require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(isa);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(isa can);
=over 4
-=item isa ( REF, TYPE )
+=item isa ( VAL, TYPE )
C<isa> returns I<true> if the first argument is a reference and either
of the following statements is true.
-C<REF> is a blessed reference and is blessed into package C<TYPE>
+C<VAL> is a blessed reference and is blessed into package C<TYPE>
or inherits from package C<TYPE>
-C<REF> is a reference to a C<TYPE> of perl variable (er 'HASH')
+C<VAL> is a reference to a C<TYPE> of perl variable (er 'HASH')
+=item can ( VAL, METHOD )
+If C<VAL> is a blessed reference which has a method called C<METHOD>,
+C<can> returns a reference to the subroutine. If C<VAL> is not
+a blessed reference, or if it does not have a method C<METHOD>,
+I<undef> is returned.