+++ /dev/null
-package DBIx::Class::Fixtures;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use DBIx::Class 0.08100;
-use DBIx::Class::Exception;
-use Class::Accessor::Grouped;
-use Config::Any::JSON;
-use Data::Dump::Streamer;
-use Data::Visitor::Callback;
-use Hash::Merge qw( merge );
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Class::C3::Componentised;
-use MIME::Base64;
-use IO::All;
-use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
-use base qw(Class::Accessor::Grouped);
-our $namespace_counter = 0;
-__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors( 'simple' => qw/config_dir
- _inherited_attributes debug schema_class dumped_objects config_attrs/);
-our $VERSION = '1.001_029';
-=head1 NAME
-DBIx::Class::Fixtures - Dump data and repopulate a database using rules
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use DBIx::Class::Fixtures;
- ...
- my $fixtures = DBIx::Class::Fixtures->new({
- config_dir => '/home/me/app/fixture_configs'
- });
- $fixtures->dump({
- config => 'set_config.json',
- schema => $source_dbic_schema,
- directory => '/home/me/app/fixtures'
- });
- $fixtures->populate({
- directory => '/home/me/app/fixtures',
- ddl => '/home/me/app/sql/ddl.sql',
- connection_details => ['dbi:mysql:dbname=app_dev', 'me', 'password'],
- post_ddl => '/home/me/app/sql/post_ddl.sql',
- });
-Dump fixtures from source database to filesystem then import to another
-database (with same schema) at any time. Use as a constant dataset for running
-tests against or for populating development databases when impractical to use
-production clones. Describe fixture set using relations and conditions based on
-your DBIx::Class schema.
-Fixture sets are currently defined in .json files which must reside in your
-config_dir (e.g. /home/me/app/fixture_configs/a_fixture_set.json). They
-describe which data to pull and dump from the source database.
-For example:
- {
- "sets": [
- {
- "class": "Artist",
- "ids": ["1", "3"]
- },
- {
- "class": "Producer",
- "ids": ["5"],
- "fetch": [
- {
- "rel": "artists",
- "quantity": "2"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
-This will fetch artists with primary keys 1 and 3, the producer with primary
-key 5 and two of producer 5's artists where 'artists' is a has_many DBIx::Class
-rel from Producer to Artist.
-The top level attributes are as follows:
-=head2 sets
-Sets must be an array of hashes, as in the example given above. Each set
-defines a set of objects to be included in the fixtures. For details on valid
-set attributes see L</SET ATTRIBUTES> below.
-=head2 rules
-Rules place general conditions on classes. For example if whenever an artist
-was dumped you also wanted all of their cds dumped too, then you could use a
-rule to specify this. For example:
- {
- "sets": [
- {
- "class": "Artist",
- "ids": ["1", "3"]
- },
- {
- "class": "Producer",
- "ids": ["5"],
- "fetch": [
- {
- "rel": "artists",
- "quantity": "2"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "rules": {
- "Artist": {
- "fetch": [ {
- "rel": "cds",
- "quantity": "all"
- } ]
- }
- }
- }
-In this case all the cds of artists 1, 3 and all producer 5's artists will be
-dumped as well. Note that 'cds' is a has_many DBIx::Class relation from Artist
-to CD. This is eqivalent to:
- {
- "sets": [
- {
- "class": "Artist",
- "ids": ["1", "3"],
- "fetch": [ {
- "rel": "cds",
- "quantity": "all"
- } ]
- },
- {
- "class": "Producer",
- "ids": ["5"],
- "fetch": [ {
- "rel": "artists",
- "quantity": "2",
- "fetch": [ {
- "rel": "cds",
- "quantity": "all"
- } ]
- } ]
- }
- ]
- }
-rules must be a hash keyed by class name.
-=head2 includes
-To prevent repetition between configs you can include other configs. For
- {
- "sets": [ {
- "class": "Producer",
- "ids": ["5"]
- } ],
- "includes": [
- { "file": "base.json" }
- ]
- }
-Includes must be an arrayref of hashrefs where the hashrefs have key 'file'
-which is the name of another config file in the same directory. The original
-config is merged with its includes using L<Hash::Merge>.
-=head2 datetime_relative
-Only available for MySQL and PostgreSQL at the moment, must be a value that
-DateTime::Format::* can parse. For example:
- {
- "sets": [ {
- "class": "RecentItems",
- "ids": ["9"]
- } ],
- "datetime_relative": "2007-10-30 00:00:00"
- }
-This will work when dumping from a MySQL database and will cause any datetime
-fields (where datatype => 'datetime' in the column def of the schema class) to
-be dumped as a DateTime::Duration object relative to the date specified in the
-datetime_relative value. For example if the RecentItem object had a date field
-set to 2007-10-25, then when the fixture is imported the field will be set to 5
-days in the past relative to the current time.
-=head2 might_have
-Specifies whether to automatically dump might_have relationships. Should be a
-hash with one attribute - fetch. Set fetch to 1 or 0.
- {
- "might_have": { "fetch": 1 },
- "sets": [
- {
- "class": "Artist",
- "ids": ["1", "3"]
- },
- {
- "class": "Producer",
- "ids": ["5"]
- }
- ]
- }
-Note: belongs_to rels are automatically dumped whether you like it or not, this
-is to avoid FKs to nowhere when importing. General rules on has_many rels are
-not accepted at this top level, but you can turn them on for individual sets -
-=head2 class
-Required attribute. Specifies the DBIx::Class object class you wish to dump.
-=head2 ids
-Array of primary key ids to fetch, basically causing an $rs->find($_) for each.
-If the id is not in the source db then it just won't get dumped, no warnings or
-=head2 quantity
-Must be either an integer or the string 'all'. Specifying an integer will
-effectively set the 'rows' attribute on the resultset clause, specifying 'all'
-will cause the rows attribute to be left off and for all matching rows to be
-dumped. There's no randomising here, it's just the first x rows.
-=head2 cond
-A hash specifying the conditions dumped objects must match. Essentially this is
-a JSON representation of a DBIx::Class search clause. For example:
- {
- "sets": [{
- "class": "Artist",
- "quantiy": "all",
- "cond": { "name": "Dave" }
- }]
- }
-This will dump all artists whose name is 'dave'. Essentially
-$artist_rs->search({ name => 'Dave' })->all.
-Sometimes in a search clause it's useful to use scalar refs to do things like:
- $artist_rs->search({ no1_singles => \'> no1_albums' })
-This could be specified in the cond hash like so:
- {
- "sets": [ {
- "class": "Artist",
- "quantiy": "all",
- "cond": { "no1_singles": "\> no1_albums" }
- } ]
- }
-So if the value starts with a backslash the value is made a scalar ref before
-being passed to search.
-=head2 join
-An array of relationships to be used in the cond clause.
- {
- "sets": [ {
- "class": "Artist",
- "quantiy": "all",
- "cond": { "cds.position": { ">": 4 } },
- "join": ["cds"]
- } ]
- }
-Fetch all artists who have cds with position greater than 4.
-=head2 fetch
-Must be an array of hashes. Specifies which rels to also dump. For example:
- {
- "sets": [ {
- "class": "Artist",
- "ids": ["1", "3"],
- "fetch": [ {
- "rel": "cds",
- "quantity": "3",
- "cond": { "position": "2" }
- } ]
- } ]
- }
-Will cause the cds of artists 1 and 3 to be dumped where the cd position is 2.
-Valid attributes are: 'rel', 'quantity', 'cond', 'has_many', 'might_have' and
-'join'. rel is the name of the DBIx::Class rel to follow, the rest are the same
-as in the set attributes. quantity is necessary for has_many relationships, but
-not if using for belongs_to or might_have relationships.
-=head2 has_many
-Specifies whether to fetch has_many rels for this set. Must be a hash
-containing keys fetch and quantity.
-Set fetch to 1 if you want to fetch them, and quantity to either 'all' or an
-Be careful here, dumping has_many rels can lead to a lot of data being dumped.
-=head2 might_have
-As with has_many but for might_have relationships. Quantity doesn't do anything
-in this case.
-This value will be inherited by all fetches in this set. This is not true for
-the has_many attribute.
-=head2 external
-In some cases your database information might be keys to values in some sort of
-external storage. The classic example is you are using L<DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::FS>
-to store blob information on the filesystem. In this case you may wish the ability
-to backup your external storage in the same way your database data. The L</external>
-attribute lets you specify a handler for this type of issue. For example:
- {
- "sets": [{
- "class": "Photo",
- "quantity": "all",
- "external": {
- "file": {
- "class": "File",
- "args": {"path":"__ATTR(photo_dir)__"}
- }
- }
- }]
- }
-This would use L<DBIx::Class::Fixtures::External::File> to read from a directory
-where the path to a file is specified by the C<file> field of the C<Photo> source.
-We use the uninflated value of the field so you need to completely handle backup
-and restore. For the common case we provide L<DBIx::Class::Fixtures::External::File>
-and you can create your own custom handlers by placing a '+' in the namespace:
- "class": "+MyApp::Schema::SomeExternalStorage",
-Although if possible I'd love to get patches to add some of the other common
-types (I imagine storage in MogileFS, Redis, etc or even Amazon might be popular.)
-See L<DBIx::Class::Fixtures::External::File> for the external handler interface.
-=head2 cond
-Same as with L</SET ATTRIBUTES>
-=head2 fetch
-Same as with L</SET ATTRIBUTES>
-=head2 join
-Same as with L</SET ATTRIBUTES>
-=head2 has_many
-Same as with L</SET ATTRIBUTES>
-=head2 might_have
-Same as with L</SET ATTRIBUTES>
-You can provide the following substitution patterns for your rule values. An
-example of this might be:
- {
- "sets": [{
- "class": "Photo",
- "quantity": "__ENV(NUMBER_PHOTOS_DUMPED)__",
- }]
- }
-=head2 ENV
-Provide a value from %ENV
-=head2 ATTR
-Provide a value from L</config_attrs>
-=head2 catfile
-Create the path to a file from a list
-=head2 catdir
-Create the path to a directory from a list
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 new
-=over 4
-=item Arguments: \%$attrs
-=item Return Value: $fixture_object
-Returns a new DBIx::Class::Fixture object. %attrs can have the following
-=item config_dir:
-required. must contain a valid path to the directory in which your .json
-configs reside.
-=item debug:
-determines whether to be verbose
-=item ignore_sql_errors:
-ignore errors on import of DDL etc
-=item config_attrs
-A hash of information you can use to do replacements inside your configuration
-sets. For example, if your set looks like:
- {
- "sets": [ {
- "class": "Artist",
- "ids": ["1", "3"],
- "fetch": [ {
- "rel": "cds",
- "quantity": "__ATTR(quantity)__",
- } ]
- } ]
- }
- my $fixtures = DBIx::Class::Fixtures->new( {
- config_dir => '/home/me/app/fixture_configs'
- config_attrs => {
- quantity => 100,
- },
- });
-You may wish to do this if you want to let whoever runs the dumps have a bit
-more control
- my $fixtures = DBIx::Class::Fixtures->new( {
- config_dir => '/home/me/app/fixture_configs'
- } );
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my ($params) = @_;
- unless (ref $params eq 'HASH') {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('first arg to DBIx::Class::Fixtures->new() must be hash ref');
- }
- unless ($params->{config_dir}) {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('config_dir param not specified');
- }
- my $config_dir = io->dir($params->{config_dir});
- unless (-e $params->{config_dir}) {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('config_dir directory doesn\'t exist');
- }
- my $self = {
- config_dir => $config_dir,
- _inherited_attributes => [qw/datetime_relative might_have rules belongs_to/],
- debug => $params->{debug} || 0,
- ignore_sql_errors => $params->{ignore_sql_errors},
- dumped_objects => {},
- use_create => $params->{use_create} || 0,
- use_find_or_create => $params->{use_find_or_create} || 0,
- config_attrs => $params->{config_attrs} || {},
- };
- bless $self, $class;
- return $self;
-=head2 available_config_sets
-Returns a list of all the config sets found in the L</config_dir>. These will
-be a list of the json based files containing dump rules.
-my @config_sets;
-sub available_config_sets {
- @config_sets = scalar(@config_sets) ? @config_sets : map {
- $_->filename;
- } grep {
- -f "$_" && $_=~/json$/;
- } shift->config_dir->all;
-=head2 dump
-=over 4
-=item Arguments: \%$attrs
-=item Return Value: 1
- $fixtures->dump({
- config => 'set_config.json', # config file to use. must be in the config
- # directory specified in the constructor
- schema => $source_dbic_schema,
- directory => '/home/me/app/fixtures' # output directory
- });
- $fixtures->dump({
- all => 1, # just dump everything that's in the schema
- schema => $source_dbic_schema,
- directory => '/home/me/app/fixtures' # output directory
- });
-In this case objects will be dumped to subdirectories in the specified
-directory. For example:
- /home/me/app/fixtures/artist/1.fix
- /home/me/app/fixtures/artist/3.fix
- /home/me/app/fixtures/producer/5.fix
-schema and directory are required attributes. also, one of config or all must
-be specified.
-Lastly, the C<config> parameter can be a Perl HashRef instead of a file name.
-If this form is used your HashRef should conform to the structure rules defined
-for the JSON representations.
-sub dump {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($params) = @_;
- unless (ref $params eq 'HASH') {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('first arg to dump must be hash ref');
- }
- foreach my $param (qw/schema directory/) {
- unless ($params->{$param}) {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw($param . ' param not specified');
- }
- }
- if($params->{excludes} && !$params->{all}) {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("'excludes' param only works when using the 'all' param");
- }
- my $schema = $params->{schema};
- my $config;
- if ($params->{config}) {
- $config = ref $params->{config} eq 'HASH' ?
- $params->{config} :
- do {
- #read config
- my $config_file = io->catfile($self->config_dir, $params->{config});
- $self->load_config_file("$config_file");
- };
- } elsif ($params->{all}) {
- my %excludes = map {$_=>1} @{$params->{excludes}||[]};
- $config = {
- might_have => { fetch => 0 },
- has_many => { fetch => 0 },
- belongs_to => { fetch => 0 },
- sets => [
- map {
- { class => $_, quantity => 'all' };
- } grep {
- !$excludes{$_}
- } $schema->sources],
- };
- } else {
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('must pass config or set all');
- }
- my $output_dir = io->dir($params->{directory});
- unless (-e "$output_dir") {
- $output_dir->mkpath ||
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("output directory does not exist at $output_dir");
- }
- $self->msg("generating fixtures");
- my $tmp_output_dir = io->dir(tempdir);
- if (-e "$tmp_output_dir") {
- $self->msg("- clearing existing $tmp_output_dir");
- $tmp_output_dir->rmtree;
- }
- $self->msg("- creating $tmp_output_dir");
- $tmp_output_dir->mkpath;
- # write version file (for the potential benefit of populate)
- $tmp_output_dir->file('_dumper_version')->print($VERSION);
- # write our current config set
- $tmp_output_dir->file('_config_set')->print( Dumper $config );
- $config->{rules} ||= {};
- my @sources = sort { $a->{class} cmp $b->{class} } @{delete $config->{sets}};
- while ( my ($k,$v) = each %{ $config->{rules} } ) {
- if ( my $source = eval { $schema->source($k) } ) {
- $config->{rules}{$source->source_name} = $v;
- }
- }
- foreach my $source (@sources) {
- # apply rule to set if specified
- my $rule = $config->{rules}->{$source->{class}};
- $source = merge( $source, $rule ) if ($rule);
- # fetch objects
- my $rs = $schema->resultset($source->{class});
- if ($source->{cond} and ref $source->{cond} eq 'HASH') {
- # if value starts with \ assume it's meant to be passed as a scalar ref
- # to dbic. ideally this would substitute deeply
- $source->{cond} = {
- map {
- $_ => ($source->{cond}->{$_} =~ s/^\\//) ? \$source->{cond}->{$_}
- : $source->{cond}->{$_}
- } keys %{$source->{cond}}
- };
- }
- $rs = $rs->search($source->{cond}, { join => $source->{join} })
- if $source->{cond};
- $self->msg("- dumping $source->{class}");
- my %source_options = ( set => { %{$config}, %{$source} } );
- if ($source->{quantity}) {
- $rs = $rs->search({}, { order_by => $source->{order_by} })
- if $source->{order_by};
- if ($source->{quantity} =~ /^\d+$/) {
- $rs = $rs->search({}, { rows => $source->{quantity} });
- } elsif ($source->{quantity} ne 'all') {
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("invalid value for quantity - $source->{quantity}");
- }
- }
- elsif ($source->{ids} && @{$source->{ids}}) {
- my @ids = @{$source->{ids}};
- my (@pks) = $rs->result_source->primary_columns;
- die "Can't dump multiple col-pks using 'id' option" if @pks > 1;
- $rs = $rs->search_rs( { $pks[0] => { -in => \@ids } } );
- }
- else {
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('must specify either quantity or ids');
- }
- $source_options{set_dir} = $tmp_output_dir;
- $self->dump_rs($rs, \%source_options );
- }
- # clear existing output dir
- foreach my $child ($output_dir->all) {
- if ($child->is_dir) {
- next if ("$child" eq "$tmp_output_dir");
- if (grep { $_ =~ /\.fix/ } $child->all) {
- $child->rmtree;
- }
- } elsif ($child =~ /_dumper_version$/) {
- $child->unlink;
- }
- }
- $self->msg("- moving temp dir to $output_dir");
- $tmp_output_dir->copy("$output_dir");
- if (-e "$output_dir") {
- $self->msg("- clearing tmp dir $tmp_output_dir");
- # delete existing fixture set
- $tmp_output_dir->rmtree;
- }
- $self->msg("done");
- return 1;
-sub load_config_file {
- my ($self, $config_file) = @_;
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("config does not exist at $config_file")
- unless -e "$config_file";
- my $config = Config::Any::JSON->load($config_file);
- #process includes
- if (my $incs = $config->{includes}) {
- $self->msg($incs);
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw(
- 'includes params of config must be an array ref of hashrefs'
- ) unless ref $incs eq 'ARRAY';
- foreach my $include_config (@$incs) {
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw(
- 'includes params of config must be an array ref of hashrefs'
- ) unless (ref $include_config eq 'HASH') && $include_config->{file};
- my $include_file = $self->config_dir->file($include_config->{file});
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("config does not exist at $include_file")
- unless -e "$include_file";
- my $include = Config::Any::JSON->load($include_file);
- $self->msg($include);
- $config = merge( $config, $include );
- }
- delete $config->{includes};
- }
- # validate config
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('config has no sets')
- unless $config && $config->{sets} &&
- ref $config->{sets} eq 'ARRAY' && scalar @{$config->{sets}};
- $config->{might_have} = { fetch => 0 } unless exists $config->{might_have};
- $config->{has_many} = { fetch => 0 } unless exists $config->{has_many};
- $config->{belongs_to} = { fetch => 1 } unless exists $config->{belongs_to};
- return $config;
-sub dump_rs {
- my ($self, $rs, $params) = @_;
- while (my $row = $rs->next) {
- $self->dump_object($row, $params);
- }
-sub dump_object {
- my ($self, $object, $params) = @_;
- my $set = $params->{set};
- my $v = Data::Visitor::Callback->new(
- plain_value => sub {
- my ($visitor, $data) = @_;
- my $subs = {
- ENV => sub {
- my ( $self, $v ) = @_;
- if (! defined($ENV{$v})) {
- return "";
- } else {
- return $ENV{ $v };
- }
- },
- ATTR => sub {
- my ($self, $v) = @_;
- if(my $attr = $self->config_attrs->{$v}) {
- return $attr;
- } else {
- return "";
- }
- },
- catfile => sub {
- my ($self, @args) = @_;
- "".io->catfile(@args);
- },
- catdir => sub {
- my ($self, @args) = @_;
- "".io->catdir(@args);
- },
- };
- my $subsre = join( '|', keys %$subs );
- $_ =~ s{__($subsre)(?:\((.+?)\))?__}{ $subs->{ $1 }->( $self, $2 ? split( /,/, $2 ) : () ) }eg;
- return $_;
- }
- );
- $v->visit( $set );
- die 'no dir passed to dump_object' unless $params->{set_dir};
- die 'no object passed to dump_object' unless $object;
- my @inherited_attrs = @{$self->_inherited_attributes};
- my @pk_vals = map {
- $object->get_column($_)
- } $object->primary_columns;
- my $key = join("\0", @pk_vals);
- my $src = $object->result_source;
- my $exists = $self->dumped_objects->{$src->name}{$key}++;
- # write dir and gen filename
- my $source_dir = io->catdir($params->{set_dir}, $self->_name_for_source($src));
- $source_dir->mkpath(0, 0777);
- # Convert characters not allowed on windows
- my $file = io->catfile("$source_dir",
- join('-', map { s|[/\\:\*\|\?"<>]|_|g; $_; } @pk_vals) . '.fix'
- );
- # write file
- unless ($exists) {
- $self->msg('-- dumping ' . "$file", 2);
- my %ds = $object->get_columns;
- if($set->{external}) {
- foreach my $field (keys %{$set->{external}}) {
- my $key = $ds{$field};
- my ($plus, $class) = ( $set->{external}->{$field}->{class}=~/^(\+)*(.+)$/);
- my $args = $set->{external}->{$field}->{args};
- $class = "DBIx::Class::Fixtures::External::$class" unless $plus;
- eval "use $class";
- $ds{external}->{$field} =
- encode_base64( $class
- ->backup($key => $args),'');
- }
- }
- # mess with dates if specified
- if ($set->{datetime_relative}) {
- my $formatter= $object->result_source->schema->storage->datetime_parser;
- unless ($@ || !$formatter) {
- my $dt;
- if ($set->{datetime_relative} eq 'today') {
- $dt = DateTime->today;
- } else {
- $dt = $formatter->parse_datetime($set->{datetime_relative}) unless ($@);
- }
- while (my ($col, $value) = each %ds) {
- my $col_info = $object->result_source->column_info($col);
- next unless $value
- && $col_info->{_inflate_info}
- && (
- (uc($col_info->{data_type}) eq 'DATETIME')
- or (uc($col_info->{data_type}) eq 'DATE')
- or (uc($col_info->{data_type}) eq 'TIME')
- or (uc($col_info->{data_type}) eq 'TIMESTAMP')
- or (uc($col_info->{data_type}) eq 'INTERVAL')
- );
- $ds{$col} = $object->get_inflated_column($col)->subtract_datetime($dt);
- }
- } else {
- warn "datetime_relative not supported for this db driver at the moment";
- }
- }
- # do the actual dumping
- my $serialized = Dump(\%ds)->Out();
- $file->print($serialized);
- }
- # don't bother looking at rels unless we are actually planning to dump at least one type
- my ($might_have, $belongs_to, $has_many) = map {
- $set->{$_}{fetch} || $set->{rules}{$src->source_name}{$_}{fetch}
- } qw/might_have belongs_to has_many/;
- return unless $might_have
- || $belongs_to
- || $has_many
- || $set->{fetch};
- # dump rels of object
- unless ($exists) {
- foreach my $name (sort $src->relationships) {
- my $info = $src->relationship_info($name);
- my $r_source = $src->related_source($name);
- # if belongs_to or might_have with might_have param set or has_many with
- # has_many param set then
- if (
- ( $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'single' &&
- (!$info->{attrs}{join_type} || $might_have)
- )
- || $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'filter'
- ||
- ($info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi' && $has_many)
- ) {
- my $related_rs = $object->related_resultset($name);
- my $rule = $set->{rules}->{$related_rs->result_source->source_name};
- # these parts of the rule only apply to has_many rels
- if ($rule && $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi') {
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
- $rule->{cond},
- { join => $rule->{join} }
- ) if ($rule->{cond});
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
- {},
- { rows => $rule->{quantity} }
- ) if ($rule->{quantity} && $rule->{quantity} ne 'all');
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
- {},
- { order_by => $rule->{order_by} }
- ) if ($rule->{order_by});
- }
- if ($set->{has_many}{quantity} &&
- $set->{has_many}{quantity} =~ /^\d+$/) {
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
- {},
- { rows => $set->{has_many}->{quantity} }
- );
- }
- my %c_params = %{$params};
- # inherit date param
- my %mock_set = map {
- $_ => $set->{$_}
- } grep { $set->{$_} } @inherited_attrs;
- $c_params{set} = \%mock_set;
- $c_params{set} = merge( $c_params{set}, $rule)
- if $rule && $rule->{fetch};
- $self->dump_rs($related_rs, \%c_params);
- }
- }
- }
- return unless $set && $set->{fetch};
- foreach my $fetch (@{$set->{fetch}}) {
- # inherit date param
- $fetch->{$_} = $set->{$_} foreach
- grep { !$fetch->{$_} && $set->{$_} } @inherited_attrs;
- my $related_rs = $object->related_resultset($fetch->{rel});
- my $rule = $set->{rules}->{$related_rs->result_source->source_name};
- if ($rule) {
- my $info = $object->result_source->relationship_info($fetch->{rel});
- if ($info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi') {
- $fetch = merge( $fetch, $rule );
- } elsif ($rule->{fetch}) {
- $fetch = merge( $fetch, { fetch => $rule->{fetch} } );
- }
- }
- die "relationship $fetch->{rel} does not exist for " . $src->source_name
- unless ($related_rs);
- if ($fetch->{cond} and ref $fetch->{cond} eq 'HASH') {
- # if value starts with \ assume it's meant to be passed as a scalar ref
- # to dbic. ideally this would substitute deeply
- $fetch->{cond} = { map {
- $_ => ($fetch->{cond}->{$_} =~ s/^\\//) ? \$fetch->{cond}->{$_}
- : $fetch->{cond}->{$_}
- } keys %{$fetch->{cond}} };
- }
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
- $fetch->{cond},
- { join => $fetch->{join} }
- ) if $fetch->{cond};
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
- {},
- { rows => $fetch->{quantity} }
- ) if $fetch->{quantity} && $fetch->{quantity} ne 'all';
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
- {},
- { order_by => $fetch->{order_by} }
- ) if $fetch->{order_by};
- $self->dump_rs($related_rs, { %{$params}, set => $fetch });
- }
-sub _generate_schema {
- my $self = shift;
- my $params = shift || {};
- require DBI;
- $self->msg("\ncreating schema");
- my $schema_class = $self->schema_class || "DBIx::Class::Fixtures::Schema";
- eval "require $schema_class";
- die $@ if $@;
- my $pre_schema;
- my $connection_details = $params->{connection_details};
- $namespace_counter++;
- my $namespace = "DBIx::Class::Fixtures::GeneratedSchema_$namespace_counter";
- Class::C3::Componentised->inject_base( $namespace => $schema_class );
- $pre_schema = $namespace->connect(@{$connection_details});
- unless( $pre_schema ) {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('connection details not valid');
- }
- my @tables = map { $self->_name_for_source($pre_schema->source($_)) } $pre_schema->sources;
- $self->msg("Tables to drop: [". join(', ', sort @tables) . "]");
- my $dbh = $pre_schema->storage->dbh;
- # clear existing db
- $self->msg("- clearing DB of existing tables");
- $pre_schema->storage->txn_do(sub {
- $pre_schema->storage->with_deferred_fk_checks(sub {
- foreach my $table (@tables) {
- eval {
- $dbh->do("drop table $table" . ($params->{cascade} ? ' cascade' : '') )
- };
- }
- });
- });
- # import new ddl file to db
- my $ddl_file = $params->{ddl};
- $self->msg("- deploying schema using $ddl_file");
- my $data = _read_sql($ddl_file);
- foreach (@$data) {
- eval { $dbh->do($_) or warn "SQL was:\n $_"};
- if ($@ && !$self->{ignore_sql_errors}) { die "SQL was:\n $_\n$@"; }
- }
- $self->msg("- finished importing DDL into DB");
- # load schema object from our new DB
- $namespace_counter++;
- my $namespace2 = "DBIx::Class::Fixtures::GeneratedSchema_$namespace_counter";
- Class::C3::Componentised->inject_base( $namespace2 => $schema_class );
- my $schema = $namespace2->connect(@{$connection_details});
- return $schema;
-sub _read_sql {
- my $ddl_file = shift;
- my $fh;
- open $fh, "<$ddl_file" or die ("Can't open DDL file, $ddl_file ($!)");
- my @data = split(/\n/, join('', <$fh>));
- @data = grep(!/^--/, @data);
- @data = split(/;/, join('', @data));
- close($fh);
- @data = grep { $_ && $_ !~ /^-- / } @data;
- return \@data;
-=head2 dump_config_sets
-Works just like L</dump> but instead of specifying a single json config set
-located in L</config_dir> we dump each set named in the C<configs> parameter.
-The parameters are the same as for L</dump> except instead of a C<directory>
-parameter we have a C<directory_template> which is a coderef expected to return
-a scalar that is a root directory where we will do the actual dumping. This
-coderef get three arguments: C<$self>, C<$params> and C<$set_name>. For
- $fixture->dump_all_config_sets({
- schema => $schema,
- configs => [qw/one.json other.json/],
- directory_template => sub {
- my ($fixture, $params, $set) = @_;
- return io->catdir('var', 'fixtures', $params->{schema}->version, $set);
- },
- });
-sub dump_config_sets {
- my ($self, $params) = @_;
- my $available_config_sets = delete $params->{configs};
- my $directory_template = delete $params->{directory_template} ||
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("'directory_template is required parameter");
- for my $set (@$available_config_sets) {
- my $localparams = $params;
- $localparams->{directory} = $directory_template->($self, $localparams, $set);
- $localparams->{config} = $set;
- $self->dump($localparams);
- $self->dumped_objects({}); ## Clear dumped for next go, if there is one!
- }
-=head2 dump_all_config_sets
- my %local_params = %$params;
- my $local_self = bless { %$self }, ref($self);
- $local_params{directory} = $directory_template->($self, \%local_params, $set);
- $local_params{config} = $set;
- $self->dump(\%local_params);
-Works just like L</dump> but instead of specifying a single json config set
-located in L</config_dir> we dump each set in turn to the specified directory.
-The parameters are the same as for L</dump> except instead of a C<directory>
-parameter we have a C<directory_template> which is a coderef expected to return
-a scalar that is a root directory where we will do the actual dumping. This
-coderef get three arguments: C<$self>, C<$params> and C<$set_name>. For
- $fixture->dump_all_config_sets({
- schema => $schema,
- directory_template => sub {
- my ($fixture, $params, $set) = @_;
- return io->catdir('var', 'fixtures', $params->{schema}->version, $set);
- },
- });
-sub dump_all_config_sets {
- my ($self, $params) = @_;
- $self->dump_config_sets({
- %$params,
- configs=>[$self->available_config_sets],
- });
-=head2 populate
-=over 4
-=item Arguments: \%$attrs
-=item Return Value: 1
- $fixtures->populate( {
- # directory to look for fixtures in, as specified to dump
- directory => '/home/me/app/fixtures',
- # DDL to deploy
- ddl => '/home/me/app/sql/ddl.sql',
- # database to clear, deploy and then populate
- connection_details => ['dbi:mysql:dbname=app_dev', 'me', 'password'],
- # DDL to deploy after populating records, ie. FK constraints
- post_ddl => '/home/me/app/sql/post_ddl.sql',
- # use CASCADE option when dropping tables
- cascade => 1,
- # optional, set to 1 to run ddl but not populate
- no_populate => 0,
- # optional, set to 1 to run each fixture through ->create rather than have
- # each $rs populated using $rs->populate. Useful if you have overridden new() logic
- # that effects the value of column(s).
- use_create => 0,
- # optional, same as use_create except with find_or_create.
- # Useful if you are populating a persistent data store.
- use_find_or_create => 0,
- # Dont try to clean the database, just populate over whats there. Requires
- # schema option. Use this if you want to handle removing old data yourself
- # no_deploy => 1
- # schema => $schema
- } );
-In this case the database app_dev will be cleared of all tables, then the
-specified DDL deployed to it, then finally all fixtures found in
-/home/me/app/fixtures will be added to it. populate will generate its own
-DBIx::Class schema from the DDL rather than being passed one to use. This is
-better as custom insert methods are avoided which can to get in the way. In
-some cases you might not have a DDL, and so this method will eventually allow a
-$schema object to be passed instead.
-If needed, you can specify a post_ddl attribute which is a DDL to be applied
-after all the fixtures have been added to the database. A good use of this
-option would be to add foreign key constraints since databases like Postgresql
-cannot disable foreign key checks.
-If your tables have foreign key constraints you may want to use the cascade
-attribute which will make the drop table functionality cascade, ie 'DROP TABLE
-$table CASCADE'.
-C<directory> is a required attribute.
-If you wish for DBIx::Class::Fixtures to clear the database for you pass in
-C<dll> (path to a DDL sql file) and C<connection_details> (array ref of DSN,
-user and pass).
-If you wish to deal with cleaning the schema yourself, then pass in a C<schema>
-attribute containing the connected schema you wish to operate on and set the
-C<no_deploy> attribute.
-sub populate {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($params) = @_;
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('first arg to populate must be hash ref')
- unless ref $params eq 'HASH';
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('directory param not specified')
- unless $params->{directory};
- my $fixture_dir = io->dir(delete $params->{directory});
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("fixture directory '$fixture_dir' does not exist")
- unless -d "$fixture_dir";
- my $ddl_file;
- my $dbh;
- my $schema;
- if ($params->{ddl} && $params->{connection_details}) {
- $ddl_file = io->file(delete $params->{ddl});
- unless (-e "$ddl_file") {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('DDL does not exist at ' . $ddl_file);
- }
- unless (ref $params->{connection_details} eq 'ARRAY') {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('connection details must be an arrayref');
- }
- $schema = $self->_generate_schema({
- ddl => "$ddl_file",
- connection_details => delete $params->{connection_details},
- %{$params}
- });
- } elsif ($params->{schema} && $params->{no_deploy}) {
- $schema = $params->{schema};
- } else {
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('you must set the ddl and connection_details params');
- }
- return 1 if $params->{no_populate};
- $self->msg("\nimporting fixtures");
- my $tmp_fixture_dir = io->dir(tempdir());
- my $config_set_path = io->file($fixture_dir, '_config_set');
- my $config_set = -e "$config_set_path" ? do { my $VAR1; eval($config_set_path->slurp); $VAR1 } : '';
- my $v = Data::Visitor::Callback->new(
- plain_value => sub {
- my ($visitor, $data) = @_;
- my $subs = {
- ENV => sub {
- my ( $self, $v ) = @_;
- if (! defined($ENV{$v})) {
- return "";
- } else {
- return $ENV{ $v };
- }
- },
- ATTR => sub {
- my ($self, $v) = @_;
- if(my $attr = $self->config_attrs->{$v}) {
- return $attr;
- } else {
- return "";
- }
- },
- catfile => sub {
- my ($self, @args) = @_;
- io->catfile(@args);
- },
- catdir => sub {
- my ($self, @args) = @_;
- io->catdir(@args);
- },
- };
- my $subsre = join( '|', keys %$subs );
- $_ =~ s{__($subsre)(?:\((.+?)\))?__}{ $subs->{ $1 }->( $self, $2 ? split( /,/, $2 ) : () ) }eg;
- return $_;
- }
- );
- $v->visit( $config_set );
- my %sets_by_src;
- if($config_set) {
- %sets_by_src = map { delete($_->{class}) => $_ }
- @{$config_set->{sets}}
- }
- if (-e "$tmp_fixture_dir") {
- $self->msg("- deleting existing temp directory $tmp_fixture_dir");
- $tmp_fixture_dir->rmtree;
- }
- $self->msg("- creating temp dir");
- $tmp_fixture_dir->mkpath();
- for ( map { $self->_name_for_source($schema->source($_)) } $schema->sources) {
- my $from_dir = io->catdir($fixture_dir, $_);
- next unless -e "$from_dir";
- $from_dir->copy( io->catdir($tmp_fixture_dir, $_)."" );
- }
- unless (-d "$tmp_fixture_dir") {
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("Unable to create temporary fixtures dir: $tmp_fixture_dir: $!");
- }
- my $fixup_visitor;
- my $formatter = $schema->storage->datetime_parser;
- unless ($@ || !$formatter) {
- my %callbacks;
- if ($params->{datetime_relative_to}) {
- $callbacks{'DateTime::Duration'} = sub {
- $params->{datetime_relative_to}->clone->add_duration($_);
- };
- } else {
- $callbacks{'DateTime::Duration'} = sub {
- $formatter->format_datetime(DateTime->today->add_duration($_))
- };
- }
- $callbacks{object} ||= "visit_ref";
- $fixup_visitor = new Data::Visitor::Callback(%callbacks);
- }
- $schema->storage->txn_do(sub {
- $schema->storage->with_deferred_fk_checks(sub {
- my @sorted_source_names = $self->_get_sorted_sources( $schema );
- foreach my $source (@sorted_source_names) {
- $self->msg("- adding " . $source);
- my $rs = $schema->resultset($source);
- my $source_dir = io->catdir($tmp_fixture_dir, $self->_name_for_source($rs->result_source));
- next unless (-e "$source_dir");
- my @rows;
- while (my $file = $source_dir->next) {
- next unless ($file =~ /\.fix$/);
- next if $file->is_dir;
- my $contents = $file->slurp;
- my $HASH1;
- eval($contents);
- $HASH1 = $fixup_visitor->visit($HASH1) if $fixup_visitor;
- if(my $external = delete $HASH1->{external}) {
- my @fields = keys %{$sets_by_src{$source}->{external}};
- foreach my $field(@fields) {
- my $key = $HASH1->{$field};
- my $content = decode_base64 ($external->{$field});
- my $args = $sets_by_src{$source}->{external}->{$field}->{args};
- my ($plus, $class) = ( $sets_by_src{$source}->{external}->{$field}->{class}=~/^(\+)*(.+)$/);
- $class = "DBIx::Class::Fixtures::External::$class" unless $plus;
- eval "use $class";
- $class->restore($key, $content, $args);
- }
- }
- if ( $params->{use_create} ) {
- $rs->create( $HASH1 );
- } elsif( $params->{use_find_or_create} ) {
- $rs->find_or_create( $HASH1 );
- } else {
- push(@rows, $HASH1);
- }
- }
- $rs->populate(\@rows) if scalar(@rows);
- ## Now we need to do some db specific cleanup
- ## this probably belongs in a more isolated space. Right now this is
- ## to just handle postgresql SERIAL types that use Sequences
- my $table = $rs->result_source->name;
- for my $column(my @columns = $rs->result_source->columns) {
- my $info = $rs->result_source->column_info($column);
- if(my $sequence = $info->{sequence}) {
- $self->msg("- updating sequence $sequence");
- $rs->result_source->storage->dbh_do(sub {
- my ($storage, $dbh, @cols) = @_;
- $self->msg(my $sql = "SELECT setval('${sequence}', (SELECT max($column) FROM ${table}));");
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
- my $rv = $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
- $self->msg("- $sql");
- });
- }
- }
- }
- });
- });
- $self->do_post_ddl( {
- schema=>$schema,
- post_ddl=>$params->{post_ddl}
- } ) if $params->{post_ddl};
- $self->msg("- fixtures imported");
- $self->msg("- cleaning up");
- $tmp_fixture_dir->rmtree;
- return 1;
-# the overall logic is modified from SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class->parse
-sub _get_sorted_sources {
- my ( $self, $dbicschema ) = @_;
- my %table_monikers = map { $_ => 1 } $dbicschema->sources;
- my %tables;
- foreach my $moniker (sort keys %table_monikers) {
- my $source = $dbicschema->source($moniker);
- my $table_name = $source->name;
- my @primary = $source->primary_columns;
- my @rels = $source->relationships();
- my %created_FK_rels;
- foreach my $rel (sort @rels) {
- my $rel_info = $source->relationship_info($rel);
- # Ignore any rel cond that isn't a straight hash
- next unless ref $rel_info->{cond} eq 'HASH';
- my @keys = map {$rel_info->{cond}->{$_} =~ /^\w+\.(\w+)$/} keys(%{$rel_info->{cond}});
- # determine if this relationship is a self.fk => foreign.pk (i.e. belongs_to)
- my $fk_constraint;
- if ( exists $rel_info->{attrs}{is_foreign_key_constraint} ) {
- $fk_constraint = $rel_info->{attrs}{is_foreign_key_constraint};
- } elsif ( $rel_info->{attrs}{accessor}
- && $rel_info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi' ) {
- $fk_constraint = 0;
- } else {
- $fk_constraint = not $source->_compare_relationship_keys(\@keys, \@primary);
- }
- # Dont add a relation if its not constraining
- next unless $fk_constraint;
- my $rel_table = $source->related_source($rel)->source_name;
- # Make sure we don't create the same relation twice
- my $key_test = join("\x00", sort @keys);
- next if $created_FK_rels{$rel_table}->{$key_test};
- if (scalar(@keys)) {
- $created_FK_rels{$rel_table}->{$key_test} = 1;
- # calculate dependencies: do not consider deferrable constraints and
- # self-references for dependency calculations
- if (! $rel_info->{attrs}{is_deferrable} and $rel_table ne $table_name) {
- $tables{$moniker}{$rel_table}++;
- }
- }
- }
- $tables{$moniker} = {} unless exists $tables{$moniker};
- }
- # resolve entire dep tree
- my $dependencies = {
- map { $_ => _resolve_deps ($_, \%tables) } (keys %tables)
- };
- # return the sorted result
- return sort {
- keys %{$dependencies->{$a} || {} } <=> keys %{ $dependencies->{$b} || {} }
- ||
- $a cmp $b
- } (keys %tables);
-sub _resolve_deps {
- my ( $question, $answers, $seen ) = @_;
- my $ret = {};
- $seen ||= {};
- my %seen = map { $_ => $seen->{$_} + 1 } ( keys %$seen );
- $seen{$question} = 1;
- for my $dep (keys %{ $answers->{$question} }) {
- return {} if $seen->{$dep};
- my $subdeps = _resolve_deps( $dep, $answers, \%seen );
- ::Dwarn $subdeps if $dep eq 'downloads';
- $ret->{$_} += $subdeps->{$_} for ( keys %$subdeps );
- ++$ret->{$dep};
- }
- return $ret;
-sub do_post_ddl {
- my ($self, $params) = @_;
- my $schema = $params->{schema};
- my $data = _read_sql($params->{post_ddl});
- foreach (@$data) {
- eval { $schema->storage->dbh->do($_) or warn "SQL was:\n $_"};
- if ($@ && !$self->{ignore_sql_errors}) { die "SQL was:\n $_\n$@"; }
- }
- $self->msg("- finished importing post-populate DDL into DB");
-sub msg {
- my $self = shift;
- my $subject = shift || return;
- my $level = shift || 1;
- return unless $self->debug >= $level;
- if (ref $subject) {
- print Dumper($subject);
- } else {
- print $subject . "\n";
- }
-# Helper method for ensuring that the name used for a given source
-# is always the same (This is used to name the fixture directories
-# for example)
-sub _name_for_source {
- my ($self, $source) = @_;
- return ref $source->name ? $source->source_name : $source->name;
-=head1 AUTHOR
- Luke Saunders <luke@shadowcatsystems.co.uk>
- Initial development sponsored by and (c) Takkle, Inc. 2007
- Ash Berlin <ash@shadowcatsystems.co.uk>
- Matt S. Trout <mst@shadowcatsystems.co.uk>
- Drew Taylor <taylor.andrew.j@gmail.com>
- Frank Switalski <fswitalski@gmail.com>
- Chris Akins <chris.hexx@gmail.com>
-=head1 LICENSE
- This library is free software under the same license as perl itself