use Config;
use File::Spec;
-plan tests => 73;
+plan tests => 69;
$Is_Amiga = $^O eq 'amigaos';
$Is_Cygwin = $^O eq 'cygwin';
ok(! -e $tmpfile_link, ' -e on unlinked file');
- skip "No character, socket or block special files", 7
+ skip "No character, socket or block special files", 3
if $Is_MSWin32 || $Is_NetWare || $Is_Dos;
- skip "/dev/ isn't available to test against", 7
+ skip "/dev/ isn't available to test against", 3
unless -d '/dev/' && -r '/dev/' && -x '/dev/';
- opendir DEV, "/dev/" or BAILOUT("Can't open /dev/: $!");
- my($cnt, $char, $sock, $block);
- $cnt = $char = $sock = $block = 0;
- foreach (readdir DEV) {
- my $file = "/dev/$_";
- $cnt++;
- $char++ if -c $file;
- $sock++ if -S $file;
- $block++ if -b $file;
- }
- isnt( $cnt, 0, 'Found some files in /dev/ to test against' );
- isnt( $char, 0, ' and some character special files' );
- isnt( $sock, 0, ' and some socket files' );
- isnt( $block, 0, ' and some block special files' );
- ok( $char < $cnt, " they're not all character special" );
- ok( $sock < $cnt, " they're not all sockets" );
- ok( $block < $cnt, " they're not all block special" );
+ my $LS = $Config{d_readlink} ? "ls -lL" : "ls -l";
+ my $CMD = "$LS /dev";
+ my $DEV = qx($CMD);
+ skip "$CMD failed", 3 if $DEV eq '';
+ my $type;
+ my $skip = sub { ok(1, "Skip: no $_[0]s in /dev") };
+ my $ok = sub { ok(1, "$_[0] /dev/$1") };
+ my $fail = sub { ok(0, "ls -l thinks /dev/$1 is $_[0] but $_[1] says not") };
+ if ($DEV !~ /\nb.* (\S+)\n/) { $skip->("block special") }
+ elsif (-b "/dev/$1") { $ok-> ("block special") }
+ else { $fail->("block special", "-b") }
+ if ($DEV !~ /\nc.* (\S+)\n/) { $skip->("character special") }
+ elsif (-c "/dev/$1") { $ok-> ("character special") }
+ else { $fail->("character special", "-c") }
+ if ($DEV !~ /\ns.* (\S+)\n/) { $skip->("socket") }
+ elsif (-S "/dev/$1") { $ok-> ("socket") }
+ else { $fail->("socket", "-S") }
ok(! -c $Curdir, '!-c cwd');