-plan tests => 95;
+plan tests => 98;
# bug id 20001009.001
# before the patch, the eval died with an error like:
# "my" variable $strict::VERSION can't be in a package
-ok('' eq runperl(prog => <<'CODE'));
+ok('' eq runperl(prog => <<'CODE'), "change #17928");
my $code = qq{ my \$\xe3\x83\x95\xe3\x83\xbc = 5; };
use utf8;
print $@ if $@;
+ use utf8;
+ $a = <<'END';
+0 ....... 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 ....... 4 ....... 5 ....... 6 ....... 7 .......
+ my (@i, $s);
+ @i = ();
+ push @i, $s = index($a, '6'); # 60
+ push @i, $s = index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 60 is 62
+ push @i, $s = index($a, '5'); # 50
+ push @i, $s = index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 52 is 52
+ push @i, $s = index($a, '7'); # 70
+ push @i, $s = index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 70 is 72
+ push @i, $s = index($a, '4'); # 40
+ push @i, $s = index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 40 is 42
+ is("@i", "60 62 50 52 70 72 40 42", "utf8 heredoc index");
+ @i = ();
+ push @i, $s = rindex($a, '6'); # 60
+ push @i, $s = rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 60 is 58
+ push @i, $s = rindex($a, '5'); # 50
+ push @i, $s = rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 52 is 48
+ push @i, $s = rindex($a, '7'); # 70
+ push @i, $s = rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 70 is 68
+ push @i, $s = rindex($a, '4'); # 40
+ push @i, $s = rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 40 is 38
+ is("@i", "60 58 50 48 70 68 40 38", "utf8 heredoc rindex");
+ @i = ();
+ push @i, $s = index($a, '6'); # 60
+ push @i, index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 60 is 62
+ push @i, rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 60 is 58
+ push @i, $s = rindex($a, '5'); # 60
+ push @i, index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 50 is 52
+ push @i, rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 50 is 48
+ push @i, $s = index($a, '7', $s); # 70
+ push @i, index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 70 is 72
+ push @i, rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 70 is 68
+ is("@i", "60 62 58 50 52 48 70 72 68", "utf8 heredoc index and rindex");