instead of Perl. Check the #! line, or manually feed your script
into Perl yourself.
+=item (in cleanup) %s
+(W) This prefix usually indicates that a DESTROY() method raised
+the indicated exception. Since destructors are usually called by
+the system at arbitrary points during execution, and often a vast
+number of times, the warning is issued only once for any number
+of failures that would otherwise result in the same message being
+Failure of user callbacks dispatched using the C<G_KEEPERR> flag
+could also result in this warning. See L<perlcall/G_KEEPERR>.
=item (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
(S) This is an educated guess made in conjunction with the message "%s
SvGROW(err, SvCUR(err)+sizeof(prefix)+klen);
sv_catpvn(err, prefix, sizeof(prefix)-1);
sv_catpvn(err, message, klen);
+ warner(WARN_UNSAFE, SvPVX(err));
goto &fred()
+ (in cleanup) foo bar
+ package Foo;
+ DESTROY { die "foo bar" }
+ { bless [], 'Foo' for 1..10 }
# pp_ctl.c
goto &fred()
Deep recursion on subroutine "main::fred" at - line 6.
+# pp_ctl.c
+use warning 'unsafe' ;
+package Foo;
+DESTROY { die "@{$_[0]} foo bar" }
+{ bless ['A'], 'Foo' for 1..10 }
+ (in cleanup) A foo bar at - line 4.