Revision history for Perl extension Devel::Size.
+0.74_51 2011-04-20 nicholas
+ * Don't count PL_sv_{undef,no,yes} in the size returned
0.74_50 2011-04-19 nicholas
* Ensure that size() doesn't add the referent's size for non SVt_RV references
if (NULL != (warn_flag = perl_get_sv("Devel::Size::dangle", FALSE))) {
st->dangle_whine = SvIV(warn_flag) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ check_new(st, &PL_sv_undef);
+ check_new(st, &PL_sv_no);
+ check_new(st, &PL_sv_yes);
return st;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use Test::More tests => 15;
+use Test::More tests => 18;
use strict;
use Devel::Size qw(size total_size);
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
is(total_size($a), total_size([]),
'Any intial reference is dereferenced and discarded');
+# Must call direct - avoid all copying:
+foreach(['undef', total_size(undef)],
+ ['no', total_size(1 == 0)],
+ ['yes', total_size(1 == 1)],
+ ) {
+ my ($name, $size) = @$_;
+ is($size, 0,
+ "PL_sv_$name is interpeter wide, so not counted as part of the structure's size");
# assert hash and hash key size
+# Note, undef puts PL_sv_undef on perl's stack. Assigning to a hash or array
+# value is always copying, so { a => undef } has a value which is a fresh
+# (allocated) SVt_NULL. Nowever, total_size(undef) isn't a copy, so total_size()
+# sees PL_sv_undef, which is a singleton, interpreter wide, so isn't counted as
+# part of the size. So we need to use an unassigned scalar to get the correct
+# size for a SVt_NULL:
+my $undef;
my $hash = {};
$hash->{a} = 1;
is (total_size($hash),
- total_size( { a => undef } ) + total_size(1) - total_size(undef),
+ total_size( { a => undef } ) + total_size(1) - total_size($undef),
'assert hash and hash key size');
$array = [ 0..$size, undef, undef ]; pop @$array;
$array_size = total_size($array);
- my $scalar_size = total_size(1) * (1+$size) + total_size(undef) * 1 + $ptr_size
+ my $scalar_size = total_size(1) * (1+$size) + total_size($undef) * 1 + $ptr_size
+ $ptr_size * ($size + 2) + total_size([]);
is ($scalar_size, $array_size, "computed right size if full array");