use MooseX::Types -declare => [qw/NameSeparator/];
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/ArrayRef Str Int HashRef CodeRef/;
use MooseX::AttributeHelpers;
- use SQL::Abstract::Types qw/NameSeparator QuoteChars AST ArrayAST/;
+ use SQL::Abstract::Types qw/NameSeparator QuoteChars AST HashAST ArrayAST/;
# Main entry point
- method generate(ClassName $class: AST $ast) {
+ method generate(ClassName $class: HashAST $ast) {
+ my $ver = $ast->{-ast_version};
croak "SQL::Abstract AST version not specified"
- unless ($ast->[0] eq '-ast_version');
- my (undef, $ver) = splice(@$ast, 0, 2);
+ unless defined $ver;
# TODO: once MXMS supports %args, use that here
my $self = $class->create($ver);
in => $self->can('_in'),
not_in => $self->can('_in'),
+ and => $self->can('_recurse_where'),
+ or => $self->can('_recurse_where'),
map { +"$_" => $self->can("_$_") } qw/
return "?";
- method _recurse_where(ArrayRef $clauses) {
+ method _recurse_where(HashAST $ast) {
- my $OP = 'AND';
- my $prio = $SQL::Abstract::PRIO{and};
- my $first = $clauses->[0];
+ my $op = $ast->{op};
- if (!ref $first) {
- if ($first =~ /^-(and|or)$/) {
- $OP = uc($1);
- $prio = $SQL::Abstract::PRIO{$1};
- shift @$clauses;
- } else {
- # If first is not a ref, and its not -and or -or, then $clauses
- # contains just a single clause
- $clauses = [ $clauses ];
- }
- }
+ my $OP = uc $op;
+ my $prio = $SQL::Abstract::PRIO{$op};
my $dispatch_table = $self->where_dispatch_table;
my @output;
- foreach (@$clauses) {
+ foreach ( @{$ast->{args}} ) {
croak "invalid component in where clause: $_" unless is_ArrayRef($_);
my $op = $_->[0];
- method _in(ArrayAST $ast) {
- my ($tag, $field, @values) = @$ast;
+ method _in(HashAST $ast) {
+ my ($field,$values) = @{$ast->{args}};
+ my $not = ($ast->{op} =~ /^-not/) ? " NOT" : "";
- my $not = $tag =~ /^-not/ ? " NOT" : "";
+ return $self->_false if !defined $values || @$values == 0;
- return $self->_false if @values == 0;
return $self->_where_component($field) .
" IN (" .
- join(", ", map { $self->dispatch($_) } @values ) .
+ join(", ", map { $self->dispatch($_) } @$values ) .
), " > ?",
"simple where clause";
is $sqla->dispatch(
- [ -in => [ ] ]
+ { -type => 'expr', op => 'in', args => [ ] }
), "0 = 1", "emtpy -in";
is $sqla->dispatch(
- [ -where =>
- [ '>', [-name => qw/me id/], [-value => 500 ] ]
- ]
-), "WHERE > ?",
- "simple where clause";
+ { -type => 'expr',
+ op => 'in',
+ args => [ { -type => 'name', args => ['foo'] } ],
+ }
+), "0 = 1", "emtpy -in";
-eq_or_diff( [ SQL::Abstract->generate(
- [ -ast_version => 1,
- -where =>
- [ '>', [-name => qw/me id/], [-value => 500 ] ],
- [ '==', [-name => qw/me name/], [-value => '200' ] ]
+is $sqla->dispatch(
+ { -type => 'expr',
+ op => '>',
+ args => [
+ {-type => 'name', args => [qw/me id/]},
+ {-type => 'value', value => 500 }
+ }
+), " > ?",
+ "simple expr clause";
+eq_or_diff( [ SQL::Abstract->generate(
+ { -ast_version => 1,
+ -type => 'expr',
+ op => 'and',
+ args => [
+ { -type => 'expr',
+ op => '>',
+ args => [
+ {-type => 'name', args => [qw/me id/]},
+ {-type => 'value', value => 500 }
+ ]
+ },
+ { -type => 'expr',
+ op => '==',
+ args => [
+ {-type => 'name', args => [qw/me name/]},
+ {-type => 'value', value => '200' }
+ ]
+ },
+ ]
+ }
) ],
- [ "WHERE > ? AND = ?",
+ [ " > ? AND = ?",
[ 500,
"Where with binds"
is $sqla->dispatch(