-# $Id: auto-dia.pl,v 1.1 2003-02-14 20:29:12 kycl4rk Exp $
+# $Id: auto-dia.pl,v 1.2 2003-02-15 02:31:23 kycl4rk Exp $
=head1 NAME
- -o|--output Output file name (default STDOUT)
- -i|--image Output image type (default PNG)
- -t|--title Title to give schema
- -c|--cols Number of columns
+ -o|--output Output file name (default STDOUT)
+ -i|--image Output image type (default PNG)
+ -t|--title Title to give schema
+ -c|--cols Number of columns
+ -n|--no-lines Don't draw lines
+ -s|--skip Fields to skip in natural joins
This script will create a picture of your schema. Only the database
-driver argument is required. If no output file name is given, then
-image will be printed to STDOUT, so you should redirect the output
-into a file.
+driver argument (for SQL::Translator) is required. If no output file
+name is given, then image will be printed to STDOUT, so you should
+redirect the output into a file.
use Pod::Usage;
use SQL::Translator;
-my $VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.1 $)[-1];
+my $VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.2 $)[-1];
-my ( $out_file, $image_type, $db_driver, $title, $no_columns );
+# Get arguments.
+my ( $out_file, $image_type, $db_driver, $title, $no_columns,
+ $no_lines, $skip_fields );
'd|db=s' => \$db_driver,
'o|output:s' => \$out_file,
'i|image:s' => \$image_type,
't|title:s' => \$title,
'c|columns:i' => \$no_columns,
+ 'n|no-lines' => \$no_lines,
+ 's|skip:s' => \$skip_fields,
) or die pod2usage;
my $file = shift @ARGV or pod2usage( -message => 'No input file' );
pod2usage( -message => "No db driver specified" ) unless $db_driver;
$image_type = $image_type ? lc $image_type : 'png';
$title ||= $file;
+my %skip = map { $_, 1 } split ( /,/, $skip_fields );
+# Parse file.
my $t = SQL::Translator->new( parser => $db_driver, producer => 'Raw' );
my $data = $t->translate( $file ) or die $t->error;
-my $font = gdTinyFont;
+# Layout the image.
+my $font = gdTinyFont;
my $no_tables = scalar keys %$data;
$no_columns ||= sprintf( "%.0f", sqrt( $no_tables ) + .5 );
my $no_per_col = sprintf( "%.0f", $no_tables/$no_columns + .5 );
-warn "no per col = '$no_per_col'\n";
my ( @shapes, $max_x, $max_y );
my $orig_y = 40;
my $cur_col = 1;
my $no_this_col = 0;
my $this_col_x = $x;
+my %registry; # for locations of fields
+my %table_x; # for max x of each table
+my $field_no;
for my $table (
map { $_->[1] }
) {
my $table_name = $table->{'table_name'};
my $top = $y;
- push @shapes, [ 'string', $font, $this_col_x, $y, $table_name ];
+ push @shapes, [ 'string', $font, $this_col_x, $y, $table_name, 'black' ];
$y += $font->height + 2;
my $below_table_name = $y;
my $nlen = length $name;
$max_name = $nlen if $nlen > $max_name;
- push @fld_desc, [ $name, $desc ];
+ push @fld_desc, [ $name, $desc, $f->{'name'} ];
$max_name += 4;
for my $fld_desc ( @fld_desc ) {
- my ( $name, $desc ) = @$fld_desc;
+ my ( $name, $desc, $orig_name ) = @$fld_desc;
my $diff = $max_name - length $name;
$name .= ' ' x $diff;
$desc = $name . $desc;
- push @shapes, [ 'string', $font, $this_col_x, $y, $desc ];
+ push @shapes, [ 'string', $font, $this_col_x, $y, $desc, 'black' ];
$y += $font->height + 2;
my $length = $this_col_x + ( $font->width * length( $desc ) );
$this_max_x = $length if $length > $this_max_x;
+ unless ( $skip{ $orig_name } ) {
+ my $y_link = $y - $font->height * .75;
+ push @{ $registry{ $orig_name } }, {
+ left => [ $this_col_x - 2, $y_link ],
+ right => [ $length, $y_link ],
+ table => $table_name,
+ field_no => ++$field_no,
+ };
+ }
$this_max_x += 5;
+ $table_x{ $table_name } = $this_max_x + 5;
push @shapes, [ 'line', $this_col_x - 5, $below_table_name,
- $this_max_x, $below_table_name ];
+ $this_max_x, $below_table_name, 'black' ];
push @shapes, [
- 'rectangle', $this_col_x - 5, $top - 5, $this_max_x, $y + 5
+ 'rectangle', $this_col_x - 5, $top - 5, $this_max_x, $y + 5, 'black'
$max_x = $this_max_x if $this_max_x > $max_x;
$y += 25;
+# Connect the lines.
+my %horz_taken;
+my %done;
+unless ( $no_lines ) {
+ for my $field_name ( keys %registry ) {
+ my @positions = @{ $registry{ $field_name } || [] } or next;
+ next if scalar @positions == 1;
+ for my $i ( 0 .. $#positions ) {
+ my $pos1 = $positions[ $i ];
+ my ( $ax, $ay ) = @{ $pos1->{'left'} };
+ my ( $bx, $by ) = @{ $pos1->{'right'} };
+ my $table1 = $pos1->{'table'};
+ my $fno1 = $pos1->{'field_no'};
+ for my $j ( 1 .. $#positions ) {
+ my $pos2 = $positions[ $j ];
+ my ( $cx, $cy ) = @{ $pos2->{'left'} };
+ my ( $dx, $dy ) = @{ $pos2->{'right'} };
+ my $table2 = $pos2->{'table'};
+ my $fno2 = $pos2->{'field_no'};
+ next if $done{ $fno1 }{ $fno2 };
+ my @distances = ();
+ push @distances, [
+ abs ( $ax - $cx ) + abs ( $ay - $cy ),
+ [ $ax, $ay, $cx, $cy ],
+ [ 'left', 'left' ]
+ ];
+ push @distances, [
+ abs ( $ax - $dx ) + abs ( $ay - $dy ),
+ [ $ax, $ay, $dx, $dy ],
+ [ 'left', 'right' ],
+ ];
+ push @distances, [
+ abs ( $bx - $cx ) + abs ( $by - $cy ),
+ [ $bx, $by, $cx, $cy ],
+ [ 'right', 'left' ],
+ ];
+ push @distances, [
+ abs ( $bx - $dx ) + abs ( $by - $dy ),
+ [ $bx, $by, $dx, $dy ],
+ [ 'right', 'right' ],
+ ];
+ @distances = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @distances;
+ my $shortest = $distances[0];
+ my ( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 ) = @{ $shortest->[1] };
+ my ( $side1, $side2 ) = @{ $shortest->[2] };
+ my ( $start, $end );
+ my $offset = 10;
+ my $col1_right = $table_x{ $table1 };
+ my $col2_right = $table_x{ $table2 };
+ my $diff = 0;
+ if ( $x1 == $x2 ) {
+ while ( $horz_taken{ $x1 + $diff } ) {
+ $diff = $side1 eq 'left' ? $diff - 2 : $diff + 2;
+ }
+ $horz_taken{ $x1 + $diff } = 1;
+ }
+ if ( $side1 eq 'left' ) {
+ $start = $x1 - $offset + $diff;
+ }
+ else {
+ $start = $col1_right + $diff;
+ }
+ if ( $side2 eq 'left' ) {
+ $end = $x2 - $offset + $diff;
+ }
+ else {
+ $end = $col2_right + $diff;
+ }
+ push @shapes, [ 'line', $x1, $y1, $start, $y1, 'lightblue' ];
+ push @shapes, [ 'line', $start, $y1, $end, $y2, 'lightblue' ];
+ push @shapes, [ 'line', $end, $y2, $x2, $y2, 'lightblue' ];
+ $done{ $fno1 }{ $fno2 } = 1;
+ $done{ $fno2 }{ $fno1 } = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
# Add the title and signature.
my $large_font = gdLargeFont;
my $title_len = $large_font->width * length $title;
-push @shapes, [ 'string', $large_font, $max_x/2 - $title_len/2, 10, $title ];
+push @shapes, [
+ 'string', $large_font, $max_x/2 - $title_len/2, 10, $title, 'black'
-my $sig = "auto-dia.pl $VERSION";
-push @shapes, [ 'string', $font, $max_x/2 - $title_len/2, 10, $title ];
+my $sig = "auto-dia.pl $VERSION";
+my $sig_len = $font->width * length $sig;
+push @shapes, [
+ 'string', $font, $max_x - $sig_len, $max_y - $font->height - 4,
+ $sig, 'black'
+# Render the image.
my $gd = GD::Image->new( $max_x + 10, $max_y );
unless ( $gd->can( $image_type ) ) {
die "GD can't create images of type '$image_type'\n";
-my $white = $gd->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
-my $black = $gd->colorAllocate(00,00,00);
+my %colors = map { $_->[0], $gd->colorAllocate( @{$_->[1]} ) } (
+ [ white => [ 255, 255, 255 ] ],
+ [ black => [ 0, 0, 0 ] ],
+ [ lightblue => [ 173, 216, 230 ] ],
$gd->interlaced( 'true' );
-$gd->fill( 0, 0, $white );
+$gd->fill( 0, 0, $colors{ 'white' } );
for my $shape ( @shapes ) {
my $method = shift @$shape;
- $gd->$method( @$shape, $black );
+ my $color = pop @$shape;
+ $gd->$method( @$shape, $colors{ $color } );
+# Print the image.
if ( $out_file ) {
open my $fh, ">$out_file" or die "Can't write '$out_file': $!\n";
print $fh $gd->$image_type;