use vars qw( @EXPORT @ISA $VERSION );
@EXPORT = qw( shell fetch get install );
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
- $VERSION = "0.89_02"; #have to hardcode or gets unhappy
+ $VERSION = "0.89_03"; #have to hardcode or gets unhappy
### purely for backward compatibility, so we can call it from the commandline:
#### XXX we ignore the version, and just assume that the latest
#### version from cpan will meet your requirements... dodgy =/
unless( $modobj ) {
- error( loc( "No such module '%1' found on CPAN", $mod ) );
+ # Check if it is a core module
+ my $sub = CPANPLUS::Module->can(
+ 'module_is_supplied_with_perl_core' );
+ my $core = $sub->( $mod );
+ unless ( $core ) {
+ error( loc( "No such module '%1' found on CPAN", $mod ) );
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( $cb->_vcmp( $version, $core ) > 0 ) {
+ error(loc( "Version of core module '%1' ('%2') is too low for ".
+ "'%3' (needs '%4') -- carrying on but this may be a problem",
+ $mod, $core,
+ $self->module, $version ));
+ }