#!perl -w
use strict;
+use Getopt::Std;
use vars qw($trysource $tryout $sentinel);
$trysource = "try.c";
$tryout = "try.i";
+getopts('fF:ekvI:', \my %opt) or usage();
+sub usage {
+ die<<EO_HELP;
+usage: $0 [options] <macro-name> [headers]
+ -f use 'indent' to format output
+ -F <tool> use <tool> to format output (instead of -f)
+ -e erase try.[ic] instead of failing when theyre present (errdetect)
+ -k keep them after generating (for handy inspection)
+ -v verbose
+ -I <indent-opts> passed into indent
my $macro = shift;
-die "$0 macro [headers]" unless defined $macro;
+usage "missing <macro-name>" unless defined $macro;
$sentinel = "$macro expands to";
+usage "-f and -F <tool> are exclusive\n" if $opt{f} and $opt{F};
foreach($trysource, $tryout) {
+ unlink $_ if $opt{e};
die "You already have a $_" if -e $_;
my $args = '';
+my $found_macro;
while (<>) {
next unless /^#\s*define\s+$macro\b/;
my ($def_args) = /^#\s*define\s+$macro\(([^)]*)\)/;
if (defined $def_args) {
my @args = split ',', $def_args;
+ print "# macro: $macro args: @args in $_\n" if $opt{v};
my $argname = "A0";
$args = '(' . join (', ', map {$argname++} 1..@args) . ')';
+ $found_macro++;
+die "$macro not found\n" unless $found_macro;
open my $out, '>', $trysource or die "Can't open $trysource: $!";
close $out or die "Can't close $trysource: $!";
+print "doing: make $tryout\n" if $opt{v};
system "make $tryout" and die;
+# if user wants 'indent' formatting ..
+$opt{I} //= '';
+system "indent $opt{I} $tryout" and die if $opt{f};
+system "$opt{F} $opt{I} $tryout" and die if $opt{F};
open my $fh, '<', $tryout or die "Can't open $tryout: $!";
while (<$fh>) {
print if /$sentinel/o .. 1;
-foreach($trysource, $tryout) {
- die "Can't unlink $_" unless unlink $_;
+unless ($opt{k}) {
+ foreach($trysource, $tryout) {
+ die "Can't unlink $_" unless unlink $_;
+ }