$! VMS-isms we will need:
$ echo = "write sys$output "
$ cat = "type"
+$ delete := delete ! local symbol overrides globals with qualifiers
$ gcc_symbol = "gcc"
$ ld = "Link"
$ ans = ""
$ echo4 "First let's make sure your kit is complete. Checking..."
$ manifestfound = ""
$ miss_list = ""
-$! Here I assume we are in the [foo.PERL5xxx.VMS...] tree
+$! Here I assume we are in the [foo.PERLxxx...] tree
$! because the search routine simply does set def [-] if necessary.
$ file_2_find = "MANIFEST" !I hope this one is not in [foo.PERL5xxx.VMS...]
$ Then
$ echo4 "''rp'"
$ Else
-$ If (silent)
-$ Then
+$ If (.NOT. silent) Then echo ""
+$ IF (ans .EQS. "&-d")
+$ echo4 "(OK, I will run with -d after this question.)"
+$ IF (.NOT. silent) THEN echo ""
-$ Else
+$ fastread := yes
+$ IF (ans .EQS. "&-s")
+$ echo4 "(OK, I will run with -s after this question.)"
$ echo ""
-$ Endif
+$ silent := true
+$ GOSUB Shut_up
$ Endif
$ echo "If you have no idea what this means, and don't have
$ echo "any program requiring anything, choose the default.
$ dflt = be_case_sensitive
-$ rp = "Case-sensitive symbols [''dflt'] "
+$ rp = "Build with case-sensitive symbols? [''dflt'] "
$ gosub myread
$ if ans.eqs."" then ans="''dflt'"
$ be_case_sensitive = "''ans'"
$ echo "internally, as do most things on VMS. You can, however, build
$ echo "with IEEE floating point numbers instead if you need to.
$ dflt = use_ieee_math
-$ rp = "Use IEEE math [''dflt'] "
+$ rp = "Use IEEE math? [''dflt'] "
$ gosub myread
$ if ans.eqs."" then ans="''dflt'"
$ use_ieee_math = "''ans'"
$! CC Flags
$ echo ""
$ echo "You can, if you need to, pass extra flags on to the C
-$ echo "compiler. In general you should only do this if you really,
+$ echo "compiler. In general you should only do this if you really,
$ echo "really know what you're doing.
$ dflt = user_c_flags
$ rp = "Extra C flags [''dflt'] "
$ echo "
$ echo "Which modules do you want to build into perl?"
$! dflt = "Fcntl Errno File::Glob IO Opcode Byteloader Devel::Peek Devel::DProf Data::Dumper attrs re VMS::Stdio VMS::DCLsym B SDBM_File"
-$ dflt = "re Fcntl Errno File::Glob IO Opcode Devel::Peek Devel::DProf Data::Dumper attrs VMS::Stdio VMS::DCLsym B SDBM_File Thread Sys::Hostname"
+$ dflt = "re Fcntl Errno File::Glob IO Opcode Devel::Peek Devel::DProf Data::Dumper attrs VMS::Stdio VMS::DCLsym B SDBM_File Storable Thread Sys::Hostname"
$ if Using_Dec_C
$ dflt = dflt + " POSIX"
$ echo "Here is the list of builders you can apparently use:"
$ echo "(",ok_builders," )"
-$ rp = "Which """"make"""" utility do you wish to use [''dflt']? "
+$ rp = "Which """"make"""" utility do you wish to use? [''dflt'] "
$ GOSUB myread
$ ans = F$EDIT(ans,"TRIM, COMPRESS")
$ ans = F$EXTRACT(0,F$LOCATE(" ",ans),ans) !throw out "-f Makefile." here
$!: locate the preferred pager for this system
$!pagers = "most|more|less|type/page"
-$!rp='What pager is used on your system?'
+$!rp="What pager is used on your system? [''dflt'] "
+$ pager="most"
$! update [.vms]config.vms here
$ usedl="define"
$ startperl="""$ perl 'f$env(\""procedure\"")' 'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6' 'p7' 'p8' !\n$ exit++ + ++$status != 0 and $exit = $status = undef;"""
-$!: locate the preferred pager for this system
-$! rp="What pager is used on your system?"
-$ pager="most"
$ IF ((Use_Threads) .AND. (vms_ver .LES. "6.2"))
to configure things, answer yes to the following question.
$ dflt="n"
-$ rp="Do you wish to edit ''basename_config_sh'? "
+$ rp="Do you wish to edit ''basename_config_sh'? [''dflt'] "
$ GOSUB myread
$ IF ans .EQS. "" then ans = dflt
$ IF ans