use strict;
use warnings;
+use Moose ();
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
-use Test::Moose 'does_ok';
-my $sort;
-my $less;
-my $up;
-my $prod;
-my %handles = (
- add_options => 'push',
- add_options_with_speed =>
- [ push => 'funrolls', 'funbuns' ],
- remove_last_option => 'pop',
- remove_first_option => 'shift',
- insert_options => 'unshift',
- prepend_prerequisites_along_with =>
- [ unshift => 'first', 'second' ],
- get_option_at => 'get',
- set_option_at => 'set',
- num_options => 'count',
- options => 'elements',
- has_no_options => 'is_empty',
- clear_options => 'clear',
- splice_options => 'splice',
- sort_options_in_place => 'sort_in_place',
- option_accessor => 'accessor',
- descending_options =>
- [ sort_in_place => ( $sort = sub { $_[1] <=> $_[0] } ) ],
- map_options => 'map',
- up_by_one => [ map => ( $up = sub { $_ + 1 } ) ],
- filter_options => 'grep',
- less_than_five => [ grep => ( $less = sub { $_ < 5 } ) ],
- find_option => 'first',
- join_options => 'join',
- dashify => [ join => '-' ],
- sorted_options => 'sort',
- randomized_options => 'shuffle',
- unique_options => 'uniq',
- pairwise_options => [ natatime => 2 ],
- reduce => 'reduce',
- product => [ reduce => ( $prod = sub { $_[0] * $_[1] } ) ],
+use Test::Moose qw( does_ok with_immutable );
- package Stuff;
- use Moose;
- has '_options' => (
- traits => ['Array'],
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
- default => sub { [] },
- handles => \%handles,
+ my %handles = (
+ count => 'count',
+ elements => 'elements',
+ is_empty => 'is_empty',
+ push => 'push',
+ push_curried =>
+ [ push => 42, 84 ],
+ unshift => 'unshift',
+ unshift_curried =>
+ [ unshift => 42, 84 ],
+ pop => 'pop',
+ shift => 'shift',
+ get => 'get',
+ get_curried => [ get => 1 ],
+ set => 'set',
+ set_curried_1 => [ set => 1 ],
+ set_curried_2 => [ set => ( 1, 98 ) ],
+ accessor => 'accessor',
+ accessor_curried_1 => [ accessor => 1 ],
+ accessor_curried_2 => [ accessor => ( 1, 90 ) ],
+ clear => 'clear',
+ delete => 'delete',
+ delete_curried => [ delete => 1 ],
+ insert => 'insert',
+ insert_curried => [ insert => ( 1, 101 ) ],
+ splice => 'splice',
+ splice_curried_1 => [ splice => 1 ],
+ splice_curried_2 => [ splice => 1, 2 ],
+ splice_curried_all => [ splice => 1, 2, ( 3, 4, 5 ) ],
+ sort => 'sort',
+ sort_curried => [ sort => ( sub { $_[1] <=> $_[0] } ) ],
+ sort_in_place => 'sort_in_place',
+ sort_in_place_curried =>
+ [ sort_in_place => ( sub { $_[1] <=> $_[0] } ) ],
+ map => 'map',
+ map_curried => [ map => ( sub { $_ + 1 } ) ],
+ grep => 'grep',
+ grep_curried => [ grep => ( sub { $_ < 5 } ) ],
+ first => 'first',
+ first_curried => [ first => ( sub { $_ % 2 } ) ],
+ join => 'join',
+ join_curried => [ join => '-' ],
+ shuffle => 'shuffle',
+ uniq => 'uniq',
+ reduce => 'reduce',
+ reduce_curried => [ reduce => ( sub { $_[0] * $_[1] } ) ],
+ natatime => 'natatime',
+ natatime_curried => [ natatime => 2 ],
+ my $name = 'Foo1';
+ sub build_class {
+ my %attr = @_;
+ my $class = Moose::Meta::Class->create(
+ $name++,
+ superclasses => ['Moose::Object'],
+ );
+ $class->add_attribute(
+ _values => (
+ traits => ['Array'],
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]',
+ default => sub { [] },
+ handles => \%handles,
+ clearer => '_clear_values',
+ %attr,
+ ),
+ );
+ return ( $class->name, \%handles );
+ }
- my $stuff = Stuff->new( _options => [ 10, 12 ] );
- isa_ok( $stuff, 'Stuff' );
+ run_tests(build_class);
+ run_tests( build_class( lazy => 1, default => sub { [ 42, 84 ] } ) );
- can_ok( $stuff, $_ ) for sort keys %handles;
+sub run_tests {
+ my ( $class, $handles ) = @_;
- is_deeply( $stuff->_options, [ 10, 12 ], '... got options' );
+ can_ok( $class, $_ ) for sort keys %{$handles};
- ok( !$stuff->has_no_options, '... we have options' );
- is( $stuff->num_options, 2, '... got 2 options' );
+ with_immutable {
+ my $obj = $class->new( _values => [ 10, 12, 42 ] );
- is( $stuff->remove_last_option, 12, '... removed the last option' );
- is( $stuff->remove_first_option, 10, '... removed the last option' );
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 10, 12, 42 ],
+ 'values can be set in constructor'
+ );
- is_deeply( $stuff->_options, [], '... no options anymore' );
+ ok( !$obj->is_empty, 'values is not empty' );
+ is( $obj->count, 3, 'count returns 3' );
- ok( $stuff->has_no_options, '... no options' );
- is( $stuff->num_options, 0, '... got no options' );
+ throws_ok { $obj->count(22) }
+ qr/Cannot call count with any arguments/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing an argument to count';
- lives_ok {
- $stuff->add_options( 1, 2, 3 );
- }
- '... set the option okay';
+ lives_ok { $obj->push( 1, 2, 3 ) }
+ 'pushed three new values and lived';
- is_deeply( $stuff->_options, [ 1, 2, 3 ], '... got options now' );
- is_deeply(
- [ $stuff->options ], [ 1, 2, 3 ],
- '... got options now (with elements method)'
- );
+ lives_ok { $obj->push() } 'call to push without arguments lives';
- ok( !$stuff->has_no_options, '... has options' );
- is( $stuff->num_options, 3, '... got 3 options' );
+ lives_ok { $obj->unshift( 101, 22 ) }
+ 'unshifted two values and lived';
- is( $stuff->get_option_at(0), 1, '... get option at index 0' );
- is( $stuff->get_option_at(1), 2, '... get option at index 1' );
- is( $stuff->get_option_at(2), 3, '... get option at index 2' );
+ lives_ok { $obj->unshift() }
+ 'call to unshift without arguments lives';
- throws_ok { $stuff->get_option_at() }
- qr/Must provide a valid index number as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when get_option_at is called without any arguments';
+ is( $obj->pop, 3, 'pop returns the last value in the array' );
- throws_ok { $stuff->get_option_at( {} ) }
- qr/Must provide a valid index number as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when get_option_at is called with an invalid argument';
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 101, 22, 10, 12, 42, 1, 2 ],
+ 'pop changed the value of the array in the object'
+ );
- throws_ok { $stuff->get_option_at(2.2) }
- qr/Must provide a valid index number as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when get_option_at is called with an invalid argument';
+ throws_ok { $obj->pop(42) }
+ qr/Cannot call pop with any arguments/,
+ 'call to pop with arguments dies';
- throws_ok { $stuff->get_option_at('foo') }
- qr/Must provide a valid index number as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when get_option_at is called with an invalid argument';
+ is( $obj->shift, 101, 'shift returns the first value' );
- lives_ok {
- $stuff->set_option_at( 1, 100 );
- }
- '... set the option okay';
+ throws_ok { $obj->shift(42) }
+ qr/Cannot call shift with any arguments/,
+ 'call to shift with arguments dies';
- is( $stuff->get_option_at(1), 100, '... get option at index 1' );
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 22, 10, 12, 42, 1, 2 ],
+ 'shift changed the value of the array in the object'
+ );
- lives_ok {
- $stuff->add_options( 10, 15 );
- }
- '... set the option okay';
+ is_deeply(
+ [ $obj->elements ], [ 22, 10, 12, 42, 1, 2 ],
+ 'call to elements returns values as a list'
+ );
- is_deeply(
- $stuff->_options, [ 1, 100, 3, 10, 15 ],
- '... got more options now'
- );
+ throws_ok { $obj->elements(22) }
+ qr/Cannot call elements with any arguments/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing an argument to elements';
- is( $stuff->num_options, 5, '... got 5 options' );
+ $obj->_values( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
- is( $stuff->remove_last_option, 15, '... removed the last option' );
+ is( $obj->get(0), 1, 'get values at index 0' );
+ is( $obj->get(1), 2, 'get values at index 1' );
+ is( $obj->get(2), 3, 'get values at index 2' );
+ is( $obj->get_curried, 2, 'get_curried returns value at index 1' );
- is( $stuff->num_options, 4, '... got 4 options' );
- is_deeply(
- $stuff->_options, [ 1, 100, 3, 10 ],
- '... got diff options now'
- );
+ throws_ok { $obj->get() }
+ qr/Cannot call get without at least 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error when get is called without any arguments';
- lives_ok {
- $stuff->insert_options( 10, 20 );
- }
- '... set the option okay';
+ throws_ok { $obj->get( {} ) }
+ qr/Must provide a valid index number as an argument/,
+ 'throws an error when get is called with an invalid argument';
- is( $stuff->num_options, 6, '... got 6 options' );
- is_deeply(
- $stuff->_options, [ 10, 20, 1, 100, 3, 10 ],
- '... got diff options now'
- );
+ throws_ok { $obj->get(2.2) }
+ qr/Must provide a valid index number as an argument/,
+ 'throws an error when get is called with an invalid argument';
- is( $stuff->get_option_at(0), 10, '... get option at index 0' );
- is( $stuff->get_option_at(1), 20, '... get option at index 1' );
- is( $stuff->get_option_at(3), 100, '... get option at index 3' );
+ throws_ok { $obj->get('foo') }
+ qr/Must provide a valid index number as an argument/,
+ 'throws an error when get is called with an invalid argument';
- is( $stuff->remove_first_option, 10, '... getting the first option' );
+ throws_ok { $obj->get_curried(2) }
+ qr/Cannot call get with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error when get_curried is called with an argument';
- is( $stuff->num_options, 5, '... got 5 options' );
- is( $stuff->get_option_at(0), 20, '... get option at index 0' );
+ lives_ok { $obj->set( 1, 100 ) } 'set value at index 1 lives';
- $stuff->clear_options;
- is_deeply( $stuff->_options, [], "... clear options" );
+ is( $obj->get(1), 100, 'get value at index 1 returns new value' );
- $stuff->add_options( 5, 1, 2, 3 );
- $stuff->sort_options_in_place;
- is_deeply(
- $stuff->_options, [ 1, 2, 3, 5 ],
- "... sort options in place (default sort order)"
- );
+ throws_ok { $obj->set( 1, 99, 42 ) }
+ qr/Cannot call set with more than 2 arguments/,
+ 'throws an error when set is called with three arguments';
- $stuff->sort_options_in_place( sub { $_[1] <=> $_[0] } );
- is_deeply(
- $stuff->_options, [ 5, 3, 2, 1 ],
- "... sort options in place (descending order)"
- );
+ lives_ok { $obj->set_curried_1(99) } 'set_curried_1 lives';
- $stuff->clear_options();
- $stuff->add_options( 5, 1, 2, 3 );
- lives_ok {
- $stuff->descending_options();
- }
- '... curried sort in place lives ok';
+ is( $obj->get(1), 99, 'get value at index 1 returns new value' );
- is_deeply( $stuff->_options, [ 5, 3, 2, 1 ], "... sort currying" );
+ throws_ok { $obj->set_curried_1( 99, 42 ) }
+ qr/Cannot call set with more than 2 arguments/,
+ 'throws an error when set_curried_1 is called with two arguments';
- throws_ok { $stuff->sort_options_in_place('foo') }
- qr/Argument must be a code reference/,
- 'error when sort_in_place receives a non-coderef argument';
+ lives_ok { $obj->set_curried_2 } 'set_curried_2 lives';
- $stuff->clear_options;
+ is( $obj->get(1), 98, 'get value at index 1 returns new value' );
- lives_ok {
- $stuff->add_options('tree');
- }
- '... set the options okay';
+ throws_ok { $obj->set_curried_2(42) }
+ qr/Cannot call set with more than 2 arguments/,
+ 'throws an error when set_curried_2 is called with one argument';
- lives_ok {
- $stuff->add_options_with_speed( 'compatible', 'safe' );
- }
- '... add options with speed okay';
+ is(
+ $obj->accessor(1), 98,
+ 'accessor with one argument returns value at index 1'
+ );
- is_deeply(
- $stuff->_options, [qw/tree funrolls funbuns compatible safe/],
- 'check options after add_options_with_speed'
- );
+ lives_ok { $obj->accessor( 1 => 97 ) } 'accessor as writer lives';
- lives_ok {
- $stuff->prepend_prerequisites_along_with();
- }
- '... add prerequisite options okay';
+ is(
+ $obj->get(1), 97,
+ 'accessor set value at index 1'
+ );
- $stuff->clear_options;
- $stuff->add_options( 1, 2 );
+ throws_ok { $obj->accessor( 1, 96, 42 ) }
+ qr/Cannot call accessor with more than 2 arguments/,
+ 'throws an error when accessor is called with three arguments';
- lives_ok {
- $stuff->splice_options( 1, 0, 'foo' );
- }
- '... splice_options works';
+ is(
+ $obj->accessor_curried_1, 97,
+ 'accessor_curried_1 returns expected value when called with no arguments'
+ );
- is_deeply(
- $stuff->_options, [ 1, 'foo', 2 ],
- 'splice added expected option'
- );
+ lives_ok { $obj->accessor_curried_1(95) }
+ 'accessor_curried_1 as writer lives';
- is(
- $stuff->option_accessor( 1 => 'foo++' ), 'foo++',
- 'set using accessor method'
- );
- is( $stuff->option_accessor(1), 'foo++', 'get using accessor method' );
+ is(
+ $obj->get(1), 95,
+ 'accessor_curried_1 set value at index 1'
+ );
- dies_ok {
- $stuff->insert_options(undef);
- }
- '... could not add an undef where a string is expected';
+ throws_ok { $obj->accessor_curried_1( 96, 42 ) }
+ qr/Cannot call accessor with more than 2 arguments/,
+ 'throws an error when accessor_curried_1 is called with two arguments';
- dies_ok {
- $stuff->set_option( 5, {} );
- }
- '... could not add a hash ref where a string is expected';
+ lives_ok { $obj->accessor_curried_2 }
+ 'accessor_curried_2 as writer lives';
- dies_ok {
- Stuff->new( _options => [ undef, 10, undef, 20 ] );
- }
- '... bad constructor params';
+ is(
+ $obj->get(1), 90,
+ 'accessor_curried_2 set value at index 1'
+ );
- dies_ok {
- my $stuff = Stuff->new();
- $stuff->add_options(undef);
- }
- '... rejects push of an invalid type';
+ throws_ok { $obj->accessor_curried_2(42) }
+ qr/Cannot call accessor with more than 2 arguments/,
+ 'throws an error when accessor_curried_2 is called with one argument';
- dies_ok {
- my $stuff = Stuff->new();
- $stuff->insert_options(undef);
- }
- '... rejects unshift of an invalid type';
+ lives_ok { $obj->clear } 'clear lives';
- dies_ok {
- my $stuff = Stuff->new();
- $stuff->set_option_at( 0, undef );
- }
- '... rejects set of an invalid type';
+ ok( $obj->is_empty, 'values is empty after call to clear' );
- dies_ok {
- my $stuff = Stuff->new();
- $stuff->sort_in_place_options(undef);
- }
- '... sort rejects arg of invalid type';
+ $obj->set( 0 => 42 );
- dies_ok {
- my $stuff = Stuff->new();
- $stuff->option_accessor();
- }
- '... accessor rejects 0 args';
+ throws_ok { $obj->clear(50) }
+ qr/Cannot call clear with any arguments/,
+ 'throws an error when clear is called with an argument';
- dies_ok {
- my $stuff = Stuff->new();
- $stuff->option_accessor( 1, 2, 3 );
- }
- '... accessor rejects 3 args';
+ ok(
+ !$obj->is_empty,
+ 'values is not empty after failed call to clear'
+ );
- my $stuff = Stuff->new( _options => [ 1 .. 10 ] );
+ $obj->clear;
+ $obj->push( 1, 5, 10, 42 );
- is_deeply( $stuff->_options, [ 1 .. 10 ], '... got options' );
+ lives_ok { $obj->delete(2) } 'delete lives';
- ok( !$stuff->has_no_options, '... we have options' );
- is( $stuff->num_options, 10, '... got 2 options' );
- cmp_ok( $stuff->get_option_at(0), '==', 1, '... get option 0' );
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 1, 5, 42 ],
+ 'delete removed the specified element'
+ );
- is_deeply(
- [ $stuff->filter_options( sub { $_ % 2 == 0 } ) ],
- [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ],
- '... got the right filtered values'
- );
+ throws_ok { $obj->delete( 2, 3 ) }
+ qr/Cannot call delete with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error when delete is called with two arguments';
- throws_ok { $stuff->filter_options() }
- qr/Must provide a code reference as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when filter_options is called without any arguments';
+ lives_ok { $obj->delete_curried } 'delete_curried lives';
- throws_ok { $stuff->filter_options( {} ) }
- qr/Must provide a code reference as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when filter_options is called with an invalid argument';
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 1, 42 ],
+ 'delete removed the specified element'
+ );
- is_deeply(
- [ $stuff->map_options( sub { $_ * 2 } ) ],
- [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 ],
- '... got the right mapped values'
- );
+ throws_ok { $obj->delete_curried(2) }
+ qr/Cannot call delete with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error when delete_curried is called with one argument';
- throws_ok { $stuff->map_options() }
- qr/Must provide a code reference as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when map_options is called without any arguments';
+ lives_ok { $obj->insert( 1, 21 ) } 'insert lives';
- throws_ok { $stuff->map_options( {} ) }
- qr/Must provide a code reference as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when map_options is called with an invalid argument';
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 1, 21, 42 ],
+ 'insert added the specified element'
+ );
- is(
- $stuff->find_option( sub { $_ % 2 == 0 } ), 2,
- '.. found the right option'
- );
+ throws_ok { $obj->insert( 1, 22, 44 ) }
+ qr/Cannot call insert with more than 2 arguments/,
+ 'throws an error when insert is called with three arguments';
- throws_ok { $stuff->find_option() }
- qr/Must provide a code reference as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when find_option is called without any arguments';
+ lives_ok { $obj->splice( 1, 0, 2, 3 ) } 'splice lives';
- throws_ok { $stuff->find_option( {} ) }
- qr/Must provide a code reference as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when find_option is called with an invalid argument';
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 1, 2, 3, 21, 42 ],
+ 'splice added the specified elements'
+ );
- is_deeply(
- [ $stuff->options ], [ 1 .. 10 ],
- '... got the list of options'
- );
+ lives_ok { $obj->splice( 1, 1, 99 ) } 'splice lives';
- is(
- $stuff->join_options(':'), '1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10',
- '... joined the list of options by :'
- );
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 1, 99, 3, 21, 42 ],
+ 'splice added the specified elements'
+ );
- throws_ok { $stuff->join_options() }
- qr/Must provide a string as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when join_options is called without any arguments';
+ throws_ok { $obj->splice() }
+ qr/Cannot call splice without at least 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error when splice is called with no arguments';
- throws_ok { $stuff->join_options( {} ) }
- qr/Must provide a string as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when join_options is called with an invalid argument';
+ lives_ok { $obj->splice_curried_1( 2, 101 ) }
+ 'splice_curried_1 lives';
- is_deeply(
- [ $stuff->sorted_options ], [ sort ( 1 .. 10 ) ],
- '... got sorted options (default sort order)'
- );
- is_deeply(
- [ $stuff->sorted_options( sub { $_[1] <=> $_[0] } ) ],
- [ sort { $b <=> $a } ( 1 .. 10 ) ],
- '... got sorted options (descending sort order) '
- );
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 1, 101, 21, 42 ],
+ 'splice added the specified elements'
+ );
- throws_ok { $stuff->sorted_options('foo') }
- qr/Argument must be a code reference/,
- 'error when sort receives a non-coderef argument';
+ lives_ok { $obj->splice_curried_2(102) } 'splice_curried_2 lives';
- is_deeply(
- [ sort { $a <=> $b } $stuff->randomized_options ],
- [ 1 .. 10 ],
- 'randomized_options returns all options'
- );
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 1, 102, 42 ],
+ 'splice added the specified elements'
+ );
- my @pairs;
- $stuff->pairwise_options( sub { push @pairs, [@_] } );
- is_deeply(
- \@pairs,
- [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8 ], [ 9, 10 ] ],
- 'pairwise returns pairs as expected'
- );
+ lives_ok { $obj->splice_curried_all } 'splice_curried_all lives';
- is_deeply(
- [ $stuff->less_than_five() ], [ 1 .. 4 ],
- 'less_than_five returns 1..4'
- );
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 1, 3, 4, 5 ],
+ 'splice added the specified elements'
+ );
- is_deeply(
- [ $stuff->up_by_one() ], [ 2 .. 11 ],
- 'up_by_one returns 2..11'
- );
+ $obj->_values( [ 3, 9, 5, 22, 11 ] );
- is(
- $stuff->dashify, '1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10',
- 'dashify returns options joined by dashes'
- );
+ is_deeply(
+ [ $obj->sort ], [ 11, 22, 3, 5, 9 ],
+ 'sort returns sorted values'
+ );
- is(
- $stuff->reduce( sub { $_[0] * $_[1] } ),
- 3628800,
- 'call reducing to generate a product returns expected value'
- );
+ is_deeply(
+ [ $obj->sort( sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] } ) ], [ 3, 5, 9, 11, 22 ],
+ 'sort returns values sorted by provided function'
+ );
- throws_ok { $stuff->reduce() }
- qr/Must provide a code reference as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when reduce is called without any arguments';
+ throws_ok { $obj->sort(1) }
+ qr/Argument must be a code reference/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing a non-function to sort';
- throws_ok { $stuff->reduce( {} ) }
- qr/Must provide a code reference as an argument/,
- 'throws an error when reduce is called with an invalid argument';
+ throws_ok {
+ $obj->sort( sub { }, 27 );
+ }
+ qr/Cannot call sort with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing two arguments to sort';
- is(
- $stuff->product, 3628800,
- 'product returns expected value'
- );
+ $obj->_values( [ 3, 9, 5, 22, 11 ] );
- my $other_stuff = Stuff->new( _options => [ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 ] );
- is_deeply(
- [ $other_stuff->unique_options ], [ 1, 2, 3, 5 ],
- 'unique_options returns unique options'
- );
+ $obj->sort_in_place;
- my $options = Stuff->meta->get_attribute('_options');
- does_ok( $options, 'Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Array' );
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 11, 22, 3, 5, 9 ],
+ 'sort_in_place sorts values'
+ );
- is_deeply(
- $options->handles, \%handles,
- '... got the right handles mapping'
- );
+ $obj->sort_in_place( sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] } );
- is(
- $options->type_constraint->type_parameter, 'Str',
- '... got the right container type'
- );
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 3, 5, 9, 11, 22 ],
+ 'sort_in_place with function sorts values'
+ );
+ throws_ok {
+ $obj->sort_in_place( sub { }, 27 );
+ }
+ qr/Cannot call sort_in_place with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing two arguments to sort_in_place';
+ $obj->_values( [ 3, 9, 5, 22, 11 ] );
+ $obj->sort_in_place_curried;
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 22, 11, 9, 5, 3 ],
+ 'sort_in_place_curried sorts values'
+ );
+ throws_ok { $obj->sort_in_place_curried(27) }
+ qr/Cannot call sort_in_place with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing one argument to sort_in_place_curried';
+ $obj->_values( [ 1 .. 5 ] );
+ is_deeply(
+ [ $obj->map( sub { $_ + 1 } ) ],
+ [ 2 .. 6 ],
+ 'map returns the expected values'
+ );
+ throws_ok { $obj->map }
+ qr/Cannot call map without at least 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing no arguments to map';
+ throws_ok {
+ $obj->map( sub { }, 2 );
+ }
+ qr/Cannot call map with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing two arguments to map';
+ throws_ok { $obj->map( {} ) }
+ qr/Must provide a code reference as an argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing a non coderef to map';
+ $obj->_values( [ 1 .. 5 ] );
+ is_deeply(
+ [ $obj->map_curried ],
+ [ 2 .. 6 ],
+ 'map_curried returns the expected values'
+ );
+ throws_ok {
+ $obj->map_curried( sub { } );
+ }
+ qr/Cannot call map with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing one argument to map_curried';
+ $obj->_values( [ 2 .. 9 ] );
+ is_deeply(
+ [ $obj->grep( sub { $_ < 5 } ) ],
+ [ 2 .. 4 ],
+ 'grep returns the expected values'
+ );
+ throws_ok { $obj->grep }
+ qr/Cannot call grep without at least 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing no arguments to grep';
+ throws_ok {
+ $obj->grep( sub { }, 2 );
+ }
+ qr/Cannot call grep with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing two arguments to grep';
+ throws_ok { $obj->grep( {} ) }
+ qr/Must provide a code reference as an argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing a non coderef to grep';
+ is_deeply(
+ [ $obj->grep_curried ],
+ [ 2 .. 4 ],
+ 'grep_curried returns the expected values'
+ );
+ throws_ok {
+ $obj->grep_curried( sub { } );
+ }
+ qr/Cannot call grep with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing one argument to grep_curried';
+ $obj->_values( [ 2, 4, 22, 99, 101, 6 ] );
+ is(
+ $obj->first( sub { $_ % 2 } ),
+ 99,
+ 'first returns expected value'
+ );
+ throws_ok { $obj->first }
+ qr/Cannot call first without at least 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing no arguments to first';
+ throws_ok {
+ $obj->first( sub { }, 2 );
+ }
+ qr/Cannot call first with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing two arguments to first';
+ throws_ok { $obj->first( {} ) }
+ qr/Must provide a code reference as an argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing a non coderef to first';
+ is(
+ $obj->first_curried,
+ 99,
+ 'first_curried returns expected value'
+ );
+ throws_ok {
+ $obj->first_curried( sub { } );
+ }
+ qr/Cannot call first with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing one argument to first_curried';
+ $obj->_values( [ 1 .. 4 ] );
+ is(
+ $obj->join('-'), '1-2-3-4',
+ 'join returns expected result'
+ );
+ throws_ok { $obj->join }
+ qr/Cannot call join without at least 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing no arguments to join';
+ throws_ok { $obj->join( '-', 2 ) }
+ qr/Cannot call join with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing two arguments to join';
+ throws_ok { $obj->join( {} ) }
+ qr/Must provide a string as an argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing a non string to join';
+ is_deeply(
+ [ sort $obj->shuffle ],
+ [ 1 .. 4 ],
+ 'shuffle returns all values (cannot check for a random order)'
+ );
+ throws_ok { $obj->shuffle(2) }
+ qr/Cannot call shuffle with any arguments/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing an argument to shuffle';
+ $obj->_values( [ 1 .. 4, 2, 5, 3, 7, 3, 3, 1 ] );
+ is_deeply(
+ [ $obj->uniq ],
+ [ 1 .. 4, 5, 7 ],
+ 'uniq returns expected values (in original order)'
+ );
+ throws_ok { $obj->uniq(2) }
+ qr/Cannot call uniq with any arguments/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing an argument to uniq';
+ $obj->_values( [ 1 .. 5 ] );
+ is(
+ $obj->reduce( sub { $_[0] * $_[1] } ),
+ 120,
+ 'reduce returns expected value'
+ );
+ throws_ok { $obj->reduce }
+ qr/Cannot call reduce without at least 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing no arguments to reduce';
+ throws_ok {
+ $obj->reduce( sub { }, 2 );
+ }
+ qr/Cannot call reduce with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing two arguments to reduce';
+ throws_ok { $obj->reduce( {} ) }
+ qr/Must provide a code reference as an argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing a non coderef to reduce';
+ is(
+ $obj->reduce_curried,
+ 120,
+ 'reduce_curried returns expected value'
+ );
+ throws_ok {
+ $obj->reduce_curried( sub { } );
+ }
+ qr/Cannot call reduce with more than 1 argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing one argument to reduce_curried';
+ $obj->_values( [ 1 .. 6 ] );
+ my $it = $obj->natatime(2);
+ my @nat;
+ while ( my @v = $it->() ) {
+ push @nat, \@v;
+ }
+ is_deeply(
+ [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 5, 6 ] ],
+ \@nat,
+ 'natatime returns expected iterator'
+ );
+ @nat = ();
+ $obj->natatime( 2, sub { push @nat, [@_] } );
+ is_deeply(
+ [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 5, 6 ] ],
+ \@nat,
+ 'natatime with function returns expected value'
+ );
+ throws_ok { $obj->natatime( {} ) }
+ qr/Must provide an integer as an argument/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing a non integer to natatime';
+ throws_ok { $obj->natatime( 2, {} ) }
+ qr/The second argument must be a code reference/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing a non code ref to natatime';
+ if ( $class->meta->get_attribute('_values')->is_lazy ) {
+ my $obj = $class->new;
+ is( $obj->count, 2, 'count is 2 (lazy init)' );
+ $obj->_clear_values;
+ is_deeply( [ $obj->elements ], [ 42, 84],
+ 'elements contains default with lazy init' );
+ $obj->_clear_values;
+ $obj->push(2);
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 42, 84, 2 ],
+ 'push works with lazy init'
+ );
+ $obj->_clear_values;
+ $obj->unshift( 3, 4 );
+ is_deeply(
+ $obj->_values, [ 3, 4, 42, 84 ],
+ 'unshift works with lazy init'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $class;