+sub _maybe_make_accessors {
+ my ($self, $role, $target) = @_;
+ my $m;
+ if ($INFO{$role}{inhaled_from_moose}
+ or $m = Moo->_accessor_maker_for($target)
+ and ref($m) ne 'Method::Generate::Accessor') {
+ $self->_make_accessors($role, $target);
+ }
sub _make_accessors_if_moose {
my ($self, $role, $target) = @_;
if ($INFO{$role}{inhaled_from_moose}) {
- if (my @attrs = @{$INFO{$role}{attributes}||[]}) {
- my $acc_gen = ($Moo::MAKERS{$target}{accessor} ||= do {
- require Method::Generate::Accessor;
- Method::Generate::Accessor->new
- });
- while (my ($name, $spec) = splice @attrs, 0, 2) {
- $acc_gen->generate_method($target, $name, $spec);
- }
- }
+ $self->_make_accessors($role, $target);
+ }
+sub _make_accessors {
+ my ($self, $role, $target) = @_;
+ my $acc_gen = ($Moo::MAKERS{$target}{accessor} ||= do {
+ require Method::Generate::Accessor;
+ Method::Generate::Accessor->new
+ });
+ my @attrs = @{$INFO{$role}{attributes}||[]};
+ while (my ($name, $spec) = splice @attrs, 0, 2) {
+ $acc_gen->generate_method($target, $name, $spec);
sub apply_single_role_to_package {
my ($me, $to, $role) = @_;
- $me->_make_accessors_if_moose($role, $to);
- $me->SUPER::apply_single_role_to_package($to, $role);
$me->_handle_constructor($to, $INFO{$role}{attributes});
+ $me->_maybe_make_accessors($role, $to);
+ $me->SUPER::apply_single_role_to_package($to, $role);
sub create_class_with_roles {
# only fiddle with the constructor if the target is a Moo class
if ($INC{"Moo.pm"}
and my $con = Moo->_constructor_maker_for($to, $superclass)) {
+ # shallow copy of the specs since the constructor will assign an index
$con->register_attribute_specs(map ref() ? { %$_ } : $_, @$attr_info);