use strict;
use warnings;
use Moose::Role;
+use Date::Parse;
use Text::Tradition::Stemma;
use Text::Tradition::StemmaUtil qw/ parse_newick /;
Records the result returned by a Stemweb calculation, and clears any
existing job ID.
-TODO Test!
+=begin testing
+use Text::Tradition;
+use JSON qw/ from_json /;
+my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'Stemweb test',
+ 'input' => 'Self',
+ 'file' => 't/data/besoin.xml',
+ 'stemweb_jobid' => '4',
+ );
+is( $t->stemma_count, 0, "No stemmas added yet" );
+my $answer = from_json( '{"status": 0, "job_id": "4", "algorithm": "RHM", "format": "newick", "start_time": "2013-10-26 10:44:14.050263", "result": "((((((((((((F,U),V),S),T1),T2),A),J),B),L),D),M),C);\n", "end_time": "2013-10-26 10:45:55.398944"}' );
+$t->record_stemweb_result( $answer );
+ok( !$t->has_stemweb_jobid, "Job ID was removed from tradition" );
+is( $t->stemma_count, 1, "Tradition has new stemma" );
+ok( $t->stemma(0)->is_undirected, "New stemma is undirected as it should be" );
+is( $t->stemma(0)->identifier, "RHM 1382777054_0", "Stemma has correct identifier" );
+=end testing
sub record_stemweb_result {
- my( $self, $format, $data ) = @_;
- if( $format eq 'dot' ) {
- $self->add_stemma( dot => $data );
- } elsif( $format eq 'newick' ) {
- my $stemmata = parse_newick( $data );
+ my( $self, $answer ) = @_;
+ if( $answer->{format} eq 'dot' ) {
+ $self->add_stemma( dot => $answer->{result} );
+ } elsif( $answer->{format} eq 'newick' ) {
+ my $stemmata = parse_newick( $answer->{result} );
+ my $title = sprintf( "%s %d", $answer->{algorithm},
+ str2time( $answer->{start_time} ) );
+ my $i = 0;
foreach my $stemma ( @$stemmata ) {
+ my $ititle = $title . "_$i"; $i++;
+ $stemma->set_identifier( $ititle );
$self->_add_stemma( $stemma );
- $self->_clear_stemweb_jobid();
} else {
- $self->throw( "Cannot parse tree results with format $format" );
+ $self->throw( "Cannot parse tree results with format " . $answer->{format} );
+ $self->_clear_stemweb_jobid();
+# =begin testing
+use Text::Tradition;
+use JSON qw/ from_json /;
+my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'Stemweb test',
+ 'input' => 'Self',
+ 'file' => 't/data/besoin.xml',
+ 'stemweb_jobid' => '4',
+ );
+is( $t->stemma_count, 0, "No stemmas added yet" );
+my $answer = from_json( '{"status": 0, "job_id": "4", "algorithm": "RHM", "format": "newick", "start_time": "2013-10-26 10:44:14.050263", "result": "((((((((((((F,U),V),S),T1),T2),A),J),B),L),D),M),C);\n", "end_time": "2013-10-26 10:45:55.398944"}' );
+$t->record_stemweb_result( $answer );
+ok( !$t->has_stemweb_jobid, "Job ID was removed from tradition" );
+is( $t->stemma_count, 1, "Tradition has new stemma" );
+ok( $t->stemma(0)->is_undirected, "New stemma is undirected as it should be" );
+is( $t->stemma(0)->identifier, "RHM 1382777054_0", "Stemma has correct identifier" );