--- /dev/null
+package Mouse::Meta::Method::Accessor;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub _install_accessor{
+ my (undef, $attribute, $method_name, $class, $type) = @_;
+ my $name = $attribute->name;
+ my $default = $attribute->default;
+ my $constraint = $attribute->type_constraint;
+ my $builder = $attribute->builder;
+ my $trigger = $attribute->trigger;
+ my $is_weak = $attribute->is_weak_ref;
+ my $should_deref = $attribute->should_auto_deref;
+ my $should_coerce = $attribute->should_coerce;
+ my $compiled_type_constraint = $constraint ? $constraint->{_compiled_type_constraint} : undef;
+ my $self = '$_[0]';
+ my $key = $attribute->_inlined_name;
+ $type ||= 'accessor';
+ my $accessor =
+ '#line ' . __LINE__ . ' "' . __FILE__ . "\"\n" .
+ "sub {\n";
+ if ($type eq 'accessor' || $type eq 'writer') {
+ if($type eq 'accessor'){
+ $accessor .=
+ '#line ' . __LINE__ . ' "' . __FILE__ . "\"\n" .
+ 'if (scalar(@_) >= 2) {' . "\n";
+ }
+ else{ # writer
+ $accessor .=
+ '#line ' . __LINE__ . ' "' . __FILE__ . "\"\n" .
+ 'if(@_ < 2){ Carp::confess("Not enough arguments for writer '.$method_name.'") }'.
+ '{' . "\n";
+ }
+ my $value = '$_[1]';
+ if ($constraint) {
+ if ($should_coerce) {
+ $accessor .=
+ "\n".
+ '#line ' . __LINE__ . ' "' . __FILE__ . "\"\n" .
+ 'my $val = Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints->typecast_constraints("'.$attribute->associated_class->name.'", $attribute->{type_constraint}, '.$value.');';
+ $value = '$val';
+ }
+ if ($compiled_type_constraint) {
+ $accessor .=
+ "\n".
+ '#line ' . __LINE__ . ' "' . __FILE__ . "\"\n" .
+ 'unless ($compiled_type_constraint->('.$value.')) {
+ $attribute->verify_type_constraint_error($name, '.$value.', $attribute->{type_constraint});
+ }' . "\n";
+ } else {
+ $accessor .=
+ "\n".
+ '#line ' . __LINE__ . ' "' . __FILE__ . "\"\n" .
+ 'unless ($constraint->check('.$value.')) {
+ $attribute->verify_type_constraint_error($name, '.$value.', $attribute->{type_constraint});
+ }' . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # if there's nothing left to do for the attribute we can return during
+ # this setter
+ $accessor .= 'return ' if !$is_weak && !$trigger && !$should_deref;
+ $accessor .= $self.'->{'.$key.'} = '.$value.';' . "\n";
+ if ($is_weak) {
+ $accessor .= 'Scalar::Util::weaken('.$self.'->{'.$key.'}) if ref('.$self.'->{'.$key.'});' . "\n";
+ }
+ if ($trigger) {
+ $accessor .= '$trigger->('.$self.', '.$value.');' . "\n";
+ }
+ $accessor .= "}\n";
+ }
+ elsif($type eq 'reader') {
+ $accessor .= 'Carp::confess("Cannot assign a value to a read-only accessor") if scalar(@_) >= 2;' . "\n";
+ }
+ else{
+ $class->throw_error("Unknown accessor type '$type'");
+ }
+ if ($attribute->is_lazy) {
+ $accessor .= $self.'->{'.$key.'} = ';
+ $accessor .= $attribute->has_builder
+ ? $self.'->$builder'
+ : ref($default) eq 'CODE'
+ ? '$default->('.$self.')'
+ : '$default';
+ $accessor .= ' if !exists '.$self.'->{'.$key.'};' . "\n";
+ }
+ if ($should_deref) {
+ if ($constraint->is_a_type_of('ArrayRef')) {
+ $accessor .= 'if (wantarray) {
+ return @{ '.$self.'->{'.$key.'} || [] };
+ }';
+ }
+ elsif($constraint->is_a_type_of('HashRef')){
+ $accessor .= 'if (wantarray) {
+ return %{ '.$self.'->{'.$key.'} || {} };
+ }';
+ }
+ else{
+ $class->throw_error("Can not auto de-reference the type constraint " . $constraint->name);
+ }
+ }
+ $accessor .= 'return '.$self.'->{'.$key."};\n}";
+ #print $accessor, "\n";
+ my $code = eval $accessor;
+ $attribute->throw_error($@) if $@;
+ $class->add_method($method_name => $code);
+ return;
+sub _install_reader{
+ my $class = shift;
+ $class->_install_accessor(@_, 'reader');
+ return;
+sub _install_writer{
+ my $class = shift;
+ $class->_install_accessor(@_, 'writer');
+ return;
+sub _install_predicate {
+ my (undef, $attribute, $method_name, $class) = @_;
+ my $key = $attribute->_inlined_name;
+ my $predicate = 'sub { exists($_[0]->{'.$key.'}) }';
+ my $code = eval $predicate;
+ $attribute->throw_error($@) if $@;
+ $class->add_method($method_name => $code);
+ return;
+sub _install_clearer {
+ my (undef, $attribute, $method_name, $class) = @_;
+ my $key = $attribute->_inlined_name;
+ my $clearer = 'sub { delete($_[0]->{'.$key.'}) }';
+ my $code = eval $clearer;
+ $attribute->throw_error($@) if $@;
+ $class->add_method($method_name => $code);
+ return;
+sub _install_handles {
+ my (undef, $attribute, $handles, $class) = @_;
+ my $reader = $attribute->name;
+ my %handles = $attribute->_canonicalize_handles($handles);
+ my @methods;
+ foreach my $local_method (keys %handles) {
+ my $remote_method = $handles{$local_method};
+ my $method = 'sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->'.$reader.'->'.$remote_method.'(@_)
+ }';
+ my $code = eval $method;
+ $attribute->throw_error($@) if $@;
+ push @methods, ($local_method => $code);
+ }
+ # install after all the method compiled successfully
+ while(my($name, $code) = splice @methods, 0, 2){
+ $class->add_method($name, $code);
+ }
+ return;