t/lib/dprof/V.pm Perl code profiler tests
t/lib/feature/bundle Tests for feature bundles
t/lib/feature/implicit Tests for implicit loading of feature.pm
-t/lib/feature/leak Tests for memory leaks
t/lib/feature/nonesuch Tests for enabling/disabling nonexistent feature
t/lib/feature/say Tests for enabling/disabling say feature
t/lib/feature/switch Tests for enabling/disabling switch feature
+++ /dev/null
-Check that 'use feature' does not leak
-# RT 63110 - Check that s///ee does not leak a hints variable
-use feature qw(:5.10);
-my $t;
-my $s = "a";
-$s =~ s/a/$t = \%^H; qq( qq() );/ee;
-print Internals::SvREFCNT(%$t);