0.24 2013-09-10
- remove 4-year-old warning about YAML::XS not being installed
+ - add JSON::PP to list of available JSON parsers (RT #86959)
0.23 2011-07-13
- fix test suite's method of checking availability of plugins
return JSON::Syck::Load( $content );
+ eval { require JSON::PP; JSON::PP->VERSION( 2 ); };
+ unless( $@ ) {
+ my $decoder = JSON::PP->new->relaxed;
+ return $decoder->decode( $content );
+ }
require JSON;
eval { JSON->VERSION( 2 ); };
return $@ ? JSON::jsonToObj( $content ) : JSON::from_json( $content );
-sub requires_any_of { 'JSON::DWIW', 'JSON::XS', 'JSON::Syck', 'JSON' }
+sub requires_any_of { 'JSON::DWIW', 'JSON::XS', 'JSON::Syck', 'JSON::PP', 'JSON' }
=head1 AUTHOR
-Copyright 2006-2011 by Brian Cassidy
+Copyright 2006-2013 by Brian Cassidy
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.