--- /dev/null
+Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Class::Loader
+0.14 Sat Jan 21 00:05:11 2006
+ - Bugfix to pgsql tests
+ - Bugfix for pause/cpan module version parsing
+0.13 Thu Jan 19 06:40:11 2006
+ - Test suite infrastructure overhauled
+ - New advanced relationship testing [chisel]
+ - Several relationship fixes
+ - some minor pod cleanup
+ - misc bugfixes
+0.12 Fri Jan 13 06:09:04 2006
+ - Changed "comment" to "Comment" for mysql "SHOW TABLE STATUS"
+ - Added relationship tests for pg, mysql, and db2
+0.11 Mon Jan 02 17:25:14 2006
+ - use UNIVERSAL::require for loading the implementation class [Jason Kohles]
+ - docs fixes [Jason Kohles]
+ - fixed http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=16100 (implicit disconnects) [blblack]
+ - carp rather than croak if a table has no PKs [blblack]
+ - Added test for DB2 [blblack]
+0.10 Tue Dec 20 06:22:23 2005
+ - Fixed foreign key relationships to columns other than primary keys [blblack]
+ - Fixed mysql test script [blblack]
+ - Some schema support added [castaway]
+ - DB2 support added [castaway]
+0.09 Mon Nov 07 18:00:00 2005
+ - Updated mysql loader
+0.08 Mon Nov 07 18:00:00 2005
+ - Fixed Pg loader
+0.07 Mon Nov 07 18:00:00 2005
+ - Fixed mysql loader
+0.06 Thu Nov 03 18:00:00 2005
+ - Fixed the _croak bug
+0.05 Wed Nov 02 18:00:00 2005
+ - Fixed dump output
+0.04 Wed Nov 02 18:00:00 2005
+ - Fixed Pg loader
+0.03 Wed Nov 02 18:00:00 2005
+ - new version number :P
+0.02 Mon Oct 24 18:00:00 2005
+ - Added $DBIx::Class::Loader::SCHEMA
+ - Fixed Pg loader
+ - Bumped version dependency.
+0.01 Mon Sep 19 00:00:00 2005
+ - original version.
--- /dev/null
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ 'NAME' => 'DBIx::Class::Loader',
+ 'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/DBIx/Class/Loader.pm',
+ 'PREREQ_PM' => {
+ Test::More => 0.32,
+ DBIx::Class => 0.03001,
+ DBI => 1.30,
+ Lingua::EN::Inflect => 0,
+ Text::Balanced => 0,
+ UNIVERSAL::require => 0.10,
+ },
--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Class::Loader;
+use strict;
+use UNIVERSAL::require;
+our $VERSION = '0.14';
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Loader - Dynamic definition of DBIx::Class sub classes.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use DBIx::Class::Loader;
+ my $loader = DBIx::Class::Loader->new(
+ dsn => "dbi:mysql:dbname",
+ user => "root",
+ password => "",
+ namespace => "Data",
+ additional_classes => [qw/DBIx::Class::Foo/],
+ additional_base_classes => [qw/My::Stuff/],
+ left_base_classes => [qw/DBIx::Class::Bar/],
+ constraint => '^foo.*',
+ relationships => 1,
+ options => { AutoCommit => 1 },
+ inflect => { child => 'children' },
+ debug => 1,
+ );
+ my $class = $loader->find_class('film'); # $class => Data::Film
+ my $obj = $class->find(1);
+use with mod_perl
+in your startup.pl
+ # load all tables
+ use DBIx::Class::Loader;
+ my $loader = DBIx::Class::Loader->new(
+ dsn => "dbi:mysql:dbname",
+ user => "root",
+ password => "",
+ namespace => "Data",
+ );
+in your web application.
+ use strict;
+ # you can use Data::Film directly
+ my $film = Data::Film->retrieve($id);
+DBIx::Class::Loader automate the definition of DBIx::Class sub-classes by
+scanning table schemas and setting up columns and primary keys.
+Class names are defined by table names and the namespace option, which is
+ +---------+-----------+--------------+
+ | table | namespace | class |
+ +---------+-----------+--------------+
+ | foo | Data | Data::Foo |
+ | foo_bar | MyDB | MyDB::FooBar |
+ +---------+-----------+--------------+
+DBIx::Class::Loader supports MySQL, Postgres, SQLite and DB2. See
+L<DBIx::Class::Loader::Generic> for more, and L<DBIx::Class::Loader::Writing>
+for notes on writing your own db-specific subclass for an unsupported db.
+L<Class::DBI::Loader> and L<Class::DBI> are now obsolete, use L<DBIx::Class> and this module instead. ;)
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+Example in Synopsis above demonstrates the available arguments. For
+detailed information on the arguments, see the
+L<DBIx::Class::Loader::Generic> documentation.
+sub new {
+ my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
+ my $dsn = $args{dsn};
+ my ($driver) = $dsn =~ m/^dbi:(\w*?)(?:\((.*?)\))?:/i;
+ $driver = 'SQLite' if $driver eq 'SQLite2';
+ my $impl = "DBIx::Class::Loader::" . $driver;
+ $impl->require or
+ die qq/Couldn't require loader class "$impl", "$UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR"/;
+ return $impl->new(%args);
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Sebastian Riedel, C<sri@oook.de>
+Based upon the work of IKEBE Tomohiro
+=head1 THANK YOU
+Adam Anderson, Andy Grundman, Autrijus Tang, Dan Kubb, David Naughton,
+Randal Schwartz, Simon Flack and all the others who've helped.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Class::Loader::DB2;
+use strict;
+use base 'DBIx::Class::Loader::Generic';
+use DBI;
+use Carp;
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Loader::DB2 - DBIx::Class::Loader DB2 Implementation.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use DBIx::Class::Loader;
+ # $loader is a DBIx::Class::Loader::DB2
+ my $loader = DBIx::Class::Loader->new(
+ dsn => "dbi:DB2:dbname",
+ user => "myuser",
+ password => "",
+ namespace => "Data",
+ schema => "MYSCHEMA",
+ dropschema => 0,
+ );
+ my $class = $loader->find_class('film'); # $class => Data::Film
+ my $obj = $class->retrieve(1);
+See L<DBIx::Class::Loader>.
+sub _db_classes {
+ return ();
+sub _tables {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $schema = uc ($args{schema} || '');
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( @{ $self->{_datasource} } ) or croak($DBI::errstr);
+ # this is split out to avoid version parsing errors...
+ my $is_dbd_db2_gte_114 = ( $DBD::DB2::VERSION >= 1.14 );
+ my @tables = $is_dbd_db2_gte_114 ?
+ $dbh->tables( { TABLE_SCHEM => '%', TABLE_TYPE => 'TABLE,VIEW' } )
+ : $dbh->tables;
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ # People who use table or schema names that aren't identifiers deserve
+ # what they get. Still, FIXME?
+ s/\"//g for @tables;
+ @tables = grep {!/^SYSIBM\./ and !/^SYSCAT\./ and !/^SYSSTAT\./} @tables;
+ @tables = grep {/^$schema\./} @tables if($schema);
+ return @tables;
+sub _table_info {
+ my ( $self, $table ) = @_;
+# $|=1;
+# print "_table_info($table)\n";
+ my ($schema, $tabname) = split /\./, $table, 2;
+ # print "Schema: $schema, Table: $tabname\n";
+ # FIXME: Horribly inefficient and just plain evil. (JMM)
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( @{ $self->{_datasource} } ) or croak($DBI::errstr);
+ $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<'SQL') or die;
+ $sth->execute($schema, $tabname) or die;
+ my @cols = map { @$_ } @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref};
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<'SQL') or die;
+JOIN SYSCAT.KEYCOLUSE as kcu ON tc.constname = kcu.constname
+WHERE tc.TABSCHEMA = ? and tc.TABNAME = ? and tc.TYPE = 'P'
+ $sth->execute($schema, $tabname) or die;
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ my @pri = map { @$_ } @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref};
+ return ( \@cols, \@pri );
+=head1 SEE ALSO
--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Class::Loader::Generic;
+use strict;
+use base 'DBIx::Class::Componentised';
+use Carp;
+use Lingua::EN::Inflect;
+use UNIVERSAL::require;
+require DBIx::Class::DB;
+require DBIx::Class::Core;
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Loader::Generic - Generic DBIx::Class::Loader Implementation.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+See L<DBIx::Class::Loader>
+=head2 OPTIONS
+Available constructor options are:
+=head3 additional_base_classes
+List of additional base classes your table classes will use.
+=head3 left_base_classes
+List of additional base classes, that need to be leftmost.
+=head3 additional_classes
+List of additional classes which your table classes will use.
+=head3 constraint
+Only load tables matching regex.
+=head3 exclude
+Exclude tables matching regex.
+=head3 debug
+Enable debug messages.
+=head3 dsn
+DBI Data Source Name.
+=head3 namespace
+Namespace under which your table classes will be initialized.
+=head3 password
+=head3 relationships
+Try to automatically detect/setup has_a and has_many relationships.
+=head3 inflect
+An hashref, which contains exceptions to Lingua::EN::Inflect::PL().
+Useful for foreign language column names.
+=head3 user
+=head2 METHODS
+=head3 new
+Not intended to be called directly. This is used internally by the
+C<new()> method in L<DBIx::Class::Loader>.
+sub new {
+ my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
+ if ( $args{debug} ) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{"$class\::debug"} = sub { 1 };
+ }
+ my $additional = $args{additional_classes} || [];
+ $additional = [$additional] unless ref $additional eq 'ARRAY';
+ my $additional_base = $args{additional_base_classes} || [];
+ $additional_base = [$additional_base]
+ unless ref $additional_base eq 'ARRAY';
+ my $left_base = $args{left_base_classes} || [];
+ $left_base = [$left_base] unless ref $left_base eq 'ARRAY';
+ my $self = bless {
+ _datasource =>
+ [ $args{dsn}, $args{user}, $args{password}, $args{options} ],
+ _namespace => $args{namespace},
+ _additional => $additional,
+ _additional_base => $additional_base,
+ _left_base => $left_base,
+ _constraint => $args{constraint} || '.*',
+ _exclude => $args{exclude},
+ _relationships => $args{relationships},
+ _inflect => $args{inflect},
+ _schema => $args{schema},
+ _dropschema => $args{dropschema},
+ CLASSES => {},
+ }, $class;
+ warn qq/\### START DBIx::Class::Loader dump ###\n/ if $self->debug;
+ $self->_load_classes;
+ $self->_relationships if $self->{_relationships};
+ warn qq/\### END DBIx::Class::Loader dump ###\n/ if $self->debug;
+ $self;
+=head3 find_class
+Returns a tables class.
+ my $class = $loader->find_class($table);
+sub find_class {
+ my ( $self, $table ) = @_;
+ return $self->{CLASSES}->{$table};
+=head3 classes
+Returns a sorted list of classes.
+ my $@classes = $loader->classes;
+sub classes {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return sort values %{ $self->{CLASSES} };
+=head3 debug
+Overload to enable debug messages.
+sub debug { 0 }
+=head3 tables
+Returns a sorted list of tables.
+ my @tables = $loader->tables;
+sub tables {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return sort keys %{ $self->{CLASSES} };
+# Overload in your driver class
+sub _db_classes { croak "ABSTRACT METHOD" }
+# Setup has_a and has_many relationships
+sub _belongs_to_many {
+ my ( $self, $table, $column, $other, $other_column ) = @_;
+ my $table_class = $self->find_class($table);
+ my $other_class = $self->find_class($other);
+ warn qq/\# Belongs_to relationship\n/ if $self->debug;
+ if($other_column) {
+ warn qq/$table_class->belongs_to( '$column' => '$other_class',/
+ . qq/ { "foreign.$other_column" => "self.$column" },/
+ . qq/ { accessor => 'filter' });\n\n/
+ if $self->debug;
+ $table_class->belongs_to( $column => $other_class,
+ { "foreign.$other_column" => "self.$column" },
+ { accessor => 'filter' }
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ warn qq/$table_class->belongs_to( '$column' => '$other_class' );\n\n/
+ if $self->debug;
+ $table_class->belongs_to( $column => $other_class );
+ }
+ my ($table_class_base) = $table_class =~ /.*::(.+)/;
+ my $plural = Lingua::EN::Inflect::PL( lc $table_class_base );
+ $plural = $self->{_inflect}->{ lc $table_class_base }
+ if $self->{_inflect}
+ and exists $self->{_inflect}->{ lc $table_class_base };
+ warn qq/\# Has_many relationship\n/ if $self->debug;
+ if($other_column) {
+ warn qq/$other_class->has_many( '$plural' => '$table_class',/
+ . qq/ { "foreign.$column" => "self.$other_column" } );\n\n/
+ if $self->debug;
+ $other_class->has_many( $plural => $table_class,
+ { "foreign.$column" => "self.$other_column" }
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ warn qq/$other_class->has_many( '$plural' => '$table_class',/
+ . qq/'$other_column' );\n\n/
+ if $self->debug;
+ $other_class->has_many( $plural => $table_class, $column );
+ }
+# Load and setup classes
+sub _load_classes {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @schema = ('schema' => $self->{_schema}) if($self->{_schema});
+ my @tables = $self->_tables(@schema);
+ my @db_classes = $self->_db_classes();
+ my $additional = join '', map "use $_;\n", @{ $self->{_additional} };
+ my $additional_base = join '', map "use base '$_';\n",
+ @{ $self->{_additional_base} };
+ my $left_base = join '', map "use base '$_';\n", @{ $self->{_left_base} };
+ my $constraint = $self->{_constraint};
+ my $exclude = $self->{_exclude};
+ my $namespace = $self->{_namespace};
+ my $dbclass = "$namespace\::_db";
+ $self->inject_base( $dbclass, 'DBIx::Class::DB' );
+ $dbclass->connection( @{ $self->{_datasource} } );
+ foreach my $table (@tables) {
+ next unless $table =~ /$constraint/;
+ next if ( defined $exclude && $table =~ /$exclude/ );
+ my ($schema, $tbl) = split /\./, $table;
+ my $tablename = lc $table;
+ if($tbl) {
+ $tablename = $self->{_dropschema} ? $tbl : lc $table;
+ }
+ my $class = $self->_table2class($schema, $tbl);
+ $self->inject_base( $class, $dbclass, 'DBIx::Class::Core' );
+ $_->require for @db_classes;
+ $self->inject_base( $class, $_ ) for @db_classes;
+ warn qq/\# Initializing table "$table" as "$class"\n/ if $self->debug;
+ $class->table(lc $tablename);
+ my ( $cols, $pks ) = $self->_table_info($table);
+ carp("$table has no primary key") unless @$pks;
+ $class->add_columns(@$cols);
+ $class->set_primary_key(@$pks) if @$pks;
+ $self->{CLASSES}->{lc $tablename} = $class;
+ my $code = "package $class;\n$additional_base$additional$left_base";
+ warn qq/$code/ if $self->debug;
+ warn qq/$class->table('$tablename');\n/ if $self->debug;
+ my $columns = join "', '", @$cols;
+ warn qq/$class->add_columns('$columns')\n/ if $self->debug;
+ my $primaries = join "', '", @$pks;
+ warn qq/$class->set_primary_key('$primaries')\n/ if $self->debug && @$pks;
+ eval $code;
+ croak qq/Couldn't load additional classes "$@"/ if $@;
+ unshift @{"$class\::ISA"}, $_ foreach ( @{ $self->{_left_base} } );
+ }
+# Find and setup relationships
+sub _relationships {
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach my $table ( $self->tables ) {
+ my $dbh = $self->find_class($table)->storage->dbh;
+ my $quoter = $dbh->get_info(29) || q{"};
+ if ( my $sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info( '', '', '', '', '', $table ) ) {
+ for my $res ( @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ) } ) {
+ my $column = $res->{FK_COLUMN_NAME};
+ my $other = $res->{UK_TABLE_NAME};
+ my $other_column = $res->{UK_COLUMN_NAME};
+ $column =~ s/$quoter//g;
+ $other =~ s/$quoter//g;
+ $other_column =~ s/$quoter//g;
+ eval { $self->_belongs_to_many( $table, $column, $other,
+ $other_column ) };
+ warn qq/\# belongs_to_many failed "$@"\n\n/
+ if $@ && $self->debug;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Make a class from a table
+sub _table2class {
+ my ( $self, $schema, $table ) = @_;
+ my $namespace = $self->{_namespace} || "";
+ $namespace =~ s/(.*)::$/$1/;
+ if($table) {
+ $schema = ucfirst lc $schema;
+ $namespace .= "::$schema" if(!$self->{_dropschema});
+ } else {
+ $table = $schema;
+ }
+ my $subclass = join '', map ucfirst, split /[\W_]+/, lc $table;
+ my $class = $namespace ? "$namespace\::" . $subclass : $subclass;
+# Overload in driver class
+sub _tables { croak "ABSTRACT METHOD" }
+sub _table_info { croak "ABSTRACT METHOD" }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Class::Loader::Pg;
+use strict;
+use base 'DBIx::Class::Loader::Generic';
+use DBI;
+use Carp;
+our $SCHEMA = 'public';
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Loader::Pg - DBIx::Class::Loader Postgres Implementation.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use DBIx::Class::Loader;
+ # $loader is a DBIx::Class::Loader::Pg
+ my $loader = DBIx::Class::Loader->new(
+ dsn => "dbi:Pg:dbname=dbname",
+ user => "postgres",
+ password => "",
+ namespace => "Data",
+ );
+ my $class = $loader->find_class('film'); # $class => Data::Film
+ my $obj = $class->retrieve(1);
+See L<DBIx::Class::Loader>.
+sub _db_classes {
+ return qw/DBIx::Class::PK::Auto::Pg/;
+sub _tables {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( @{ $self->{_datasource} } ) or croak($DBI::errstr);
+ # This is split out to avoid version parsing errors...
+ my $is_dbd_pg_gte_131 = ( $DBD::Pg::VERSION >= 1.31 );
+ my @tables = $is_dbd_pg_gte_131 ?
+ $dbh->tables( undef, $SCHEMA, "", "table", { noprefix => 1, pg_noprefix => 1 } )
+ : $dbh->tables;
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ s/"//g for @tables;
+ return @tables;
+sub _table_info {
+ my ( $self, $table ) = @_;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( @{ $self->{_datasource} } ) or croak($DBI::errstr);
+ my $sth = $dbh->column_info(undef, $SCHEMA, $table, undef);
+ my @cols = map { $_->[3] } @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref };
+ s/"//g for @cols;
+ my @primary = $dbh->primary_key(undef, $SCHEMA, $table);
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ s/"//g for @primary;
+ return ( \@cols, \@primary );
+=head1 SEE ALSO
--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Class::Loader::SQLite;
+use strict;
+use base 'DBIx::Class::Loader::Generic';
+use Text::Balanced qw( extract_bracketed );
+use DBI;
+use Carp;
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Loader::SQLite - DBIx::Class::Loader SQLite Implementation.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use DBIx::Class::Loader;
+ # $loader is a DBIx::Class::Loader::SQLite
+ my $loader = DBIx::Class::Loader->new(
+ dsn => "dbi:SQLite:dbname=/path/to/dbfile",
+ namespace => "Data",
+ );
+ my $class = $loader->find_class('film'); # $class => Data::Film
+ my $obj = $class->retrieve(1);
+See L<DBIx::Class::Loader>.
+sub _db_classes {
+ return qw/DBIx::Class::PK::Auto::SQLite/;
+sub _relationships {
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach my $table ( $self->tables ) {
+ my $dbh = $self->find_class($table)->storage->dbh;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<"");
+SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name = ?
+ $sth->execute($table);
+ my ($sql) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
+ $sth->finish;
+ # Cut "CREATE TABLE ( )" blabla...
+ $sql =~ /^[\w\s]+\((.*)\)$/si;
+ my $cols = $1;
+ # strip single-line comments
+ $cols =~ s/\-\-.*\n/\n/g;
+ # temporarily replace any commas inside parens,
+ # so we don't incorrectly split on them below
+ my $cols_no_bracketed_commas = $cols;
+ while ( my $extracted =
+ ( extract_bracketed( $cols, "()", "[^(]*" ) )[0] )
+ {
+ my $replacement = $extracted;
+ $replacement =~ s/,/--comma--/g;
+ $replacement =~ s/^\(//;
+ $replacement =~ s/\)$//;
+ $cols_no_bracketed_commas =~ s/$extracted/$replacement/m;
+ }
+ # Split column definitions
+ for my $col ( split /,/, $cols_no_bracketed_commas ) {
+ # put the paren-bracketed commas back, to help
+ # find multi-col fks below
+ $col =~ s/\-\-comma\-\-/,/g;
+ # CDBI doesn't have built-in support multi-col fks, so ignore them
+ next if $col =~ s/^\s*FOREIGN\s+KEY\s*//i && $col =~ /^\([^,)]+,/;
+ # Strip punctuations around key and table names
+ $col =~ s/[()\[\]'"]/ /g;
+ $col =~ s/^\s+//gs;
+ # Grab reference
+ if ( $col =~ /^(\w+).*REFERENCES\s+(\w+)\s*(\w+)?/i ) {
+ chomp $col;
+ warn qq/\# Found foreign key definition "$col"\n\n/
+ if $self->debug;
+ eval { $self->_belongs_to_many( $table, $1, $2, $3 ) };
+ warn qq/\# belongs_to_many failed "$@"\n\n/
+ if $@ && $self->debug;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub _tables {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( @{ $self->{_datasource} } ) or croak($DBI::errstr);
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master");
+ $sth->execute;
+ my @tables;
+ while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
+ next unless lc( $row->{type} ) eq 'table';
+ push @tables, $row->{tbl_name};
+ }
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ return @tables;
+sub _table_info {
+ my ( $self, $table ) = @_;
+ # find all columns.
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( @{ $self->{_datasource} } ) or croak($DBI::errstr);
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("PRAGMA table_info('$table')");
+ $sth->execute();
+ my @columns;
+ while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
+ push @columns, $row->{name};
+ }
+ $sth->finish;
+ # find primary key. so complex ;-(
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<'SQL');
+SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name = ?
+ $sth->execute($table);
+ my ($sql) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
+ $sth->finish;
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ my ($primary) = $sql =~ m/
+ (?:\(|\,) # either a ( to start the definition or a , for next
+ \s* # maybe some whitespace
+ (\w+) # the col name
+ [^,]* # anything but the end or a ',' for next column
+ my @pks;
+ if ($primary) {
+ @pks = ($primary);
+ }
+ else {
+ my ($pks) = $sql =~ m/PRIMARY\s+KEY\s*\(\s*([^)]+)\s*\)/;
+ @pks = split( m/\s*\,\s*/, $pks ) if $pks;
+ }
+ return ( \@columns, \@pks );
+=head1 SEE ALSO
--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Class::Loader::Writing;
+# Empty. POD only.
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Loader::Writing - Loader subclass writing guide
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package DBIx::Class::Loader::Foo;
+ use strict;
+ use base 'DBIx::Class::Loader::Generic';
+ use DBI;
+ use Carp;
+ sub _db_classes {
+ return qw/DBIx::Class::PK::Auto::Foo/;
+ # You may want to return more, or less, than this.
+ }
+ sub _tables {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( @{ $self->{_datasource} } )
+ or croak($DBI::errstr);
+ return $dbh->tables; # Your DBD may need something different
+ }
+ sub _table_info {
+ my ( $self, $table ) = @_;
+ ...
+ return ( \@cols, \@primary );
+ }
+ sub _relationships {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ...
+ $self->_belongs_to_many($table, $f_key, $f_table, $f_column);
+ # For each relationship you want to set up ($f_column is
+ # optional, default is $f_table's primary key)
+ ...
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Class::Loader::mysql;
+use strict;
+use base 'DBIx::Class::Loader::Generic';
+use DBI;
+use Carp;
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Loader::mysql - DBIx::Class::Loader mysql Implementation.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use DBIx::Class::Loader;
+ # $loader is a DBIx::Class::Loader::mysql
+ my $loader = DBIx::Class::Loader->new(
+ dsn => "dbi:mysql:dbname",
+ user => "root",
+ password => "",
+ namespace => "Data",
+ );
+ my $class = $loader->find_class('film'); # $class => Data::Film
+ my $obj = $class->retrieve(1);
+See L<DBIx::Class::Loader>.
+sub _db_classes {
+ return qw/DBIx::Class::PK::Auto::MySQL/;
+# Very experimental and untested!
+sub _relationships {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @tables = $self->tables;
+ my $dbh = $self->find_class( $tables[0] )->storage->dbh;
+ my $dsn = $self->{_datasource}[0];
+ my %conn =
+ $dsn =~ m/\Adbi:\w+(?:\(.*?\))?:(.+)\z/i
+ && index( $1, '=' ) >= 0
+ ? split( /[=;]/, $1 )
+ : ( database => $1 );
+ my $dbname = $conn{database} || $conn{dbname} || $conn{db};
+ die("Can't figure out the table name automatically.") if !$dbname;
+ foreach my $table (@tables) {
+ my $query = "SHOW CREATE TABLE ${dbname}.${table}";
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query)
+ or die("Cannot get table definition: $table");
+ $sth->execute;
+ my $table_def = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[1] || '';
+ my (@cols) = ($table_def =~ /CONSTRAINT `.*` FOREIGN KEY \(`(.*)`\) REFERENCES `(.*)` \(`(.*)`\)/g);
+ while (scalar @cols > 0) {
+ my $column = shift @cols;
+ my $remote_table = shift @cols;
+ my $remote_column = shift @cols;
+ eval { $self->_belongs_to_many( $table, $column, $remote_table, $remote_column) };
+ warn qq/\# belongs_to_many failed "$@"\n\n/ if $@ && $self->debug;
+ }
+ $sth->finish;
+ }
+sub _tables {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( @{ $self->{_datasource} } ) or croak($DBI::errstr);
+ my @tables;
+ foreach my $table ( $dbh->tables ) {
+ my $quoter = $dbh->get_info(29);
+ $table =~ s/$quoter//g if ($quoter);
+ push @tables, $1
+ if $table =~ /\A(\w+)\z/;
+ }
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ return @tables;
+sub _table_info {
+ my ( $self, $table ) = @_;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( @{ $self->{_datasource} } ) or croak($DBI::errstr);
+ # MySQL 4.x doesn't support quoted tables
+ my $query = "DESCRIBE $table";
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) or die("Cannot get table status: $table");
+ $sth->execute;
+ my ( @cols, @pri );
+ while ( my $hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
+ my ($col) = $hash->{Field} =~ /(\w+)/;
+ push @cols, $col;
+ push @pri, $col if $hash->{Key} eq "PRI";
+ }
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ return ( \@cols, \@pri );
+=head1 SEE ALSO
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+ use_ok 'DBIx::Class::Loader';
+ SKIP: {
+ use_ok 'DBIx::Class::Loader::mysql';
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ use_ok 'DBIx::Class::Loader::Pg';
+ }
--- /dev/null
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod 1.14";
+plan skip_all => 'Test::Pod 1.14 required' if $@;
+plan skip_all => 'set TEST_POD to enable this test' unless $ENV{TEST_POD};
--- /dev/null
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04";
+plan skip_all => 'Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required' if $@;
+plan skip_all => 'set TEST_POD to enable this test' unless $ENV{TEST_POD};
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use lib qw( ./t );
+use dbixcl_common_tests;
+eval { require DBD::SQLite };
+my $class = $@ ? 'SQLite2' : 'SQLite';
+ my $tester = dbixcl_common_tests->new(
+ vendor => 'SQLite',
+ auto_inc_pk => 'INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY',
+ dsn => "dbi:$class:dbname=./t/sqlite_test",
+ user => '',
+ password => '',
+ multi_fk_broken => 1,
+ );
+ $tester->run_tests();
+END {
+ unlink './t/sqlite_test';
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use lib qw( . ./t );
+use dbixcl_common_tests;
+my $database = $ENV{MYSQL_NAME} || '';
+my $user = $ENV{MYSQL_USER} || '';
+my $password = $ENV{MYSQL_PASS} || '';
+my $test_innodb = $ENV{MYSQL_TEST_INNODB} || 0;
+my $skip_rels_msg = 'You need to set the MYSQL_TEST_INNODB environment variable to test relationships';
+my $tester = dbixcl_common_tests->new(
+ vendor => 'Mysql',
+ innodb => q{Engine='InnoDB'},
+ dsn => "dbi:mysql:$database",
+ user => $user,
+ password => $password,
+ skip_rels => $test_innodb ? 0 : $skip_rels_msg,
+ multi_fk_broken => 1,
+if( !$database || !$user ) {
+ $tester->skip_tests('You need to set the MYSQL_NAME, MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASS environment variables');
+else {
+ $tester->run_tests();
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use lib qw( . ./t );
+use dbixcl_common_tests;
+my $database = $ENV{PG_NAME} || '';
+my $user = $ENV{PG_USER} || '';
+my $password = $ENV{PG_PASS} || '';
+my $tester = dbixcl_common_tests->new(
+ vendor => 'Pg',
+ auto_inc_pk => 'SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY',
+ dsn => "dbi:Pg:dbname=$database",
+ user => $user,
+ password => $password,
+if( !$database || !$user ) {
+ $tester->skip_tests('You need to set the PG_NAME, PG_USER and PG_PASS environment variables');
+else {
+ $tester->run_tests();
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use lib qw( . ./t );
+use dbixcl_common_tests;
+my $database = $ENV{DB2_NAME} || '';
+my $user = $ENV{DB2_USER} || '';
+my $password = $ENV{DB2_PASS} || '';
+my $tester = dbixcl_common_tests->new(
+ vendor => 'DB2',
+ auto_inc_pk => 'SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY',
+ dsn => "dbi:DB2:$database",
+ user => $user,
+ password => $password,
+if( !$database || !$user ) {
+ $tester->skip_tests('You need to set the DB2_NAME, DB2_USER and DB2_PASS environment variables');
+else {
+ $tester->run_tests();
--- /dev/null
+package dbixcl_common_tests;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use DBIx::Class::Loader;
+use DBI;
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self;
+ if( ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $args = shift;
+ $self = { (%$args) };
+ }
+ else {
+ $self = { @_ };
+ }
+ # Only MySQL uses this
+ $self->{innodb} ||= '';
+ return bless $self => $class;
+sub skip_tests {
+ my ($self, $why) = @_;
+ plan skip_all => $why;
+sub run_tests {
+ my $self = shift;
+ plan tests => 26;
+ $self->create();
+ my $namespace = 'DBIXCL_Test_' . $self->{vendor};
+ my $loader = DBIx::Class::Loader->new(
+ dsn => $self->{dsn},
+ user => $self->{user},
+ password => $self->{password},
+ namespace => $namespace,
+ constraint => '^loader_test.*',
+ relationships => 1,
+ );
+ my $class1 = $loader->find_class("loader_test1");
+ my $class2 = $loader->find_class("loader_test2");
+ is( $class1, "${namespace}::LoaderTest1" );
+ is( $class2, "${namespace}::LoaderTest2" );
+ my $obj = $class1->find(1);
+ is( $obj->id, 1 );
+ is( $obj->dat, "foo" );
+ is( $class2->count, 4 );
+ my ($obj2) = $class2->find( dat => 'bbb' );
+ is( $obj2->id, 2 );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip $self->{skip_rels}, 20 if $self->{skip_rels};
+ my $class3 = $loader->find_class("loader_test3");
+ my $class4 = $loader->find_class("loader_test4");
+ my $class5 = $loader->find_class("loader_test5");
+ my $class6 = $loader->find_class("loader_test6");
+ my $class7 = $loader->find_class("loader_test7");
+ my $class8 = $loader->find_class("loader_test8");
+ my $class9 = $loader->find_class("loader_test9");
+ is( $class3, "${namespace}::LoaderTest3" );
+ is( $class4, "${namespace}::LoaderTest4" );
+ is( $class5, "${namespace}::LoaderTest5" );
+ is( $class6, "${namespace}::LoaderTest6" );
+ is( $class7, "${namespace}::LoaderTest7" );
+ is( $class8, "${namespace}::LoaderTest8" );
+ is( $class9, "${namespace}::LoaderTest9" );
+ # basic rel test
+ my $obj4 = $class4->find(123);
+ is( ref($obj4->fkid), $class3);
+ # fk def in comments should not be parsed
+ my $obj5 = $class5->find( id1 => 1, id2 => 1 );
+ is( ref( $obj5->id2 ), '' );
+ # mulit-col fk def (works halfway for some, not others...)
+ my $obj6 = $class6->find(1);
+ isa_ok( $obj6->loader_test2, $class2 );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "Multi-column FKs are only half-working for this vendor", 1
+ unless $self->{multi_fk_broken};
+ is( ref( $obj6->id2 ), '' );
+ }
+ # fk that references a non-pk key (UNIQUE)
+ my $obj8 = $class8->find(1);
+ isa_ok( $obj8->loader_test7, $class7 );
+ # from Chisel's tests...
+ SKIP: {
+ if($self->{vendor} =~ /sqlite/i) {
+ skip 'SQLite cannot do the advanced tests', 8;
+ }
+ my $class10 = $loader->find_class('loader_test10');
+ my $class11 = $loader->find_class('loader_test11');
+ is( $class10, "${namespace}::LoaderTest10" );
+ is( $class11, "${namespace}::LoaderTest11" );
+ my $obj10 = $class10->create({ subject => 'xyzzy' });
+ $obj10->update();
+ ok( defined $obj10, '$obj10 is defined' );
+ my $obj11 = $class11->create({ loader_test10 => $obj10->id() });
+ $obj11->update();
+ ok( defined $obj11, '$obj11 is defined' );
+ eval {
+ my $obj10_2 = $obj11->loader_test10;
+ $obj10_2->loader_test11( $obj11->id11() );
+ $obj10_2->update();
+ };
+ is($@, '', 'No errors after eval{}');
+ SKIP: {
+ skip 'Previous eval block failed', 3
+ unless ($@ eq '');
+ my $results = $class10->search({ subject => 'xyzzy' });
+ is( $results->count(), 1,
+ 'One $class10 returned from search' );
+ my $obj10_3 = $results->first();
+ isa_ok( $obj10_3, $class10 );
+ is( $obj10_3->loader_test11()->id(), $obj11->id(),
+ 'found same $class11 object we expected' );
+ }
+ for ( $class10, $class11 ) {
+ $_->storage->dbh->disconnect;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( $class3, $class4, $class5, $class6, $class7,
+ $class8, $class9 ) {
+ $_->storage->dbh->disconnect;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( $class1, $class2 ) {
+ $_->storage->dbh->disconnect;
+ }
+sub dbconnect {
+ my ($self, $complain) = @_;
+ DBI->connect(
+ $self->{dsn}, $self->{user},
+ $self->{password},
+ {
+ RaiseError => $complain,
+ PrintError => $complain,
+ AutoCommit => 1,
+ }
+ );
+sub create {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @statements = (
+ qq{
+ CREATE TABLE loader_test1 (
+ id $self->{auto_inc_pk},
+ dat VARCHAR(32)
+ ) $self->{innodb};
+ },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test1 (dat) VALUES('foo'); },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test1 (dat) VALUES('bar'); },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test1 (dat) VALUES('baz'); },
+ qq{
+ CREATE TABLE loader_test2 (
+ id $self->{auto_inc_pk},
+ dat VARCHAR(32)
+ ) $self->{innodb};
+ },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test2 (dat) VALUES('aaa'); },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test2 (dat) VALUES('bbb'); },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test2 (dat) VALUES('ccc'); },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test2 (dat) VALUES('ddd'); },
+ );
+ my @statements_reltests = (
+ qq{
+ CREATE TABLE loader_test3 (
+ dat VARCHAR(32)
+ ) $self->{innodb};
+ },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test3 (id,dat) VALUES(1,'aaa'); },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test3 (id,dat) VALUES(2,'bbb'); },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test3 (id,dat) VALUES(3,'ccc'); },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test3 (id,dat) VALUES(4,'ddd'); },
+ qq{
+ CREATE TABLE loader_test4 (
+ dat VARCHAR(32),
+ FOREIGN KEY (fkid) REFERENCES loader_test3 (id)
+ ) $self->{innodb};
+ },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test4 (id,fkid,dat) VALUES(123,1,'aaa'); },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test4 (id,fkid,dat) VALUES(124,2,'bbb'); },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test4 (id,fkid,dat) VALUES(125,3,'ccc'); },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test4 (id,fkid,dat) VALUES(126,4,'ddd'); },
+ qq{
+ CREATE TABLE loader_test5 (
+ id1 INTEGER,
+ id2 INTEGER, -- , id2 INTEGER REFERENCES loader_test1,
+ dat TEXT,
+ PRIMARY KEY (id1,id2)
+ ) $self->{innodb};
+ },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test5 (id1,id2,dat) VALUES (1,1,'aaa'); },
+ qq{
+ CREATE TABLE loader_test6 (
+ id $self->{auto_inc_pk},
+ id2 INTEGER,
+ loader_test2 INTEGER,
+ dat TEXT,
+ FOREIGN KEY (loader_test2) REFERENCES loader_test2 (id),
+ FOREIGN KEY (id, id2 ) REFERENCES loader_test5 (id1,id2)
+ ) $self->{innodb};
+ },
+ (q{ INSERT INTO loader_test6 (id2,loader_test2,dat) } .
+ q{ VALUES (1,1,'aaa'); }),
+ qq{
+ CREATE TABLE loader_test7 (
+ dat TEXT
+ ) $self->{innodb};
+ },
+ q{ INSERT INTO loader_test7 (id,id2,dat) VALUES (1,'aaa','bbb'); },
+ qq{
+ CREATE TABLE loader_test8 (
+ loader_test7 VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL,
+ dat TEXT,
+ FOREIGN KEY (loader_test7) REFERENCES loader_test7 (id2)
+ ) $self->{innodb};
+ },
+ (q{ INSERT INTO loader_test8 (id,loader_test7,dat) } .
+ q{ VALUES (1,'aaa','bbb'); }),
+ qq{
+ CREATE TABLE loader_test9 (
+ loader_test9 TEXT NOT NULL
+ ) $self->{innodb};
+ },
+ );
+ my @statements_advanced = (
+ qq{
+ CREATE TABLE loader_test10 (
+ id10 $self->{auto_inc_pk},
+ subject VARCHAR(8),
+ loader_test11 INTEGER
+ ) $self->{innodb};
+ },
+ qq{
+ CREATE TABLE loader_test11 (
+ id11 $self->{auto_inc_pk},
+ message VARCHAR(8) DEFAULT 'foo',
+ loader_test10 INTEGER NOT NULL,
+ FOREIGN KEY (loader_test10) REFERENCES loader_test10 (id10)
+ ) $self->{innodb};
+ },
+ (q{ ALTER TABLE loader_test10 ADD CONSTRAINT } .
+ q{ loader_test11_fk FOREIGN KEY (loader_test11) } .
+ q{ REFERENCES loader_test11 (id11); }),
+ );
+ $self->{created} = 1;
+ my $dbh = $self->dbconnect(1);
+ $dbh->do($_) for (@statements);
+ unless($self->{skip_rels}) {
+ $dbh->do($_) for (@statements_reltests);
+ unless($self->{vendor} =~ /sqlite/i) {
+ $dbh->do($_) for (@statements_advanced);
+ }
+ }
+ $dbh->disconnect();
+sub DESTROY {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless $self->{created};
+ my @tables = qw/
+ loader_test1
+ loader_test2
+ /;
+ my @tables_reltests = qw/
+ loader_test4
+ loader_test3
+ loader_test6
+ loader_test5
+ loader_test8
+ loader_test7
+ loader_test9
+ /;
+ my @tables_advanced = qw/
+ loader_test11
+ loader_test10
+ /;
+ my $drop_fk_mysql =
+ q{ALTER TABLE loader_test10 DROP FOREIGN KEY loader_test11_fk;};
+ my $drop_fk =
+ q{ALTER TABLE loader_test10 DROP CONSTRAINT loader_test11_fk;};
+ my $dbh = $self->dbconnect(0);
+ unless($self->{skip_rels}) {
+ $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $_") for (@tables_reltests);
+ unless($self->{vendor} =~ /sqlite/i) {
+ if($self->{vendor} =~ /mysql/i) {
+ $dbh->do($drop_fk_mysql);
+ }
+ else {
+ $dbh->do($drop_fk);
+ }
+ $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $_") for (@tables_advanced);
+ }
+ }
+ $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $_") for (@tables);
+ $dbh->disconnect();