir), "ancestor now removed");
my $count = rmtree({error => \$error});
is( $count, 0, 'rmtree of nothing, count of zero' );
is( scalar(@$error), 0, 'no diagnostic captured' );